12 Affirmations and prayers for December 18th 2023

Here are 12 affirmations and prayers for December 18th, 2023

Our Daily Manna For Champions 22nd November 2021
Our Daily Manna Bishop quote


  1. I am guided and protected by divine grace in every step I take today.
  2. I am grateful for the blessings in my life, both big and small.
  3. I radiate love, kindness, and positivity to everyone I encounter.
  4. I am capable, strong, and resilient in facing any challenges that come my way.
  5. My actions align with my values, bringing clarity and purpose to my day.
  6. I attract abundance and opportunities for growth in every aspect of my life.
  7. I approach today with a joyful heart, embracing each moment with gratitude.
  8. I trust in divine timing and allow peace to guide my decisions today.
  9. I am surrounded by supportive and loving energies, both seen and unseen.
  10. My mind is clear, focused, and open to new possibilities and ideas.
  11. I am a conduit of peace and understanding, spreading positivity wherever I go.
  12. I am worthy of love, success, and happiness, and I embrace these blessings with open arms.


Dear Heavenly Father (or personal deity),

As I begin this day on December 18th, 2023, I come to You in gratitude for the gift of life and the opportunities this day holds. I ask for Your guidance and wisdom in navigating through the day’s challenges and blessings.

Grant me the strength to face any difficulties with resilience and grace, and the courage to embrace moments of joy and celebration. May my actions and words reflect Your love and kindness, touching the lives of those around me in a positive way.

Guide my decisions, thoughts, and actions, aligning them with Your divine will and purpose for my life. Help me stay focused, centered, and aligned with Your peace, allowing me to be a source of light and positivity in the world.

I am grateful for Your continuous presence in my life and for the love that surrounds me. Thank you for the opportunities that come my way today, and may I use them to grow, learn, and spread kindness.

In Your name (or in the name of the deity you follow), I pray. Amen.


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