3 Reasons You Should Read Our Daily Manna Devotional

3 Reasons You Should Read Our Daily Manna Devotional

Our daily manna devotional is written by Bishop Chris Kwakpovwe, who is one of the finest ministers of
God in this part of our world. It is indeed one of the most read devotionals in this part of the world.

Here are some good reasons to always read this daily devotional.

  1. It Enriches Your Inner Man

Your inner man is the real you, your spirit. Just in case you are not aware, you are a spirit with a soul
that is residing in a body. So, you are not the flesh (the outward features) you are seeing. The real you is
in the inside. The real you is who you truly are.

Daily Manna ODM
Daily Manna ODM

Now, many times, a lot of humans in different parts of the world keeps making the mistake of giving
more priority to their outward appearances than their inner person (the spirit). We are not saying that
you shouldn’t take good care of your body. However, you must understand the fact that your inner man
is at the top of the cadre as far as importance is concerned.

The truth remains that you will put off this your flesh one day (since everyone will definitely die one
day). Either you think you are beautiful or not, you will have to put off your human clothing one day.
Look back, and you will see that many very beautiful people are dead and long gone already. It doesn’t
matter how great a person is taking good care of their body, they will definitely die one day.

However, when you depart, your spirit is always alive. Your spirit won’t die, because spirits don’ really
die. Your spirit will abide forever, due to its configuration. Don’;t forget, even Jesus testified that God is a
Spirit. And it is a truth that we humans on earth are being created in the very image of God. That means,
we are also spirits. And since God (the Eternal Spirit who is the King of spirits) won

t die (but lives
forever and ever), then it means we too (our spirits won’t die).

Therefore, wisdom demands that you give great priority to your spirit even ahead of your body. And
much more than the way you ensure the nourishments of your body, you should always see to it that
your spirit is always nourished. This is one of the major importance of Our Daily manna devotional, as it
is a good spiritual material that can be utilized to bless your spirit continually.

As human foods gives nourishments to the body, good spiritual materials gives your spirit nourishments
and vitality. Therefore, you should see to it that you keep investing your life, time and other resources in
things greatly beneficial to your human spirit.

A good way to go about this is to invest big in spiritual materials. Not just any type of spiritual materials,
but good ones that are endorsed and empowered by the Holy Spirit. One of such is the Our Daily manna
devotional – ODM devotional. It will always bless your inner man.

We can talk about good reasons why our daily manna devotional is a good spiritual material. You should
know that there are certain so-called spiritual materials that we can’t recommend to some people.
However, we can always recommend something like our daily manna daily devotional because it is
empowered by the Holy Spirit. The truth is, for anything to be really beneficial to your human spirit, it
must be sponsored and endorsed by the Holy Spirit first before anything else.

Considering several beautiful things and fruits attached to our daily manna devotional, it is obvious that
the good hand of God is upon the ministry and minister writing it. Therefore, it can be recommended.

2. It Enlightens Your Mind

It is actually necessary to know that your mind is an integral part of your soul. You are meant to keep
feeding your mind too so you can keep getting better as a person. And it is also very important to add
that you must also always be eager to feed your mind with only what is good.

Your mind is a big doorway to your spirit (and don’t forget that we have put emphasis on the fact that
your spirit is very essential because it is the real you). Therefore, whatever you allow go through your
mind must be very important and good, because it is getting to your spirit.

So, rather than allowing rubbish things in your mind, you can always give priority to such things as our
daily manna devotional. As you read such materials, you are actually helping your mind to get better,
and you will be much better too as a person. More than that, your spirit is blessed too.

3. Your Outward Appearances

Finally, as our daily manna is blessing your spirit and soul, it helps you become a much better person
too. In fact, you live a responsible and attractive life, and you will always be attractive yourself. So, there
is always a good difference between a true believer who is radiating God's glory, and others who don't
know the Lord.

You can live a very good life as you are very saturated with God’s can come through spiritual
materials like our daily manna devotional. You can always read this material to help you become a much
better person here on earth, and to become an eternal champion. Therefore, we can recommend that
you should read a devotional like our daily manna.

In Conclusion

While there are several daily devotionals out there, we can recommend the likes of our daily manna


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