Our Daily Manna Devotional 8 April 2021 By Dr Chris Kwapkovwe
TOPIC: 62 OR 26?
Researchers have found out that it takes sixty two muscles to frown but only 26 muscles to smile. No wonder it was said, “If you’re not smiling, you’re like a man with a million dollars in the bank, but with no cheque book.”

Our Daily Manna Devotional 8 April 2021 By Dr Chris Kwapkovwe
And that is why Davis Eric concluded: “It takes a lot of energy to be negative. You have to work at it. But smiling is painless. I’d rather spend my energy smiling.” Here is the thing: many people wait for people to smile at them before they smile! They wait to GET a smile before they GIVE a smile. Why not BE THE FIRST TO GIVE? The Bible makes it clear that “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”
Our Daily Manna Devotional 8 April 2021 By Dr Chris Kwapkovwe
MAKE THE FIRST MOVE AND GIVE THAT SMILE OUT as you go out daily. Millions are miserable and your smile can be an ANSWER to someone’s misery! Hear Mother Theresa: Every time you smile at someone, it’s an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.” I repeat for emphasis: God is counting on you today to give that precious gift of a SMILE to that you meet with daily. Let everyone that looks into your face, see HOPE on your face. Let their hearts be encouraged by the cheerful expression of face.
Our Daily Manna Devotional 8 April 2021 By Dr Chris Kwapkovwe
The Joy of the Lord is your strength (today’s scripture Vs.10). Let that joy fill your heart today and let it radiate on your face. When your heart fills your face with a smile of joy, people see and that joy is transmitted to them too, It takes less energy to smile, so do It more often. Don’t allow the devil to steal your SMILE. Laugh often because there is a DETERENCE BETWEEN 26 and 62!
Don’t allow your enemies to have the last laugh! Smile now! Pray now!
ODM ON THEIR BEHALF: Give out ODM copies ( a carton or three copies each on BEHALF OF EACH OF YOUR
CNILDREN/LOVED ONES) and I shall respond with a voice note prayer session or 3 praophetic prayers of: THEY CANNOT BE HURT! WhatsApp +234 903 264 8292. Our Daily Manna Devotional 8 April 2021 By Dr Chris Kwapkovwe
PRAYER POINTS: Take any song of worship as led now. 2ND QUARTER (April-June) HYMNS 2021 – CLICK HERE
- Pray over today’s Word as it has ministered to you.
- The JOY of the LORD is my strength! Satan, you CANNODT
STOP my strength! I choose to SMILE and LAUGH by force
In Jesus name. SMILE and Laugh now! - Father, cause my Joy to overflow, My joy shall know no
end, in Jesus name. - I choose to rejoice. I choose to be glad. Devil, you will no
steal my joy. You will not steal my gladness. I reject depression/sorrow in Jesus name, Pray about today now.
Our Daily Manna Devotional 8 April 2021 By Dr Chris Kwapkovwe