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Advise from a Medical Doctor to all men in 2022

Advise from a Medical Doctor to all men in 2022

A medical doctor decided to send some words of advice to gentlemen via WhatsApp. The advice is simple and straightforward. Please share with every man out there so all can get healthier and better in 2022

Advise from a Medical Doctor to all men in 2022

  1. You cannot settle all financial expenses in one day. Those who did are stressfully sick and some are buried already.

  2. Please create time to rest, it is not a sin to sit down , put up your legs on the table and pick popcorn whilst reading a book or just relaxing

  3. Please sleep if need be that headache will go. Those who refuse to take vacation, or leave, or time out or rest time, their families are missing them because they have gone untimely to their maker.

Advise from a Medical Doctor to all men in 2022

  1. Stop taking sedatives to sleep, you are destroying your brain and organs. At a point you will begin to forget things. Relax the brain , worry less, think less, laugh more , smile more. Everything will pass with time.

  2. Sometimes go and sit outside quietly on your own, do nothing say nothing , just admire God’s handiwork, breathe in fresh air calmly. Hurry not.

  3. Stand by your mirror smile to yourself, laugh , dance, sing, that turns on a positive aura around you so you can glow.

  4. Go buy yourself a snack or two with drink if you choose to do so. Just do something for yourself, so you offload the things in your head.

  5. If you are not feeling well say it , do something about it, go to health centre, hospital or call a nearby nurse, do not sit around, your life matters .

  6. Check your blood pressure and sugar level occasionally, whether you are sick or not. It has saved a lot of men in the past. Trust me on this.

Remember to share with all the men you love & let them enjoy 2022 in good health and abundance.
Gentlemen this is a reminder to all of us. We are important and must take care of ourselves.


Advise from a Medical Doctor to all men in 2022

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