
ODM Devotional 9 December 2017

Daily Manna for today

ODM Devotional 9 December 2017 THE SECRET: THE SMALL BASIC THINGS DAILY! Welcome! When Jim Rohn , the great American philosopher,  was asked how he became successful why many of his friends did not, he simply said: “The answer is simple! The things I found to be easy to do, …

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Our Daily Manna Devotional 10 December 2017

ODM by Dr Chris

Our Daily Manna Devotional 10 December 2017 WHAT GHANDI SAID… Our Daily Manna Devotional 10 December 2017 Years ago, a company in the USA started delivering the Word of God as a reminder for daily prayers. Alan Westenberg  said, “It began with a promise to pray for each other at 3 …

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Daily Manna Devotional 11 December 2017

Our Daily Manna

Daily Manna Devotional 11 December 2017 TRUST IS A CURSE! Daily Manna Devotional 11 December 2017 Basic Scripture: Jeremiah 17:1-10 Welcome today’s devotional encounter with these questions as our leading signposts: “What is one of the fastest issues that can kindle the fire of the anger of God?” “What made great …

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ODM Devotional 12 December 2017

Daily Manna for today

ODM Devotional 12 December 2017 FITNESS: SHINE YOUR INSIDE! DIGNIFY YOUR OUTSIDE! Some spend billions of money on beauty each year. Beauty product factories are getting richer, while people consume drugs worth 2 billion Naira ($5,476,760.00) annually just to keep fit! Yet, the principal element of glamour which is cheaper …

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