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BASIC SCRIPTURE: Prayers and Daily Declarations 9 October 2024

BASIC SCRIPTURE: Prayers and Daily Declarations 9 October 2024

Daily Bible study
Daily Bible study


14 My kinsfolk have failed, and my familiar friends have forgotten me.
15 They that dwell in mine house, and my maids, count me for a stranger: I am an alien in their sight.
16 I called my servant, and he gave me no answer; I intreated him with my mouth.
17 My breath is strange to my wife, though I intreated for the children’s sake of mine own body.
18 Yea, young children despised me; I arose, and they spake against me.
19 All my inward friends abhorred me: and they whom I loved are turned against me.
20 My bone cleaveth to my skin and to my flesh, and I am escaped with the skin of my teeth.
21 Have pity upon me, have pity upon me, O ye my friends; for the hand of God hath touched me.
22 Why do ye persecute me as God, and are not satisfied with my flesh?
23 Oh that my words were now written! oh that they were printed in a book!
24 That they were graven with an iron pen and lead in the rock for ever!
25 For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth:
26 And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God:
27 Whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another; though my reins be consumed within me. BASIC SCRIPTURE: Prayers and Daily Declarations 9 October 2024



  1. Prayer of Hope in Suffering
    Lord, just as Job suffered yet remained steadfast in his hope, I pray for strength during my own trials. Help me to hold onto the assurance that You are my Redeemer and that, no matter the situation, I will see Your goodness.
  2. Prayer for Comfort in Isolation
    Father, when I feel abandoned or forgotten by friends and family, remind me that You are always with me. Comfort me with Your presence and give me peace, knowing that You will never leave me.
  3. Prayer for Endurance in Trials
    Lord, even as Job’s flesh and bones were tested, he escaped with his life. I pray for the endurance to survive every trial that comes my way. Help me to cling to You in times of trouble and trust in Your deliverance.
  4. Prayer for Restoration of Relationships
    Heavenly Father, restore the broken relationships in my life, as Job experienced estrangement from loved ones. I ask for Your healing touch on my relationships with family and friends. Bring reconciliation and peace where there has been division.
  5. Prayer for the Revelation of Christ
    Lord, I declare that I know my Redeemer lives! Open my eyes to see You more clearly in every situation, especially in my darkest moments. Let me always remember the promise of Your return and Your victory over all things.
  6. Prayer of Gratitude for Redemption
    Father, I thank You for sending Jesus, my Redeemer, who stands as my advocate. Even when my body fails and the world seems against me, I rejoice in the knowledge that I will see You face to face and experience eternal life with You. BASIC SCRIPTURE: Prayers and Daily Declarations 9 October 2024
  7. Prayer Against Persecution
    Lord, when others persecute or speak against me, grant me the grace to stand firm in my faith, just as Job did. Strengthen me to remain righteous before You and not retaliate in anger but trust in Your justice.
  8. Prayer for Strength in Physical Weakness
    Father, when my body feels weak or burdened with illness, I trust that You are my healer. Though my physical strength may fail, I find strength in Your Spirit. I believe that You will restore me, both in this life and in the life to come.
  9. Prayer for Faith in the Resurrection
    Lord, just as Job looked forward to seeing You even after death, I thank You for the hope of resurrection through Christ. Help me to live each day with the assurance that, in the end, I will behold You with my own eyes.
  10. Prayer for Unwavering Faith
    Father, no matter how severe my trials may become, let my faith in You never waver. May I, like Job, be confident that my Redeemer lives and will stand with me, and may I always trust in Your ultimate plan for my life.

Daily Declarations:

  1. I declare that my Redeemer lives, and I will see His goodness in my life, no matter the trials I face.
  2. Even when I feel abandoned by those close to me, I know that God is always with me, comforting and sustaining me.
  3. I will not be discouraged by physical weakness or suffering, for God is my strength, and He will restore me in due time.
  4. No matter what the enemy throws my way, I will emerge victorious, for the Lord is my deliverer.
  5. I declare that I have hope beyond the grave, for I will see my Savior face to face and be with Him forever.
  6. My faith will not be shaken by the trials of life; I trust in the Lord’s unfailing love and provision.
  7. I am confident that every relationship in my life that has been broken will be healed by the power of God.
  8. I declare that I am more than a conqueror through Christ, and no persecution will separate me from His love.
  9. Even in my darkest hours, I know that my God is faithful, and He will bring me through every trial.
  10. I stand firm in the promise of resurrection, knowing that I will one day see my Redeemer in glory.
  11. No matter how deep my suffering, I declare that my faith in God’s goodness will not be shaken.
  12. I declare that every word of God spoken over my life is true, and I trust in His plans for me.
  13. I reject the lies of the enemy and stand on the truth of God’s Word, which brings life and hope.
  14. I declare that I am a child of God, and my future is secure in His hands, no matter what I face.
  15. Even when others fail me, I know that my Redeemer is always faithful and will never abandon me.
  16. I walk in the victory of Jesus Christ, knowing that His resurrection power lives in me.
  17. I declare that I will not be consumed by my trials, for the Lord is my strength and my salvation.
  18. I will not fear death or destruction, for I am confident in the promise of eternal life with Christ.
  19. I declare that my Redeemer is alive and active in my life, guiding me through every storm.
  20. No matter what I lose in this life, I am secure in the love and redemption of my Savior, Jesus Christ. BASIC SCRIPTURE: Prayers and Daily Declarations 9 October 2024

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