ODM Daily For Champions 25 March 2019 – THE 2019 SEVEN WONDERS OF THE WORLD

War Against Haman 14 Day 12-13

ODM Daily For Champions 25 March 2019 TOPIC: THE 2019 SEVEN WONDERS OF THE WORLD BASIC SCRIPTURE: ISAIAH 8: 9-20 Up till recently, the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World were: (l) The Hanging Gardens of Babylon (2) The Statue of Zeus at Olympia (3) The Temple of Artemis at …

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Daily Manna For Champions Today March 2019 Day 23 – BIND YOURSELF TO YOUR GOALS!

Our Daily Manna

Daily Manna For Champions Today March 2019 Day 23 TOPIC: BIND YOURSELF TO YOUR GOALS! BASIC SCRIPTURE:2 KINGS 2:1-13 ‘The life of Thomas Aquinas is a school on commitment/being JL focused. The Pocket Oxford Dictionary defines commitment thus: “To pledge or BIND (especially oneself) to a certain cause or policy.” …

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Our Daily Manna Devotional March 20 2019 – THE UNDERWEAR THESIS

ODM For April 2019

Our Daily Manna Devotional March 20 2019 TOPIC: THE UNDERWEAR THESIS: NEVER APOLOGIZE FOR BEING SUCCESSFUL! BASIC SCRIPTURE: ACTS 21: 8-20 Tn one university in America, something very interesting happened. A JLstudent was preparing to present her thesis. As part of the preparation, she had to do what is called …

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