Bible Reading: Matthew 21:12-22 Q 2, 7
Buying and selling in the temple (v.12) was to enable worshippers perform their sacrifices. Why then was Jesus annoyed with the sellers? No doubt, the money changers were having a field day, charging exorbitant rates for the temple coin and high prices for the sacrificial animal (dove or lamb). The temple coin was the only acceptable currency in the temple. In our days the church of God in many places has been turned into a money-making institution. Some leaders use all sorts of tricks to extort money from members, often for wrong use. One wonders what the Lord would do today were He to visit our congregations! What should we do to ensure that the worship we bring to God is always acceptable in His sight? Read vs 18-22 again. We are called to bear fruit for the Kingdom of God, and we risk being thrown aside if we fail to bear fruits. We need to examine ourselves whether this is true of our lives. Jesus’ response to the disciples is a lesson that situations can change as a result of prayer
And so: Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. What are you allowing to occupy it?
Prayer: Lord, purify your church and cleanse her of materialism and idolatry
Key Verse: My house will be called a house of prayer,’ but you are making it o ‘den of robbers’. (Mott 21:13)
Bible In One Year: Isaiah 16-18
Missions: Puerto Rico-Puerto Rico is traditionally Catholic, but evangelicals have grown steadily from 0.1% in 1900 to 252 % in 2010, with some claiming even higher. Most of the Church growth is currently happening among the charismatic indigenous groups. There is also a large charismatic movement in the Catholic Church. Sadly, the churches make little impact on the many social needs of the nation