Daily Manna 24 March 2025 OXYGEN MADE HIM TO WEEP!

Daily Manna 24 March 2025


ODM Daily Devotional
ODM Daily Devotional


I am led to use this popular story in our encounter with heaven today: A wealthy 78-year-old man was rushed to the hospital after experiencing a breakdown and was placed on oxygen support for 24 hours. When he received a $5,000 bill for the oxygen, he began to cry. The doctor tried to comfort him, telling him not to worry about the cost, but the man replied, “I’m not crying over money; I can pay that. I’m crying because I have to pay $5,000 for just 24 hours of oxygen. I’ve been breathing God’s free air for 78 years without charge. Do you have any idea how much I owe Him?” If you refuse to see the extraordinary value in your breath, your health, or even as simple as eating or putting on clothing, how can you be grateful to God for bigger things? It was Aesop who penned: “Gratitude turns what we have into enough.” Maya Angelou opined: “This is a wonderful day. I’ve never seen this one before.” One of the best ways to be grateful for what you have is to start adding the little extra to make it extra-ordinary. Maya woke up and instead of seeing it as just another day, she said “I have never seen this one before.” Developing the attitude of gratitude will take you to new altitudes! Psalm 118:24 says “This is the day that the Lord has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it.” You cannot enter a new day and feel sad, NO! No matter what the day holds, JUST REJOICE AND BE GLAD IN IT! This is because as long as there is life, THERE IS HOPE! Hold on and hold out! God will make a way! Daily Manna 24 March 2025

TODAY IS DAY 2 Of THE MONTHLY 7-DAY PRAYERS Theme: “O LORD, CHANGE MY NAME” (Come with your oil, prayer points and any point of contact). Connect via FACEBOOK: ourdailymannaworldwide; YOUTUBE: Manna TV International. Time: 8pm Nigerian Time.

PRAYER POINTS: Take any song of praise as led.

  1. In your own words, pray about today’s WORD as led now.
  2. Lord, thank You for this new day. Daily Manna 24 March 2025
  3. Spend today worshipping the LORD for the gift of life!
  4. Turn my worries into praise, Father.
  5. Thank God for answered prayers! Pray about today as led
    now. See pages 7-9.

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