Daily Manna 28 December 2023

Welcome! I entered the printing press in charge of printing ODM one day and I was amazed at how much technology has so improved. The stage of printing to binding which used to be reserved for humans, has been taken over by machines. I marveled! I mean, engineers are an amazing group of people, and technology is indeed astonishing. So, I started to ask questions, and I learnt that the programming done behind the curtains is what makes it possible for the machines to run without faults. Some group of tech gurus sit in front of their computers and write codes into those machines, then test and retest their programming commands on the machines until the machine learns it and begins to do it itself without human intervention. It is called, “machine learning.” That is to say that the machine is programmed until it needs no human touch. Wow! So, machines learn too. They acquire knowledge until this learning becomes a habit, which you could call automation. Just like a human acquiring knowledge that forms their habits. Amazing! Did you know that your brain is like a super-computer? It gets commands by what you feed it with. It can be programmed too. It can be programmed so that you do some things without even being voluntary about them. It becomes automated like a machine. Oh! The Holy Ghost is talking of habits today! Charles Duhigg once said: “Once you understand that habits can change, you have the freedom and the responsibility to remake them.” Did you get that? It’s in your hands! What you program your brain to do is what will happen! YOU CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST (Vs. 13 of today’s scipture)! What is that bad habit that must go? What is that bad habit that can WIPE OUT YOUR NAME FROM THE BOOK OF LIFE? So many people have programmed their minds for failure or sin! All they see is: I CANNOT STOP IT! GOD UNDERSTANDS! Unfortunately for them, just like the machine I mentioned earlier, their minds are now running automatically in the pits of these secret sins or habits. Receive God’s intervention as you re-program your habit centers – YOUR MIND and YOUR BRAIN! Never forget: Where there is a WILL, there is a WAY! Declare 7 times now: “I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS ME!” Pray now!Give out the 2024 ODM
PRAYER POINTS: Take any song of worship as led
- I decree: Every negative configuration done to me, be undone NOW by fire! (Give out the 2024 ODM).
- Lord, I receive GRACE to shake away and stop any secret BAD HABIT that can send me to hell! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
(Pray it 21 times today seriously. Missing heaven is not a joke). - My mind is reserved for the Holy Ghost; every demonic
thought – be cast out by fire! - Holy Spirit, help me to break free from negative patterns and
limiting beliefs that hinder my success. - Pray about today now! CANCEL END-OF -YEAR TEARS!