Daily Manna 28th February 2021 – TOPIC: WHY HE REFUSED THE MYRRH!

Daily Manna 28th February 2021



Matthew records that as Jesus went to the cross, “They gave Him vinegar to drink mingled with gall: and when He had tasted thereof, He would not drink” (Matthew 27:34). Mark described the drink as wine mingled with myrrh (Mark 15:23). As a pharmacist, I know that VINEGAR is a sour tasting acetic acid drink and MYRRH IS A PAIN RELIEVER (an analgesic); it also has anti-inflammatory effects and reduces body weight, etc.

Daily Manna 28th February 2021

Daily Manna 28th February 2021 – TOPIC: WHY HE REFUSED THE MYRRH!

From tests on mice, chemists at the University of Florence in Italy, have found that molecules in myrrh act on the brain’s opioid receptors, explaining its PAIN KILLING ACTION! The drink offered to Jesus was a cheap Roman vinegar wine, MIXED WITH A DRUG (MYRRH) to dull the senses. It was the custom of the Romans to offer a man being crucified DRUGGED WINE so that he might more easily endure his cross. Jesus refused the wine however, apparently so that He could go through His suffering with a clear mind AS A HUMAN BEING and this was to enable Him TAKE YOUR PAIN! Wow!

Yes! He was both God and MAN, so He needed to FEEL YOUR PAIN as a man! As He neared death, Jesus said, “I thirst!” (John 19: 28). One of the prominent effects of crucifixion was DEHYDRATION which leads to a STRONG DESIRE FOR WATER (THIRST) due to the loss of body fluids through open body wounds and perspiration. The LORD refused the Vinegar mixed with MYRRH (Mark 15: 23) but He took the ordinary Vinegar (John 19: 29). He took the ordinary SOUR (acidic) VINEGAR because at the point of death, He needed to say His final words: His parched lips and throat needed moisture, so He accepted the vinegar; but rejected the one that would make Him not to feel your PAIN!

READ: Daily Manna 28th February 2021 – TOPIC: WHY HE REFUSED THE MYRRH!

So, in this year 2021, always know that the God who TOOK YOUR PAIN will never DENY YOU ANYTHING GOOD! Use today’s devotional to worship Him and re-fire your CONFIDENCE in Him! 2021 is your year! Thank God for this last day of February! Join me TONIGHT 8pm as we pray to SETTLE THE MONTH OF MARCH and stop ALL past or future ENCHANTMENTS AND DIVMNATIONS! Connect Via YOUITURE Manna TV International. 8pn Nigeria Time. PROPHETIC RAIN/WARNING SERVICE TONIGHT! Theme: DISGRACING SATANIC ENCHANTMENTS”

PRAYER POINTS: Take any song of worship as led.
1. In your own words, pray about today’s word as led now.
2. Lord, thank you! Thank you for TAKING MY PAIN on that cross. Daily Manna 28th February 2021 – TOPIC: WHY HE REFUSED THE MYRRH!
3. Lord, because You took my PAIN and my SHAME, I decree that my life and ministry will never end in shame.

  1. I decree that my destiny will not end in PAIN/LAMENTATION!
  2. Thank you LORD that You died a BITTER death in order to make me A HONEY CENTER! Lord, make my life SWEET AGAIN. I shall laugh and dance again in Jesus name.
  3. Pray about today and about any issue(s) affecting your peace on them). MARCH is your month to MARCH over DIVINATTONS! Join me tonight 8pm. Daily Manna 28th February 2021 – TOPIC: WHY HE REFUSED THE MYRRH!

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