Daily Manna 29 November 2022 SEASON ATTACKERS MUST DIE! -2

Daily Manna 29 November 2022



Bishop Chris ODM
Bishop Chris ODM

BASIC SCRIPTURE ODM 29 November 2022

Welcome to today’s devotional! Ecclesiastes 3: 11 says; “He hath made everything beautiful in His time…” Satan knows this scripture! He knows that in God’s time, all things are beautiful. Therefore, he will make sure that, that season in which God makes everything beautiful does not come. He will make sure you do not wait for God’s time! Oh. hear this: WHATEVER IS OUTSIDE GOD’S TIMING WILL NOT END AS “BEAUTIFUL.” IT WILL END AS “FRUSTRATION.” That is why Satan will make sure you miss God’s seasons for your life/ ministry. He will cause “season mishaps” to happen; this is what I call the “ISHMAEL FACTORY.” This is a factory where you go ahead of God like Abraham did; he produced Ishmael before Isaac. HE MISSED GOD’S TIMING AND THE WORLD IS STILL SUFFERING BECAUSE OF THAT ACTION! Do you know that there are many “Ishmael factories” where counterfeit testimonies, counterfeit husbands, counterfeit prosperity, counterfeit increase, counterfeit promotions, etc, are produced? Listen again: Satan will try to pollute your God-appointed season so that you don’t wait for God. Avoid it. Use today’s devotional to scatter any satanic agenda to employ you as a worker in the ISHMAEL FACTORY! Arise and command every ISHMAEL FACTORY ARROW to catch fire! Wait till your change comes because the end of HURRY is always SORRY! (Give out ODM COPIES).

PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 2: Draw me nearer…

  1. In your own words, pray about today’s word as led now.
  2. Repent from ways in which you have HURRIED OUTSIDE GOD’S TIMING in the past!
  3. Lord, restore WHATEVER I lost because I DID NOT WAIT FOR YOU!

  4. I decree that from this day, I shall not be a victim of ISHMAEL FACTORY! I decree: Every SEASON ATTACKER MUST DIE!

  5. I shall not HURRY AHEAD OF GOD and I shall not miss God’s timing in Jesus name. Pray in Tongues as led now.
  6. Pray about today as led now.



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