Daily Manna 6 June 2023 THEY WERE ORDINARY PEOPLE!

Daily Manaa 6 June 2023


Daily Manan 6 June 2023
Daily Manna 6 June 2023


MESSAGE: Daily Manna 6 June 2023

The words below could have been an advert placed in your local newspaper: WANTED: ORDINARY PEOPLE TO DO EXTRAORDINARY WORK! That’s exactly the way God works. His work is not done by great, but by ordinary people who are so committed. You may not have the muscles of a Mike Tyson nor the height of an Akeem Olajuwon or Michael Jordan – great basketball players, but God’s work can be done through you. He used the hesitant, uncoordinated Moses to lead Israel to freedom (Ex. 3: 13; 4:10). He used men that led sheep and goats as well as fishermen and farmers to accomplish His work. The Bible was written by God through initial failures like Peter, Matthew, Moses, David, etc. That’s why even in these days of tele-evangelism, social media and great super churches, it is still ordinary people like you and I using this devotional that God will use to do His work which is extra – ordinary! Writing to an unbelieving neighbour about Christ, being a worker in your local church, encouraging your pastor with a card or cash, helping an elderly person with the dishes or cooking, visiting the sick in the nearest hospital, etc, are ways your life can speak for God. Never forget that God chooses the weak things of this world to confound the mighty and the foolish things to confound the wise (Vs. 27 of today’s scripture). No matter how 2023 has been, always remember the advert above! God uses ordinary people. If You Make God’s Business Your Business, He Will Make Your Business His Business! Learn!

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PRAYER POINTS: Take any song of consecration as led.

  1. Pray about today’s word generally as led now.
  2. I ask for the Latter Rain afresh in my life and ministry!
  3. Lord, cause a new fire to burn in my life and ministry in
    Jesus name.
  4. Lord, if You must use anybody in my country, do not pass
    me by. Here I am, use me. Pray it and take a step of faith this
  5. Lord, break from my family and I, any self-imposed inferiority
    complex or laziness in Jesus name. Pray Psalm 56.
  6. Pray about today and the remaining days of 2023 as led now.
    Cancel bad news!

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