Daily Manna 7 June 2023 TOPIC: MARIO ZAGALLO: I AM NOT PELE!

Daily Manna 7 June 2023


Bishop Chris ODM
Bishop Chris ODM


Brazil’s former national football coach, Zagallo, popularly called the ‘Old Wolf’, won the World Cup four times. He is famous for once declaring: “I didn’t play with Pele, he played with me.” Indeed, PELE died just a few months ago, but ZAGALLO refused to be compared to PELE while he (Pele) was alive! ZAGALLO refused to accept the fact that he is inferior to anybody in this world, no matter who that person is. Learn from that! Wow! Upon the earth, there is nobody with all the features you possess. Before now, nobody like you has ever been created. After you, nobody like you with all your characteristics, physical and spiritual features will ever be born. You are the greatest weapon from God’s creative intelligence to this generation. Will you allow this wonderful creature of God (you) to die complaining, unutilized and frustrated? In this year of RESULTS THAT CANCEL INSULTS, don’t give the devil the pleasure of seeing you wasted through depression or self-pity. Yes, there were testimonies, INSTANT and MIGHTY HEALINGS during the last WORLD ANOINTING SERVICE on January 28th at the MANNA MOUNTAIN HEADQUARTERS and others have been giving testimonies since this year began! Yes, others may be ahead in one way or the other, but always remember that your season will come too! Hear Katherine Porter: “I was right not to be afraid of any thief but myself, who will end by leaving me nothing.” Pitying yourself is stealing from yourself! Do Not Envy, Compare Yourself With Or Wish You Were Like Others! Today’s scripture says: “For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.” Learn and wait on the Lord! Declare Psalm 139: 7-18 (especially Vs. 14) now!

ONLINE – “MORNING FIRE with Bishop Chris” – Today 6.30 am (Nigeria time) via Facebook & Youtube.

PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 1: When the morning comes…

  1. Pray seriously about today’s word as led now.
  2. I shall fulfil all the will of God for my life in Jesus name.
  3. I refuse to compare myself to others. My God, I thank you
    for the gift of life. Make my season to come, O Lord, in Jesus
    name. Pray about your destiny generally as led now.
  4. I command my next level to appear in Jesus name.
  5. Ask for grace not to pity yourself again. Ask for grace to wait
    on God. Bind depression seriously today.
  6. Pray about today and the year 2023 as led.



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