Daily Manna 7 May 2024

Daily Manna 7 May 2024
Welcome to today’s hour of DIVINE PERFORMANCE! If you will live the abundant life that God wants for you, you have to keep your mind clear and free from every kind of corrupting thing. Don’t love food, don’t love hot drinks, and don’t love strange women. Simple rules, yet powerful. Satan can use all sorts of social vices against your destiny! Today’s Basic Scripture is clear about what is wrong with such things: they will destroy your soul. The way those things exert their negative effect is very clear: they provide temporary and fake relief from the worries and pressures of life. In this 2nd half of 2024, determine that you will not be a victim of LACK OF DISCIPLINE OR CONTROL! Hear Jim Rohn: “Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.” Yes! I like Dwayne Johnson: “We do today what they won’t, so tomorrow we can accomplish what they can’t.” Did you get that? Never forget that to conquer yourself is the first and noblest of all victories! “What lies in our power to do, lies in our power not to do” (Aristotle). No wonder Lao Tzu penned: “Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is true power.” Yea! It is better to conquer self than to win a thousand battles. If you will live the abundant life that God wants for you, you have to keep your mind clear and free from things that control you such as alcohol, smoking cigarretes, excessive food intake, sleep, women, men, anger, etc. Don’t love food, excessive sleep, don’t love hot drinks and don’t love strange women. Simple rules, yet powerful. Daily Manna 7 May 2024
If You Did Not Get Your Prophetic Psalm After Sowing In January, Kindly Resend To: orderodm@gmail.com Or Text/whatsapp +234-805-624-1771; 0814-404-4226
PRAYER POINTS: Take a song of worship as you are led.
- In your own words, pray as you have been ministered to.
- I break every yoke of bondage in my life (which one of
these vices are you still struggling with)? Pray
seriously right now and receive your deliverance. - Go ahead and pray for any family member or loved one who
is entangled in any of these things. DELIVERANCE IS
AVAILABLE TODAY. Daily Manna 7 May 2024 - Every evil arrow that has been created to destroy my discipline;
RETURN TO SENDER in Jesus name.
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