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Our Daily Manna Devotional 10 December 2017

Our Daily Manna Devotional 10 December 2017

WHAT GHANDI SAID… Our Daily Manna Devotional 10 December 2017

Years ago, a company in the USA started delivering the Word
of God as a reminder for daily prayers. Alan Westenberg  said, “It began with a promise to pray for
each other at 3 o’clock every day. I kept forgetting to do it, so being a
computer person, I programmed a machine to send a reminder Psalm to my wife and
myself every day. Soon, friends and family started asking if they could join
and today, It has grown and reaching out to millions all over the world.”
Our Daily Manna Devotional 10 December 2017

ALSO READ our daily manna 9 december 2017

What was a disadvantage led to an advantage. Also, today, you
can get various versions of the Bible in your phone. So, dear child of God,
there is no excuse whatsoever anymore, why your knowledge based on the Word of
God should not grow. David said, “…give me understanding that I may learn thy
commandments. In this age of internet, video, audio, books are now digital
Bible technology, lack of knowledge or busy schedule excuses should become
history I your life. Hear what former, most powerful men in the world (American
president) speak about the Bible you carry: “Within the covers of the Bible are
the answers for all the problems men face” our daily manna prayer points

Our Daily Manna Devotional 10 December 2017

 (Ronald Reagan). “Take
all you can of this Book upon reason, and the balance of faith, and you will
live and die a happier man” (Abraham Lincoln said this when a skeptic expressed
surprise to see him reading a Bible). Oh, hear the great Dwight Lyman Moody:
“Out of 100 men, one will read the Bible; the other 99 will read the
Christian.” Be in that 1%. Hear a non-Christian, Mahatma Gandhi:

Our Daily Manna Devotional 10 December 2017

“You Christians look after a document containing enough
dynamite to blow all civilization to pieces, turn the world upside down and
bring peace to a battle-torn planet. But you treat it as though it is nothing
more than a piece of literature.”
Wow! As 2017 ends, and 2018 begins, conquer laziness and
begin reading and studying the Word afresh. You could do a study on a topic you
don’t quite understand, for example, the Blood of Jesus, power, holiness or
just read the books till you finish your Bible. Many books can inform! Only the
Bible can transform! Fall in love with your Bible again. Remember what Mahatma
Gandhi said!
YEAR 2017.
PRAYER POINTS: Take any song of worship as led.
Thank God for the word today. Repent from
Believe God for the grace to finish your Bible
as soon as possible.
Ask for the grace to be disciplined enough to
study your Bible afresh DAILY this year and in the upcoming year 2018.
Decree that despite your busy schedule, you will
stay with the Word again. The era of excuses is over! Pray about today as led.
Our Daily Manna Devotional 10 December 2017

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