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Our Daily Manna Devotional 10 February 2018

Our Daily Manna Devotional 10 February 2018


Basic Scriptures: Proverbs 23; Philippians 4: 1-9

Poverty, defeat and failure are attitudes of the mind; so is prosperity. ‘’As a man thinketh in his mind, so is he’’,( See verse 7 of today’s scripture ). As stated before, one of the best Neurosurgeons (Brain specialists) in the world, said that the capacity of the normal, average human brain (not that of a genius) is so much, that it has been called the best computer. See Our Daily Manna 8 January 2018

Our Daily Manna Devotional 10 February 2018


Our Daily Manna Devotional 10 February 2018

He said, if what the normal brain processes daily was to be converted or built as a physical computer, the computer will be about a 60- storey high building and will occupy a space as big as Dallas in Texas State, of the United States of America (just like the cities of Ibadan in Nigeria, Lusaka in Zambia or Ontario in Canada). Oh! Amazing God! Imagine what kind of computer you are carrying in your brain: In this year 2018, think and learn to meditate on this! Never allow your life to be wasted! You are too loaded and blessed to fail! War Against Haman-13 2018

Our Daily Manna 2018

Years ago there was this old joke of the brains of three dead men being offered for sale: One was a m Methodist, another a Catholic and the other a Pentecostal. Each brain was sold for 10,000, 5,000, and 15,000 dollars respectively. When asked why the Pentecostal was so expensive, it was because it had not been used at all. He said they pray and fast a lot but, do not use their brains much. So it was still full and fresh with ideas. ‘Lord have mercy!!! This is why I always pray: ‘Lord, if Jesus tarries, let me die empty! ‘That means don’t let me die until every talent and gift/calling in me has been 101% used up by my generation! Think seriously about that!

Our Daily Manna Devotional 10 February 2018

In this year 2018, may God help you to start using your brain/thinking! I see you being greater than Bill Gates, etc You could be the next Henry Ford, Mr. Suzuki or Mr. Honda. An invention could be attached to your name on this planet. Develop yourself through God’s words daily (Joshua 1:8) There is more in you than you think! Don’t die wasted! The best computer in the world is in you! This world will just benefit from just one idea from you and you will die empty in Jesus name! You can be the next Bill Gates or Jack Ma! Amen! Our Daily Manna Prayer Points

The UK Tele –conference anointing service is today. Call +44(0)3309981254. Access Code is :809720#. Date: February 10th. Time is 8am UK time. Bishop Dr Chris will be on the line to Minister! Other nations can call in too! ODM Basic Scripture Bullets

Prayer Points: Take song 5: When the roll is played…..
Lord, give me Holy Ghost inspired ideas. I shall not die wasted.
I must die empty in Jesus name.
Pray Psalm 1. Pray in tongues now! Our Daily Manna Devotional 10 February 2018

Assignment: You may go to a quiet place, pray and write down ideas that comes to your mind. Dare to do what someone has not done before! Our Daily Manna Devotional 10 February 2018

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