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Daily Manna Devotional 14 January 2019 – THE AXE HEAD IS FLOATING AGAIN – 2

Daily Manna Devotional 14 January 2019


Basic Scriptures: Joel 2: 15-27; 2 Kings 6: 5-6

Today’s 1st scripture Vs says, “I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar and the palmerworm.” Maybe you have been down with a lot of “worms” “locust,” or “caterpillars,” in your life/ministry! Some of you have lost years to a bad marriage, delay in marriage or a shameful financial life!

Daily Manna Devotional 14 January 2019

Daily Manna Devotional 14 January 2019

The AXE HEAD that was lost in our 2nd scripture could have been the FAULT or MISTAKE of the son of the prophet and you may have made lots of mistakes in your past! But the Holy Ghost is saying to you right now: “My mercy is greater than your mistakes, and I am a master of fixing any disaster!” Whether you have done things that are your own fault, or it is the devil that have stolen from you, God is still the Restorer of your AXE HEAD! Don’t let the devil still anything from you.

Declare restoration over your life! In this fasting programme and in the WORLD ANOINTING NIHGT, take back what belongs to you! Hear Victoria Osteen: “If you miss God’s direction in your life, He allows U-turns. He is a restorer and He can make up for lost opportunities!” Oh, I remember Dr. Cindy Trimm: “Potential is never realized until you are challenged in your current state of complacency. The opposition is bringing out the beast in you.”

Yes! Hold on and hold out because the God who caused the AXE HEAD to swim again will cause all your miracles, blessings, favour and relationships that you thought were lost to FLOAT AGAIN this year! Sow your STORY TO GLORY SEED and at the end of this fasting programme, be at the World Anointing Night of January 25th, 7pm. You will come with SAND from your community, ancestral home, city, business places, etc.

Daily Manna Devotional 14 January 2019

It is your night of “MERCY GREATER THAN MISTAKES!” It is your year of VISIBLE STORY TO GLORY! Pray seriously now as you open to page 49 (DAY 10) → CLICK HERE of “WAR AGAINST HAMAN – 14” booklet for today’s prayers! This is your year! Be at the venue of World Anointing programme at TBS, Lagos. Theme: “MY STORY TO GLORY YEAR!.” Sow your STORY TO GLORY SEED today and determine not to miss the WORLD ANOINTING STORY TO GLORY NIGHT

PRAYER POINTS: Take song 1: Higher ground…
1. In your on words, pray about today’s word as led now.
2. Lord, I choose NOT to cry or REGRET again! Show through my life and ministry that Your MERCY is greater THAN MY MISTAKES! RESTORE every missing AXE HEAD of my destiny again! Daily Manna Devotional 14 January 2019 – THE AXE HEAD IS FLOATING AGAIN – 2

3. My Father! my Father!! THIS IS MY HEAD AXE RESTORATION YEAR; O lost miracles and favour, what are you waiting for? FLOAT AGAIN now by the ANOINTING of the HOLY GHOST today and at the WORLD ANOINTING STORY TO GLORY NIGHT of tomorrow in Jesus name. Read → “THAT AXE HEAD IS FLOATING AGAIN – 1

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6 years ago

Oh GOD of this great vision, let my axe head float again in this fasting programme and beyond in JESUS’ NAME!!
AMEN and AMEN!!!!!


Edu Abasiama
Edu Abasiama
6 years ago

Oh God, let my family and marriage axe head float again. Amen.

Edu Abasiama
Edu Abasiama
6 years ago

Oh God, let my family and marriage axe head float again. Amen

Mercy Mukupa
Mercy Mukupa
6 years ago

Oh God of mercy let my axe head float for my life to change the pain is too much

Mercy Mukupa
Mercy Mukupa
6 years ago

Oh God remember me again in this programme. Restore my finances,my marriage is under fire, my children should go to school , my career , my family , my academics. Let my axe head float again Lord

Ransford Lakle
Ransford Lakle
6 years ago

O God let my commitment axe head float again in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Godwin Aaron
Godwin Aaron
6 years ago

Oh God, let my family, my career, and my salvation axe head float again, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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