Our Daily Manna Devotional 29 December 2017

Our Daily Manna Devotional 29 December 2017


Basic Scriptures: 1 Peter 5: 1-7; Isaiah 40: 12-15

There was once a carpenter who had a tree outside the family house. Each day he came back from work, he would move straight to the tree, touch the top of the branches with both hands, force himself to smile, then hug his two little children and kiss his wife. When asked by a friend why he did that daily, here was what he said:

Our Daily Manna Devotional 29 December 2017

Our Daily Manna Devotional 29 December 2017

“That’s my trouble tree and I know I can’t help having troubles in the job, but one thing’s sure, trouble don’t belong in the house with my wife and children. So, I just hang them up in the tree every night when I come home. Then in the morning, I pick them up again. Funny enough, when I come out in the morning, to pick them up, there aren’t as many I remember hanging up there.” our daily manna october  to december 2017 

Amazing, but a timely divine message for a user of this devotional today. Stop carrying problems on your head! Stop thinking about that mistake! Stop playing God by thinking that worry will solve any problem! Rest in God! Wait on God! The Word says that God is so big that He weighs the mountains and the hills in scales and balances (Isaiah 40:12). God told Moses His name was “I AM” (Ex.3:13-15). “I AM” means “I AM MORE THA ANY SITUATION.” When problems come, never forget the great “I AM” and cast the problem upon Him. Our Daily Manna Devotional 29 December 2017

Our Daily Manna Prayer Points

Remember, He is not a tree and never forget what Charles Bend wrote: “When it is dark enough, you can see the stars brighter.” Oh, it is awesome to know that: when you are down to nothing, God is something. Refuse to be cast down/depressed. Put it in His hands and rest. Pray now! Our Daily Manna For Today

PRAYER POINTS: Take any song of worship as led.
1. Thank God for today’s word and pray as you led!
2. Lord, I cast the following burdens into your hands and I vow now to worry over them again (mention them now …).
3. You Haman (problem), you must bow to the great “I AM.” Lord, let my enemies be caught in their own traps in Jesus name.
4. Pray in the morning, afternoon/evening of today’s devotional prayer points.


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