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Our Daily Manna Devotional November 13, 2017

Our Daily Manna Devotional November 13, 2017


Basic Scripture: Psalm 139:1-18Welcome to another time of devotional bliss with the God who
is called the Cornerstone, the Rock of Offence, the Rock of Ages and the
Governor among the nations! It is Virginia Satir who correctly wrote:

Our Daily Manna Devotional November 13, 2017

 Our Daily Manna Devotional November 13, 2017

“I am me. In the entire world, there is   o one else exactly like me. There are
persons who have parts like me, but no one adds up exactly like me. Therefore, everything
that comes out of me is authentically mine, because I alone chose it.”The above
thought agrees with the Psalmist when he declared in Psalm 139:14: “I will praise
Thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” The Amplified Bible says, “I
will confess and praise You for the awful wonder of my birth.” You can rejoice
about the fact that you are unique and there none like you. You are the most
handsome and beautiful specie of creation around, no matter your colour, the
shape of your nose, les or body build. You are the best to come out of God’s
store room of divine omniscience.

Our Daily Manna Devotionals November  2017

God cannot make a
mistake and you are not a mistake! Heaven took time for your creation and
existence! That means, all you will ever go through on this planet is known to
the highest wisdom in the universe – Jehovah God before you were born, and your
end product is a wonder and amazement! Look around and shout for joy! Stop
pitying yourself! Stop insulting the God of your creation! Self – comparism is
demonic. Accept your mistakes and miracles. Accept your failures and fortunes and
then make your life
Avoid following the crowd! Stand out in the world! Just as a
fish cannot survive on dry land, you cannot excel in this planet until you
discover who you are. Refuse to be someone else! You can only excel an
original! Refuse to be a photocopy. Don’t envy anyone! Don’t compromise your
yourself; it is all you’ve got!

ODM daily devotionals 2017

PRAYER POINTS: Take any song of worship as led.
Thank God
for the Word and thank Him for making you special. Thank God for where
you are in life today.
Thank God for yourself! I effuse to compare my
life or ministry to any other, so help me Lord (Pray it well).
I uproot discouragement as 2017 ends. I receive
GRACE to begin 2018 with courages and to pray and fast in the 2018
upcoming  January 21-day fasting
programme again.


Pray in the morning, afternoon and evening of
today’s devotional prayer points. (In the storms of life, ODM is LIFE’S
PARACHUTE. Give a soul/family reasons to keep in touch with ODM this week).

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our daily manna download 2017.

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