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Our Daily Manna Devotional October 31, 2017

Our Daily Manna Devotional October 31, 2017



Basic Scripture: Romans:2: 16-24Hypocrisy is “claiming to have moral standards or believes
to which one’s behavior does not conform.” It is pretense! In fact, the ancient
Greek word for HYPOCRISY comes from the word for a stage actor or one who wears
a mask.

Our Daily Manna Devotional October 31, 2017


Our Daily Manna Devotional October 31, 2017

It is not necessarily the fact that they sin that makes men/
women hypocrites, it’s the fact that they don’t acknowledge it. They don’t
admit that their lives contradict what they say. They are not authentic but
impostors!  Consider this:

A dentist may tell his patients not to eat candy (sweet), but
he/she goes home and enjoys sweets. A pastor can declare fasting, but he /she
eats and eats and eats! A policeman/woman can warn a crime, but secretly
commits or sponsors crimes! When you call yourself a vegetarian but secretly
eats meats above all else, you are a hypocrite! Hypocrisy is when you forgive in
the daylight but remain bitter at night! Hypocrites teach one thing and live the
In a sense, we are all hypocrites because nobody is perfect,
but deliberate hypocrisy is poison! Our emphasis today is that you must be an
example in whatever you do and wherever you are. Let your light so shine that men
will not doubt your God or your faith. Yes, you will be criticized if you are
making progress in life and ministry, but never invite undue attacks on your lifestyle.
Note Vs. 21-24 or basic scripture. Is there anything you are preaching against
that you are practicing secretly?  THIS
IS HYPOCRISY and the LORD hates it! Remember also that if you live in a glass
house, you don’t throw stones.

Roman 2:21 says: “Thou therefore which teacheth another
teach not thou thyself?” As 2017 ends and 2018 begins, teach thyself! Judge
thyself! What heaven knows about you is more important than what people think
about you! Read the Basic Scripture again and let heaven rejoice that you were
born! Amen!

Our Daily Manna Devotional October 31, 201

PRAYER POINTS: Take any song of worship as led.
Pray about today’s word as it has touched you.
Repent from any way in which your life has
brought shame to the name of God in the past.
O Lord, let my life advertise and declare Your
O Lord, hide me inside your power and presence
in Jesus name. Pray for leaders in your local church and nation.
All agents sent to paralyze my life, dry up
today in Jesus name (Pray it very well)
Pray about today generally as led now.

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