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Daily Manna Devotional Reading For July 15 2018 – MY NAME IS NOT SIMON JONAH!

Daily Manna Devotional Reading For July 15 2018



Welcome! The LORD changed the name of JACOB to ISRAEL! He changed the name SARAI to SARAH! He changed the name SAUL the murderer to PAUL the apostle! Wow! He changed the name of the WOMAN WITH THE ISSUE OF BLOOD to the WOMAN WITH THE ISSUE OF PRAISE! He changed the name of ABRAM to ABRAHAM! Today’s 1st scripture Verse 5 says, “Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham, for a father of many nations have I made thee.”

Daily Manna Devotional Reading For July 15 2018
Daily Manna Devotional Reading For July 15 2018

God doesn’t want you to answer the name He has not given to you; so in this fasting programme, AHITHOPHEL (YOUR HATERS) must let you go! Be reminded of Luke 1:36: “And, behold, thy cousin Elisabeth, she hath also conceived a son in her old age: and this is the sixth month with her, WHO WAS CALLED BARREN!” Did you get that? Men called her BARREN! That was her name of mockery! But that name was CONSUMED by the “CONSUMING FIRE!” No matter what the world THE GOD OF ELIZABETH WILL CHANGE YOUR STORY!

Don’t miss the last-day LAGOS anointing service of Saturday July 21st, 7am. Write down on a piece of paper names you REJECT/ REFUSE! Yes! Your name will change from STORY to SUPER STORY, from FAILURE to SUCCESS, from POVERTY to PROSPERITY, from SINGLENESS to HAPPILY SETTLED! I see the LORD change the name of your business,career, job, health, ministry, marriage and finances in Jesus name! Your life will disappoint your haters!

Daily Manna Devotional Reading For July 15 2018

Ah! Your mockers will know that there is a God who changes SIMON JONAH (A WEAK, SOFT AND UNSTEADY LIFE) to PETER (A HARD ROCK – FIRMNESS OF PURPOSE; A GOAL GETTER)! Just refuse to QUIT NOW! Sow a “CHANGE OF NAME SEED” into any of the accounts on page 29 of this booklet and send a Whatsapp text to +234-8144-0442-26 or e-mail and I will send you 3 “CHANGE OF NAME” Prayer points and a “CHANGE OF NAME PSALM!”

Today is Day 8 of the 14-day fasting programme. PRAY THE GENERAL PRAYERS ON PAGE 93 Click here AND PRAYERS ON PAGE 58 Click here OF THE “WAR AGAINST HAMAN-13” BOOKLET. Daily Manna Devotional Reading For July 15 2018- MY NAME IS NOT SIMON JONAH!

PRAYER POINTS: Take any song or hymn of worship to God, Click here.
1. Pray about today’s word as led now.
2. Lord, You have done it before! CHANGE MY NAME from… (mention it) to … (mention it). Pray it seriously. ODM Daily Today Sunday 15th July 2018- TOPIC: MY NAME IS NOT SIMON JONAH!

3. God of Elizabeth; DO IT AGAIN! Disappoint my MOCKERS in Jesus name! I decree: EVERY NAME EXCHANGER, dry up and scatter in Jesus name (Pray it till you have peace to stop).
4. Pray about today seriously as led now. Then pray the“War Against Haman-13” prayers. Always see “The  Procedure/Process For Breaking Your Fast

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