Daily Manna for 28th January 2024 “IT’S NOT VERY CHURCH-LIKE”: BE CHURCH LIKE – 2

Daily Manna for 28th January 2024


Daily Manna For Today January 2022
Daily Manna For Today January 2022

TODAY’S SCRIPTURE for 28th January 2024

Continued from yesterday… Remember the story of the woman who was kicked out of her accommodation by a church after 25 years! The church pastor came out to explain what happened! He said the church did not kick the woman out, rather the company managing the church property did. He stressed that though he personally had a passion advocating for older people and quality housing, housing is not a ministry of the church because the “church is not in the property rental business.” Ummh! Whichever way you look at it, both parties have their own arguments, but the church is at the centre of it all.LOTS OF TIME, THE AVERAGE SINNER DOES NOT LISTEN TO ARGUMENTS! HE/SHE WANTS TO SEE CHRIST IN YOU!The question you have to ask yourself is this, “Are your actions church-like?” When you tell lies, cheat on your spouse or other people, beat your wife, wear revealing dresses to tempt church people or pastors (both young and old), keep grudges, live in unforgiveness, judge/gossip others, fail to pay your tithes and make away with what does not belong to you (stealing), refusing to pay your debts, are you church-like? Many times some so-called Christians put up behavior that makes people wonder if they have come across Christ or the Bible at all. When you help someone in need, walk in honesty, live a transparent life and humble yourself, etc, that is church-like. Part of Verse 14 of today’s scripture says: “But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ and make no provision for the flesh.” Close with Rick Warren: “For instance, God teaches us to love by putting some unlovely people around us. It takes no character to love people who are lovely and loving to you.” Wow! In this year 2024, be church-like – DAILY! Love someone who is not lovable!

JOIN ME TONIGHT 8PM-9PM LAGOS TIME ONLINE – PROPHETICMIRACLES, FIRE PRAYERS TO BEGIN YOUR WEEK, Via Facebook Live: ourdailymannaworldwide; Instagram Live; ourdailymanna_bishopchris & Youtube: Manna TV International. Be ready to pray! Sometimes I am led to call NAMES and release a Prophetic WORD /direction/ Warning for those who log in. This is your day! (Also, expect a crucial health TIP every Sunday Night) Daily Manna for 28th January 2024

PRAYER POINTS: Blessed assurance…

  1. In your own words, pray about today’s word AS LED NOW. 2. Lord, as I go out DAILY this year, grant me the grace to love those who are unlovely! Mercy will prevail over truth as I go out daily this year!

  2. Repent from any way in which your actions HAVE NOT GLORIFIED OR SHOWN THE LOVE OF JESUS CHRIST in the past. Daily Manna for 28th January 2024

  3. I shall be described as CHRIST-LIKE and CHURCH-LIKE this year! Pray about today! Repent and Loose EVERY HANGING BLESSING DUE TO UNFORGIVENESS! I see 13, 490 ODM users with hanging blessings! Pray now


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