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Daily Manna For Champions 13 May 2019 – THE CNN DOCUMENTARY: THE FAITH OF OLD!

Daily Manna For Champions 13 May 2019



A while ago, CNN ran a documentary with the caption: “AFTER JESUS: THE FIRST CHRISTIANS” and I was glued to my seat in tears as I was reminded of the lifestyle of the first century believers! I watched and saw the first century believers dancing to their gallows (graves) instead of mourning or denying Jesus!

Daily Manna For Champions 13 May 2019

Daily Manna For Champions 13 May 2019

I was reminded of how the early believers defied lions and chose Jesus rather than long life and I wept for my generation! Oh, my generation! Many a times, problems come our way and we forget that God is still in control. This is a generation that loves the THRONE, but hates the CROSS! We love the GLORY, but loathe the GROANING! We desire PROSPERITY, but deny ADVERSITY! When times of discouragement come our way, we are to remember what the Apostles went through while working for God.

The Apostle Paul who is known as one of the greatest Apostles, suffered greatly for the cause of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible says that Paul was beaten for preaching the gospel of the Lord and placed in the depths of the jails in Philippi and yet victory was still in his mind while he sang praises to the Lord in spite of being in jail. Paul was also whipped three separate times with rods! At a time, he was stoned and was shipwrecked three times! He was adrift at sea for one whole day and night and the list goes on and on… (2 Corinthians 11:23-31).

All of these tribulations that Paul went through is enough to cause anyone to say “I give up,” “I QUIT,” and yet the Apostle Paul says in 2 Corinthians 4:17: “For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, work for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.” Paul called his great sufferings, “LIGHT AFFLICTIONS.” Ah LORD, give us their hearts and devotion! The faithfulness and adoration of Peter also comes to mind. He refused to be crucified like his Master. Daily Manna For Champions 13 May 2019 – THE CNN DOCUMENTARY: THE FAITH OF OLD!

Daily Manna For Champions 13 May 2019

He chose to die upside down. Oh, what a band of men! The Bible says you must pursue the faith that was once delivered to the saints (Jude 3), and part of that faith is the ability to endure trials. Thank God for the prosperity gospel, but a message of the throne without the cross is a satanic trap to paralyze the end time church. Watch! There is always a STORY behind every GLORY! And I see you forgetting every bitter story! Hold on, hold out and look up! Amen!

Follow me on my personal instagram handle: ourdailymannajbishopchris, personal Facebook: Chris Kwakpovwe and ODM instagram handle: ourdairymannaonline, ODM Facebook: our daily manna, ODM Twitter; TweetODM
PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 2: Count your blessings…
1. In your own words, pray over today’s devotional. Daily Manna For Champions 13 May 2019 – THE CNN DOCUMENTARY: THE FAITH OF OLD!

  1. LORD, I receive grace to contend for the faith that was once delivered to the saints. I am not a QUITTER! I shall hold on in FAITH and TRUST!
  2. Lord, rain on me, a fresh grace to run my race afresh! Pray about today as led! Daily Manna For Champions 13 May 2019 – THE CNN DOCUMENTARY: THE FAITH OF OLD!

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