Daily Manna For Champions 18 January 2020 – THE YEAR OF “MENE MENE TEKEL UPHARSIN”

Daily Manna For Champions 18 January 2020



Vs 5 of today’s scripture says: “In the same hour came forth the fingers of a man’s hand, and wrote over against the candlestick upon the plaster of the wall of the king’s palace: and the king saw the part of the hand that wrote.” IT WAS THE FINGERS OF A “MAN” that suddenly appeared to SPOIL THE PARTY and BOASTING of this king. In this year 2020, Jehovah God will SUDDENLY appear to SUDDENLY disappoint the plans and celebrations of your haters! This king wanted to INSULT the God of heaven by drinking wine with the golden vessels taken from the house of God! In this year 2020, the FINGER THAT STOPS INSULTS WILL WRITE AND RE-WRITE! He will write a JUDGMENT against your ELEVATION/DESTINY attackers and He will RE-WRITE whatever they have written against you!

Daily Manna For Champions 18 January 2020
Daily Manna For Champions 18 January 2020

Daily Manna For Champions 18 January 2020

Just as PHARAOH’S magicians proclaimed in Exodus 8:19 – “THIS IS THE FINGER OF GOD,” so shall your haters shout in agony this year: “THIS IS THE FINGER OF GOD AT WORK.” It was that same finger that wrote the TEN COMMANDMENTS in Exodus 31:18 and that same FINGER will write DIRECTIONS and write your NEW ELEVATION STORY! Just as the FINGER wrote, the LORD is telling me to inform you that this is the year of “MENE MENE TEKEL UPHARSIN to those who are determined to act as BLOCKERS, TOLLGATES or ADVERSARIES concerning your dreams! They shall see a FINGER-IN-ACTION which will defy their interpretation! It is a year of HURRAY for you and a year of HORROR to your haters! Complete this 21-day fast and be at the WORLD ANOINTING ELEVATION NIGHT holding at the TBS Lagos, Nigeria.

The LORD told me to anoint your hands and your feet that night. Bring anything concerning the labour of your hands and your picture! It will be a prophetic night of “MENE MENE TEKEL UPHARSIN” and it will be your night of HURRAY! Sow your “MENE MENE TEKEL UPHARSIN” SEED and pray the Psalm that will be sent to you! Yes! This is your year of “OPERATION NO MERCY” to your haters! It is also a YEAR OF “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH” to all destiny MOCKERS! Daily Manna For Champions 18 January 2020 – THE YEAR OF “MENE MENE TEKEL UPHARSIN”

Daily Manna For Champions 18 January 2020

Pray now with “WAR AGAINST HAMAN – 1.5” DAY 8 prayers on page 38 CLICK HERE, then never miss the WORLD ANOINTING ELEVATION NIGHT at TBS, Lagos, on January 31st, 7pm. This is your year! (Give out more copies or cartons of the booklet and I shall respond to you prophetically via whatsapp or text to +234 -903 264 8292 or e-mail : orderodm@gmail.com). Daily Manna For Champions 18 January 2020 – THE YEAR OF “MENE MENE TEKEL UPHARSIN” WAR AGAINST HAMAN 15 DAY 7 AND DAY 8 – “JEHOVAH THE SAND-WRITER! OH, UNSEEN FINGER; WRITE IN MY FAVOUR THIS YEAR!”

PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 2: My faith looks up… → CLICK HERE
1. Pray about today’s word as it has touched you.
2. Lord, I declare this day that my haters shall see Your FINGER IN ACTION this year! You shall write in my favour month by month and You shall write against their BOASTINGS day by day! They shall see “MENE MENE TEKEL UPHARSIN” every day and night and they shall know that the MORE THAN ENOUGH GOD has declared operation “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH” against them. Thank you LORD JESUS!
3. Pray the “WAR AGAINST HAMAN – 15” prayers of today as directed above. Daily Manna For Champions 18 January 2020 – THE YEAR OF “MENE MENE TEKEL UPHARSIN”
4. My Father My Father!! Do a quick work in my destiny, that will turn ‘WHO ARE YOU?’ TO ‘HOW ARE YOU?’ this year in Jesus name.



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Bridget Nkhoma
Bridget Nkhoma
5 years ago

Would like to get anointing oil how can i

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