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Daily Manna For Champions 26 April 2019 – YOU WILL NEVER BE TOO BIG FOR HELP! 

Daily Manna For Champions 26 April 2019



Welcome to another STORY TO GLORY HOUR! The Holy Spirit wants to show you examples of some Destiny Helpers in the Bible! This is because a good and NEW BEGINNING is about to hit you! I see the oil of FAVOUR locating you because men shall help you by a divine force they cannot control! You will NEVER be stranded on this planet! At every juncture of need, HELP shall come like a flood upon you! See these examples: 1. Naaman and the maid – In 2 Kings 5:3, it was a maid God used to help Naaman!

Daily Manna For Champions 26 April 2019
odm 2019 devotional

Daily Manna For Champions 26 April 2019

No matter your position, YOU WILL NEVER BE TOO BIG TOR HELP! God can use anybody to help you. So always stay humble! 2. Jethro and Moses: Jethro was a destiny helper to Moses (Exodus 18). He was his father-in-law. He advised Moses on how to appoint and delegate elders to attend to the people of Israel. He gave Moses wise counsel. 3. Elijah and the widow of! Zarephath: In 1 Kings 17:12-13, God used a poor widow to feed Elijah and Elijah became her destiny helper also! 4. Joseph, the butler and the baker: While in prison, Joseph helped the butler to fulfill his destiny (Genesis 40:6-7).

The Bible says we need to bear each other’s burdens so that we can fulfill the law of Christ. Your HELPER is your burden bearer! 5. Mordecai and Esther: Esther was an orphan but her uncle, Mordecai, who knew she was beautiful, kept her and trained her. When the time came, he introduced her to greatness! 6. Hannah and Eli: With all the issues Eli had, he was the destiny helper God used to unlock Hannah’s barrenness.

All Hannah needed was a declaration and a proclamation from a priest to reach her goal (1 Samuel 1:17). 7. The Shunammite woman and Elisha: In 2 Kings 4:9, the Shunammite woman told her husband that she perceived Elisha was a man of God and she decided to improve their hospitality towards Elisha. It was through prophet Elisha that she was able to have a child. May God open your eyes to locate your destiny helper today and after the anointing service of this weekend!

Daily Manna For Champions 26 April 2019

Tomorrow, Saturday April 27th 2019 is this month’s anointing service. Theme: “Secrets of Locating destiny Helpers. Time: 7.30 a.m. Venue is 8-11, Omotayo Banwo Street, Ogudu, Lagos. Daily Manna For Champions 26 April 2019 – YOU WILL NEVER BE TOO BIG FOR HELP!

PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 3: Click → When the morning comes…

1. Thank God for today’s word and pray as led.
2. LORD, send me my JETHRO! Daily Manna For Champions 26 April 2019 – YOU WILL NEVER BE TOO BIG FOR HELP!

3. LORD God, send me HELPERS that will take my life, family and ministry to the ROOFTOP! Send me my ZENITH HELPERS in Jesus name.
4. Holy Spirit, uproot from my life, family and ministry, every DESTINY KILLER in Jesus name. Daily Manna For Champions 26 April 2019 – YOU WILL NEVER BE TOO BIG FOR HELP!
5. Pray for your destiny helpers today (Mention their names).

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5 years ago

am blessed today and I believe in miracles

Carol chunga
Carol chunga
5 years ago

Lord send me a destiny helper. Amen.

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