Daily Manna For Champions 4 April 2019 – DIVINE LOCATION DETERMINES ALLOCATION!

Daily Manna For Champions 4 April 2019



Years ago, a notable African industrialist who was Chairman of a conglomerate of over 25 companies noted the following: “The Caucasian and Asians are moving forward, but the Negroid (Black race is static. While the whites and the Chinese are going to the moon, the black man is trapped in the web of bickering (power struggle) and in-fighting.” Everywhere I travel to, whether Europe or USA, the first place I visit is the toilet at the airports or hotels What do I see?

Daily Manna For Champions 4 April 2019
new our daily manna 2019

Daily Manna For Champions 4 April 2019

The black man washing the toilets! Astonishing, but I also witnessed this in the Netherlands. I saw about six black people doing this. I witnessed it in Portugal. The same thing is what you find in the UK. In the same UK, most of the pharmacies, warehouses, etc, belong to Indians. Few if any, for the Black man! He is only found in despicable (shameful) places. Ii [bothers me as a person. If you I fall into the category of the race ! described as “Black”, read Acts 10:34-36 and use it to reject the yoke of the black man! If you are not a black man, receive Acts 10:34 also as a divine admonition to sober living in this year 2019.

Acts 10:34 says: “…of a truth, I perceive that God is not a respecter of persons.” Verse 35: “But in even nation he that feared Him and worked righteousness is ACCEPTED with Him.” So no matter your colour or nation, determine that you will be accepted and favoured by God. Note the words: “Every nation” and “Accepted.” If you are accepted (favoured by God), you will be blessed in your nation. Did God not tell Isaac not to leave Gerar and did Isaac not prosper in Gerar though his generation was complaining and moving to Egypt.? It is your God-appointed location that determines your allocation from the Trinity!

Stay where you are (except you are instructed by God to move) and remain in God’s book of favour, then watch heaven move you from STORY to GLORY in 2019! You don’t need more labour! You need more favour! You don’t need more help from ABROAD, you need more help from ABOVE (1st scripture -James 1:17)! Hear Robert Collier: “You can be whatever you make your mind to be. Mind is all that counts.” Yes! Mind (faith and trust) is all that counts – not your colour, city or tribe!

Daily Manna For Champions 4 April 2019

Be determined! I am starting a series on all SUNDAYS IN APRIL and MAY 2019, SAM: 55 SECRETS OF UNCOMMON SUCCESS – THE STORY BEHIND THE GLORY! HOW TO AVOID SATANIC DEMOTION IN LIFE/MINISTRY – AT OGUDU ORIOKE, LAGOS MANNA PRAYER MOUNTAIN AND LEKKII I decree: Nations and men of all colour and creed will celebrate you in Jesus name! Pray seriously now! Daily Manna For Champions 4 April 2019 – DIVINE LOCATION DETERMINES ALLOCATION!

PRAYER POINTS: Take any song of praise now.
1. Pray about today’s message as it has affected you.
2. Christ has redeemed me from every CURSE! I am not cursed!

Christ Jesus took my curse in Jesus name. Lay hands on yourself and bless yourself now! Pray about today now! Daily Manna For Champions 4 April 2019 – DIVINE LOCATION DETERMINES ALLOCATION! Daily Manna For Champions 4 April 2019 – DIVINE LOCATION DETERMINES ALLOCATION!


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