Daily Manna for February 26 2019- TOO PRETTY TO GO TO JAIL?!

Daily Manna for February 26 2019

TOPIC- TOO PRETTY TO GO TO JAIL?! February 2019 Day 26 By Bishop Dr Chris


A South Carolina woman, Lauren Elizabeth Cutshaw. was celebrating her 33rd birthday. Driving at 60 miles per hour on Saturday 11th August 2018, she was pulled over by the police of Bluffton Police Department at 1:45 am for speeding through a four-way stop sign. She told the cops that she shouldn’t be arrested because she was a “very clean, thoroughbred, white girl”. She told the police even more; “I am a white, clean girl. I’ve never been arrested; can’t you see that in your system? Can’t you see I graduated from a really good university, I was almost valedictorian”? When she was confronted with the possibility of going to jail, she said, “I don’t wanna know what it is like. I’m a pretty girl. Please don’t make me go in there.” She added that she had just two glasses of wine! Lauren’s lecture however, did not convince the police officers. They arrested her and charged her with speeding, disregarding a stop sign, simple possession of marijuana, driving under the influence and possession of drugs.

ODM Devotional February 20, 2018 

What a strange world! TOO PRETTY FOR JAIL, BUT TOO PRETTY TO COMMIT A CRIME? Oh, the devil is a bad and ‘stupid DEVIL! He can use beauty, riches, intelligence or even the anointing (pride like LUCIFER) to deceive people! Beauty, looks, education, career, connections, riches, etc, are not determinants of destiny and what happens to you in this life or hereafter.

Sickness, disease, poverty, suffering, prosperity, wealth and the like, know no colour, education, riches or looks. The God we serve, who created the heavens and the earth, is equally no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34, Romans 2:11). Life does not judge us by how we look, but what we do!”No matter how good looking you may be, if you don’t give what it takes to succeed, success may become a mirage.


Psalm 9:17 states, “The wicked shall be turned to hell, And all nations that forget God.” Beautiful women, handsome men and celebrities will end up in hell if they forget God. That SECRET FORNICATION or ADULTERY, that secret lesbianism or immorality, stealing, pride as a pastor, etc, will TAKE OFF YOUR NAME from the BOOK OF LIFE! Remember LUCIFER! He was glorious, talented, powerful, angelic, wiser than Daniel or Solomon, handsome, heavenly and PERFECT IN CREATION (Ezek 28: 3, 12-15)! Wow! Yet he is today a VAGABOND prepared for HELL! Hell will be full of kings, queens, presidents of nations and high profile people in the world who failed to serve God and acknowledge the Lordship of Jesus Christ over their lives. You are not too beautiful, handsome or wealthy to go to ETERNAL JAIL in hell! Live RIGHT by force! ODM NOW HAS A NEW YORK OFFICE – see page 61!

PRAYER POINTS Todays Devotional

Take Song 1: Higher ground…

  1. Pray about today’s word as led now.
  2. Every spirit of deceit and wrong assumption, depart from me in Jesus name.
  1. My Father, I refuse to be distracted/deceived by any physical or spiritual quality You have ggiven to me.

I’m pressing on the upward way hymn lyrics


  1. I’m pressing on the upward way,
    New heights I’m gaining every day;
    Still praying as I onward bound,
    “Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.”

Lord, lift me up, and let me stand
By faith on Canaan’s tableland;
A higher plane than I have found,
Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.

  1. My heart has no desire to stay
    Where doubts arise and fears dismay;
    Though some may dwell where these abound,
    My prayer, my aim, is higher ground.

  2. I want to live above the world,
    Though Satan’s darts at me are hurled;
    For faith has caught the joyful sound,
    The song of saints on higher ground.

  3. I want to scale the utmost height
    And catch a gleam of glory bright;
    But still I’ll pray till rest I’ve found,
    “Lord, lead me on to higher ground.”


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goodness Onwusobalu
goodness Onwusobalu
6 years ago

thank u God ???? pls I need someone to join me in prayer ???????????? challenges of health #AM HEALD LORD

Ifeyinwa Aniekwe
Ifeyinwa Aniekwe
6 years ago

Amen and Amen

Grace Phiri
Grace Phiri
6 years ago

More of GOD…less of me my GOD….accept me to walk with you like Enoch did. …

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