Daily Manna For Today 11th May 2018 By Dr Chris – THE GABOLA CHURCH: BAPTIZED IN BEER

Daily Manna For Today 11th May 2018 By Dr Chris


Basic Scriptures: Judges 16: 18-25

A place considering to be probably the most famous drinking spot in orange farm outside Johannesburg, south Africa, is now home to the Gabola church. It is called, the church of BEER.” It is a church that encourages worshippers to have a drink, perform baptism with “holy’ whisky and welcomes ‘drunkards’.

Daily Manna For Today 11th May 2018 By Dr Chris

Daily Manna For Today 11th May 2018 By Dr Chris

Gabola means ‘drinking in sotho-tswana, a South African dialect/language and it holds sermons in bars (taverns). Each member is baptized in their alcoholic beverages of choice. Putting his hand on a can of beer, the founder, bishop tsietsi makiti blesses the beverage ahead of his weekly sermon in evaton, South Africa.

He then sits behind a table full of a 4.5 liter bottle of Johnnie walker red label and sips on a generous measure of whisky before he starts preaching before his congregation. Bishop Makiti is the head of Gabola church, a 500- strong denomination for drinkers which holds its Sunday sermons in bars and cafes across Johannesburg “praise the lord and pass liberation” is the motto of the church!

Despite the fact that the church was founded a few months ago, it already has 500 members and some 2000 people have been baptized by bishop makiti- each in their own favorite alcoholic beverage. At the moment, Gabola church has male congregation bishop makiti says that this is because he does not feel comfortable mixing genders due to the behavior of drunken men towards women. However, His goal is to educate the men of his church and allow women to join when they have well prepared.

Daily Manna For Today 11th May 2018 By Dr Chris

OH LORD, have mercy! Indeed, we are living in the very last days of this age and many more events, satanic churches, etc, will keep emerging but you must stay focused on the true and living word of God! This is more than the time for SITTING ON THE FENCE! It is either you are on fire for God or you will sink! This is not the time to DILUTE or COMPROMISE the WORD! Jude 3 (paraphrased) says “CONTEND for the faith of old! CONTEND means to fight! The Holy Ghost is saying: FIGHT TO KEEP THE FAITH OF OLD! Oh, remember Samson who had his eyes plucked out and was put in captivity?

But do you know that millions of believers today, like Samson, have had their spiritual eyes plucked out and they are in captivity to so many KINDS OF GOSPELS that have deviated from the FAITH OF OLD? Only by reading the word of themselves like the BEREAN Christians can their eyesight be restored! No wonder Mahatma Gandhi opined: “To believe in something and not to live it, is dishonest. ” To say you are a child of God but you live like a child of hell, is a SHAME! Refuse to join the END TIME MIXED MULTITUDE! Pray now!

PRAYER POINTS: take song 4; stand up for Jesus…… CLICK HERE

Thank God for today’s word and pray as led now.
Repent now from LIVING A DOUBLE LIFE at anytime! Lord, restore my spiritual eyes again!
Holy Ghost, restore and REVIVE me again! Take me back to the FAITH OF OLD!
ASSIGNMENT: Finish the Books o ACTS 3 TIMES in the next one month!

Finish the Epistles once in the next 2 months!


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