Daily Manna For Winners 9 May 2020
The Holy Ghost has been warning in this ODM edition about the RAPTURE OF THE SAINTS! At the last WORLD ANOINTING NIGHT service on January 31st at the TBS Lagos, one of the messages the LORD GAVE US WAS: RETURN BACK TO THE BIBLE! Indeed, there are LOTS of churches and ministries which are after MONEY! MONEY! MONEY! It’s not bad but you must always remember that the greatest prosperity is the prosperity of the soul! What will you gain if after all the wealth and glory of this world, you miss HEAVEN AT LAST? Read TOP ODM Daily INSPIRATIONS CLICK HERE

Daily Manna For Winners 9 May 2020
What will you gain if after all the marital connections/bliss and glory of this world, you miss HEAVEN AT LAST? What will you gain if after all the elevation and promotion/healings, you miss HEAVEN AT LAST? If you miss heaven, you will be the lead actor in a movie titled: “TEARS IN ETERNITY!!” God forbid! Ah! The greatest testimony will be the day we will all shout in unity: “HEAVEN AT LAST” right before the throne or grace! Oh! Don’t miss that day because of delays to your prayer answers! Don’t miss it because of MARITAL BATTLES! Don’t miss it because of financial battles! Don’t miss it because of parents or lack of children, money, etc! If you miss that OPEN AIR MEETING called the RAPTURE, you will become the guest of the ANTI-CHRIST and your ATM card will be stamped with the dreaded figures 666.
Daily Manna For Winners 9 May 2020 – I REJECT THE “666” ATM CARD!
And whatever you call trials NOW will be NOTHING compared to what you will face on earth AFTER THE RAPTURE! It will be HELL ON EARTH! Ah! Clean up now! Forgive now! Preach now! Give out the ODM copies now in every edition as evangelism tools! Give to God’s work now (why leave all your CASH savings for the Anti-Christ?). Live holy now! Run from that secret sin now! Never miss your daily encounter with the LORD – your QUIET TIME! Close with George Whitefield – “How sweet is rest after fatigue! How sweet will heaven be when our journey is ended.” Yes! Rest is coming! Don’t miss it! Watch and pray! Watch and hold on!
TOMORROW IS STOPPING IRREVERSIBLE MISTAKES at the Lagos Ogudu Mountain! Be there 8.00am as we send IRREVERSIBLE MISTAKES to the camp of your haters and RETURN TO SENDER every mistake programmed against you this year! Come with your prayer points! Be ready to pray and cancel mistakes. Daily Manna For Winners 9 May 2020 – I REJECT THE “666” ATM CARD!
PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 1: When the roll is called… ODM Hymns – CLICK HERE
1. In your own words, pray over today’s word as led now.
2. I repent from WHATEVER will wipe out my name from the BOOK OF LIFE! LORD, help me to LIVE RIGHT and be expectant for the RAPTURE DAILY! Daily Manna For Winners 9 May 2020 – I REJECT THE “666” ATM CARD!
3. I SHALL NOT MISS HEAVEN for ANY REASON! Read – What God Wants Of You This Year! – BACK TO THE BIBLE
4. Satan, you are a liar. I reject discouragement because of DELAYS or battles! I am a PILGRIM HERE! I shall watch and I shall hold on to my LORD! My FIRE will not fade out! I shall preach about Christ at every opportunity! I shall give out ODM copies always and support the gospel of Jesus Christ. I shall help humanity and enter heaven AT LAST!
5. Pray about today seriously now! USE PAGES 7-9 PRAYERS!
Daily Manna For Winners 9 May 2020 – I REJECT THE “666” ATM CARD!