Daily Manna ODM 9 February 2023 THE GROOM WHO MADE MEN HIS ‘GOD’: LOOK UP!

Daily Manna ODM 9 February 2023


Our Daily Manna July 2021 Day 8
Our Daily Manna July 2021 Day 8


Months ago, I heard this story about a wedding: The groom took a look at the guests at the wedding. He saw one very influential man who knew him well. He concluded in his LITTLE HUMAN MIND (his 5 senses) that a gift from that man alone would take care of most of his expenses. During the presentation of gifts, the man handed him a flat envelope. Because of the importance he attached to it, he kept it away from the other gifts safely in the pocket of his wedding suit. He did not also let his wife know what he had done. He thought a cheque of a huge amount of money had been kept in the envelope. He hid himself at home to unseal the envelope secretly. However, he discovered to his amazement that the envelope contained two new N20.00 notes and a N10 note, and the total amount was N50.00, which is about half a dollar! He began to sweat like a Christmas goat! In fact, he nearly passed out! Ummh! This groom is not alone in this popular human weakness of trusting in men! Many trust men so much that they lose focus on God who is the provider of all things and the Creator of all men! In this year 2023, never forget that the cattle on a thousand hills belong to Him (Psalm 50:10). Change your focus from men this year! Men can fail you but God never fails. No matter how the past years of your life has been, hear D. L. MOODY: “When I was young I thought it was hard that I had lost my father, but now I believe I would not be where I am if I had not been thrown on to myself early in life…” God can take some people from your life and ministry to enable you grow or LOOK TO HIM ALONE! Until king Uzziah died, in Isaiah 6, Prophet Isaiah could not see the LORD and could not fulfil his destiny! In 2023, God has your back! Look to Him from whence cometh your help (today’s scripture)! Daily Manna ODM 9 February 2023

Yesterday: ODM APP 8 February 2023 FROM FAILURE TO FORTUNE ($100 BILLION DOLLARS): – 2

Trust Him and hold on! You will never end in shame! Give out at least 7 ODM copies, send message to orderodm@gmail.com and I shall send you prayers on: LORD, turn the ODDs in my favour this year

PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 3: Oh, when the saints…

  1. In your own words, pray about today’s word as led.
  2. Repent from how you trusted men or women in the past.
  3. Vow that in 2023, your eyes shalll be on Him and Him alone!
  4. LORD, if I ever trust in a man, DISAPPOINT ME!
  5. Lord, send me Your SOURCES OF HELP this year! I LOOSE
    THEM from the North, South, East and West in Jesus name.
  6. Pray in Tongues for at least 10 minutes or as led today.
  7. Pray about today now and pray the DANGEROUS
    PRAYERS pages of this booklet (see from page 7).

Daily Manna ODM 9 February 2023

Tomorrow: Our Daily Manna Devotional Today 10 February 2023

ODM Reading List Topic February 2023


Hello friend! Before you open to the next page, I want to ask you a very important question. ARE YOU BORN AGAIN? OR WERE YOU ONCE BORN AGAIN BUT HAVE BACKSLIDED? If you are not SURE that you are born again, take time to settle that issue now because this great devotional will be meaningless to you, except you are born again. Read John 3:3. If you are in the second category, I want to let you know that God is the God of a second chance. This is an opportunity for you to make up with Jesus Christ. Bow down your head right now and re-dedicate your life to God. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE BORAN GAIN, YOU MUST FOLLOW THE STEPS BELOW:

(1) Acknowledge your sins: For all have sinned, and come
short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23, 6:23)
(2) Believe in your heart that Jesus died for you! (Rom 10:9)
(3) Repent, confess and forsake your sins: Luke 13:3, Acts
3:19, 1 John 1:9, Isaiah 55:7. See John 3:16!.


“Heavenly Father, I come to You in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I believe in my heart that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I believe in my heart that He died for my sins, I believe that You raised Him from the dead for my justification. Lord Jesus, come into my heart right now. I receive YOU today as my personal Lord and Saviour, and I give God the glory. Amen.” (PRAY IT UNTIL YOU HAVE PEACE/JOY IN YOUR HEART).

If you have sincerely prayed this prayer, then you are now Born Again. Congratulations dear friend! FOR FURTHER ENRICHMENT IN THE WORD OF GOD, please visit the MANNA MOUNTAIN OGUDU Orioke LAGOS to see us Sundays 8am, or look for any Bible-Believing church where the Word of God is being preached! You can also or CALL or WhatsApp us on +234(0)806 – 065-1045 Happy Christian Living! – Bishop Chris & Rev Mrs. Ejiro F. Kwakpovwe


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