Daily Manna ODM Today 13th April 2024 STAY WITH THE WORD: THE ANTI VIRUS OF FEAR!

Daily Manna ODM Today 13th April 2024


April Fools' Day
April Fools’ Day


Fear is one of the things that stop people from making progress in life. Fear will cause paralysis and inaction. Hear Dale Carnegie: “Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit at home and think about it. Go out and get busy.” The Bible says that God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. If God has not given you the spirit of fear, then you must never let fear stop you from doing the things that God has put in your heart to do. God told Abraham to move out of his father’s house into a new land that He would show him. He planted a new dream in his heart and told him that his descendants would inherit that land. For a long time, nothing happened. His wife was barren! Fear began to set in; fear of failure. Then God appeared to him and told him, “Fear not…” Just as fear tried to steal Abraham’s dream of having millions and billions of descendants, fear will try to steal the dreams that God plants in your heart. How do you keep yourself from the negative influence of fear? By turning your ears to what your God has to say. The Bible says that God spoke to Abraham, reassured him and told him that his seed would be as numerous as the stars of heaven. Abraham believed in the Lord, and that settled it. When you spend time listening to what God has to say, and you believe in His words, fear loses its grip over you. The number one weapon for fighting fear is the Word of God. Don’t let anything or anyone separate you from the WORD this year; it is the key to your victory! Daily Manna ODM Today 13th April 2024

ONLINE – “MORNING FIRE with Bishop Chris” – Today 7am (Nigeria time) via Facebook & Youtube. Daily Manna ODM Today 13th April 2024

PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 2: Great is Thy faithfulness…

  1. Pray about today’s word as it has touched you.
  2. The God that surprised Abraham; arise and show up in Your
    MERCY for my help (pray it seriously).
  3. Pray seriously for yourself and cancel every EVILAGENDA
    from the pit of hell sent to slow down or stop your God-given
    dreams(Pray it very well).
  4. El-Shaddai, give me a reason to smile. Make the remaining
    days of 2024 more glorious than the earlier days.
  5. Pray about today! Daily Manna ODM Today 13th April 2024

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