Daily Manna Online 13 November 2023

If I say, “JUST DO IT” a good number of readers will know whose slogan it is. Yes! NIKE – That short line has given the company a brand visibility beyond imagination.
With that logo, it placed itself at the forefront of successful companies selling their merchandise across the world. It’s mind-blowing! Just a simple slogan. I read a book once which said that there are many ideas that continue to end up under six feet because the owners of those ideas refused to take action. Daily Manna Online 13 November 2023 – A DEATHROW INMATE: JUST DO IT
They refused to just do it. There are so many ideas floating in the clouds over their originators without actualisation because the owners refused to just do it. What about the mortuary? My goodness! There might even be more dead ideas in the graveyards than there are in the world of the living.
“Success belongs to those who dare to turn their ideas into action. Don’t let your brilliant concepts be confined to the realm of imagination; just do it.” The world is hungry for individuals who will turn their ideas into tangible results. Don’t let your ideas gather dust; unleash them upon the world.
I have no doubt that you have had countless ideas. Now the question is: how many have you executed? Lay your hand on your head and say: My head, receive workable ideas. Now spread your hands and say: My hands, execute my ideas. When asked how he came about the catchphrase “JUST DO IT” for Nike, Wieden said he got the inspiration from a death row inmate who was about to be killed.
The inmate who didn’t see the need to delay the execution said to the executioners “YOU KNOW, LET’S DO IT.” Wow! Your idea is waiting for execution! It is bored of being discussed and talked about. Your idea wants you to take action. You have delayed and procrastinated long enough.
Now is the time to take action and JUST DO IT. Before 2023 ends and as 2024 begins, take an action you have always wanted to take! I see 23, 290 ODM users in this category! From this day, JUST DO IT prayerfully!
PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 1: Standing on the promises…
- Pray about today’s word as led now.
From this day, I shall take immediate action on the following ideas (mention them and pray it very, very well now). I am a success story to my generation (declare it 7 times).
- I receive the Spirit of God to execute every idea I have ever thought of in Jesus name.
Daily Manna Online 13 November 2023 – A DEATHROW INMATE: JUST DO IT
- My ideas shall not end up in the grave in Jesus name. LORD, BREATHE ON AND TURN MY IDEAS TO BLESSINGS TO HUMANITY (Pray it seriously).