Daily Manna Online 20 December 2023 LET THE LION LOOSE!

Daily Manna Online 20 December 2023 LET THE LION LOOSE!

Happy Christmas Bishop Chris
Happy Christmas Bishop Chris

Daily Manna Online 20 December 2023 LET THE LION LOOSE!


Welcome to today’s devotional! It was Brian Hardin who penned that, “The Bible gives us our orientation to God and the baseline for processing the drama each day brings. It challenges our motivations and gives us the deep wisdom it takes to function as the body of Christ.” Oh, the dramas of life! Then the irresistible Max Lucado, in his book, “One God, One Plan, One Life” noted: “The words of the Bible have life! God works through these words. The Bible is to God what a surgical glove is to the surgeon.” Wow! The Bible is to God what a surgical glove is to the surgeon! Amazing indeed! This is why you must honour His Word above the words of men. You should honour His Word above your experience! Christ is the Word of God in person. The Bible is the Word of God in writing. Both are the Word of God in the words of men. Both have a human nature and a divine nature! Stop being lazy! Determine to consume the WORD and let the WORD consume you! FINISH YOUR BIBLE BY FORCE! Ah! Close with Charles Spurgeon: “The Word of God is like a lion. You don’t have to defend a lion. All you have to do is let the lion loose, and the lion will defend itself.”If you honour His Word above your experience and every other thing, He will honour you, and UPHOLD YOU BY THAT WORD OF HIS POWER because the LION IN THE WORD will arise for you! Shout 7 halleluiah and declare: “I WILL END IN LAUGHTER.”

(Give out the 2024 ODM edition copies now. Avoid pirates blog where FREE ODM is read! It is witchcraft. Inform others). ONLINE – “MORNING FIRE with Bishop Chris” – Today 6.30 am (Nigeria time) via Facebook & Youtube.

Daily Manna Online 20 December 2023 LET THE LION LOOSE!

PRAYER POINTS: Take any song of worship as led now.

  1. Pray generally about today’s word as it has touched you.
  2. Oh! LION in the WORD! FIGHT FOR ME!
  3. Spirit of the Living God, You are the Author of the Bible;
    teach me, inspire me more and more with Your Word, let it fill
    my heart with faith, peace and abundant joy. I REFUSE TO
  4. Pray about the last days of 2023! Loose SPECIAL FAVOUR
    and an UNCOMMON JUMP OVER GRACE concerning
    every BAD NEWS!

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