Daily Manna Today 10 November 2018
Basic Scripture: Zechariah 4: 1-10
The story is told of a partially deaf four year-old kid who came home with a note in his pocket from his teacher: “Your boy is too stupid to learn, get him out of the school.” His courageous mother read the note and answered; “My boy is not stupid to learn. I will teach him myself.” Don’t miss – Our Daily Manna November 2018 Day 9 – BEETHOVEN & THE THAI DIVER
Daily Manna Today 10 November 2018
And that boy who was rejected by men, grew up to become the greatest Thomas Edison. Oh, there is power in determination! The arrows of rejection! As 2018 ends, you must stop planting flowers in people’s yards who are not going to water them! This is because EVERYBODY CANNOT BELIEVE IN YOU! Can you ever mention a great man or woman who succeeded and affected his/her generation without setbacks, obstacles or problems?
Nelson Mandela was jailed for 27 years! Chief M.K.O Abiola, to whom Nigeria’s DEMOCRACY DAY – JUNE 12 is dedicated was dumped in the dustbin at birthday because nobody was sure he would live. Abraham Lincoln was raised in poverty! Enrico Caruso was the first person to survive in a poor Italian family of 18 children. Be reminded of Mrs. Ilabar, the first lady who lost all her three children in the ill-fated Sosoliso air crash of December 10, 2005. All she could say during the special interdenominational funeral service was: “All died. All! All died.”
Yet, such a woman did not commit suicide! Why are you planning to give up on God! Have you heard of motion without friction? Let me know if there is a great star without a scar! Search the internet and see if you will ever find a story of triumph without trials! Esther was an orphan! Modecai was a gateman! Paul was a murderer! Peter an illiterate! Truth is, nobody wants pain! Everyone wants happiness, but have you ever seen a RAINBOW without a little RAIN or storm?
Daily Manna Today 10 November 2018
Oh, no matter how 2018 has been, find the courage to let go of what you cannot change and trust God to work it out! THAT RED SEA MUST DRY UP! That MOUNTAIN shall become a PLAIN – today’s scripture, Verse 7. If you refuse SECRET ANGER against God, He will single you out of the crowd for an uncommon testimony! Hold on! Hold out and dig in! Shame will NEVER be your name! Daily Manna Today 10 November 2018 – EVERY TRIUMPH IS A STORY OF REJECTION!
November 15 is my birthday! I told God that my BIRTHDAY GIFT will be your Eleventh-Hour Miracle! So, don’t miss the November Anointing service of Saturday November 24! Theme: “THIS RED SEA MUST DRY UP.” Time: is 8.am at the Lagos Ogudu Mountain! Come with your written prayer points again! It is possible!
PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 1: My faith looks up…
1. Oh, you mountain (Mention it now…); you are under God and you MUST BOW! I am not a quitter in Jesus name. Prayer the morning → Click here, afternoon → Click here and evening → Click here devotional prayers daily. See page 7 now HERE! Daily Manna Today 10 November 2018 – EVERY TRIUMPH IS A STORY OF REJECTION!
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