Daily Manna Today 17 January 2019 – SHOOT ALL YOUR ARROWS!

Daily Manna Today 17 January 2019


Basic Scripture: 2 Kings 13: 14 -20

Today’s scripture Verses 17-19 says: “And he said, ‘Open the east window’ and he opened it. Then Elisha said ‘Shoot’ and he shot. And the arrow of the LORD’s deliverance and the arrow of deliverance from Syria; for you must strike the Syrians at Aphek till you have destroyed them.” Then he said, ‘Take the arrows’’ so he took them.

Daily Manna Today 17 January 2019

Daily Manna Today 17 January 2019

And he said to the king of Israel, ‘strike the ground’; so he struck three times and stopped. And the man of God was angry with him and said, ‘you should have struck five or six times; then you would have struck Syria till you had destroyed it! But now you will strike Syria only three times!” Ah! Ah! Ah! Satan does not want you to shoot your arrows this year! He wants you to think small! ‘DON’T ASK GOD FOR BIG THINGS! ASK SMALL DUE TO FEAR! Satan wants you not to be BOLD! ‘DREAM BUT DON’T DREAM BIG DREAMS! Don’t shoot ALL your arrows! Daily Manna Today 17 January 2019 – SHOOT ALL YOUR ARROWS! “WAR AGAINST HAMAN 14″ DAY 13

Don’t manifest ALL YOUR GIFTS/TALENTS due to fear of WHAT PEOPLE WILL SAY!’ Satan wants you to die with many of your divine assignments undiscovered and unfulfilled! He wants you to add to the WEALTH OF THE GRAVEYARD! Ah! He is saying – “Don’t shoot ALL your arrows!”Satan has failed because whether he wants it or not, you shall shoot your arrows this year! THE WORLD SHALL SEE AND DISCOVER YOU FULLY THIS YEAR! You will serve the LORD and move from STORY TO GLORY in Jesus name.

Daily Manna Today 17 January 2019

Declare loud now: “I SHOOT ALL MY ARROWS THIS YEAR and I cannot be STOPPED because my life shall NOT ADD to the wealth of the cemetery! I shall not be WASTED! I AM MOVING FROM STORYTELLING TO GLORY SHOWCASING IN JESUS NAME.” As we continue tomorrow, sow your STORY TO GLORY SEED today and determine not to miss the WORLD ANOINTING STORY TO GLORY NIGHT OF January 25th! Time is 7pm! Bring SAND from your place of business, career, city or village square, etc. Something awesome is about to happen!

Rise in faith and pray with holy fire now! This is your year! Pray today’s fasting prayers in “War Against Haman – 14” on PAGE 63 → CLICK HERE now! Remember today is DAY 13 of the 21-day fasting programme. Daily Manna Today 17 January 2019 – SHOOT ALL YOUR ARROWS!

PRAYER POINTS: Take any song of power as led now. Our Daily Manna Devotional Hymn Songs 2019
1. Thank you LORD for this year so far! Psalm 25: 1; I thank you LORD, for not allowing my enemies to triumph over ME. Daily Manna Today 17 January 2019 – SHOOT ALL YOUR ARROWS!

2. Father, I stand upon Your Word and I blind every force, power and personality that wants to prevent me from shooting all my arrows this year in Jesus name! I shall be discovered and be celebrated this year! My BEST shall show up this year in Jesus name. Don’t miss → “MY AXE HEAD MUST SWIM AGAIN BY FIRE!

3. Father, as I shoot my arrows of prayer, prevail over me now by fire in Jesus name. (Then pray about today, and pray the above “WAR AGAINST HAMAN-14” prayers (page 63) in today’s fasting programme!).  Read – “SATANIC RAGE AND MADNESS


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Grace Phiri
Grace Phiri
6 years ago

My axe will float again. ..in the mighty name of JESUS CHRIST of Nazareth I pray!! Amen and amen!

Gillian Mmolawa
Gillian Mmolawa
6 years ago

Where can i get ODM in Botswana

Elizabeth Kanyama Zulu


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