Daily Manna Today 7 October 2019
Basic Scripture: 2 Samuel 11: 6-27
Verses 14 and 15 of today’s scripture say: “and it came to pass in the morning, that David wrote a letter to Jaob, and sent it by the hand of Uriah in the forefront of the hottest battle, and retire ye from him, that he may be smitten, and die.” Note “sent it by the hand of Uriah.” Ah! This wonderful man Uriah did not know that he was carrying HIS DEATH WARRANT!

Daily Manna Today 7 October 2019
He did not know that he was carrying a letter that would make sure he did not see his wife and family again! He did not know his OBEDIENCE would become his OBITUARY! The holy ghost wants you to arise and pray today concerning any BAD NEWS or EVIL REPORT that is being baked in order to make you the CAUSE of the EFFECT! Let me explain: Satan can push you into fornication or adultery and in that case, you are carrying your own EVIL LETTER of unwanted pregnancies,
abortions, incurable diseases, hatred, malice, envy, bitterness, unforgiveness , etc, and when these things led to FINANCIAL SHAME, DEMONIC ATTACKS, CAREER/BUSINESS DEMOTION, MARITAL DELAYT/SHAME, DEMOTION INSTEAD OF PROMOTION, STAGNATION INSTEAD OF ACCELERATION, etc, then you are the one using your own hands to carry your own evil letter! You can be provoked into IMPATIENCE and in that case, you are carrying your own letter of ISHMAEL!
This is because hurrying outside the will of GOD leads to premature breakthroughs which is the father of ‘HAD I KNOWN!’ Never forget that ISHMAEL was a product of HASTE! A premature or forced marital connection can lead to a painful divorce, health challenges, regret, shame and even DEATH! Is that not carrying your own DEATH WARRANT? Arise today to decree; I SHALL NOT CARRY MY ANTI-BREAKTHROUGH/DELAY WARRANT!
Daily Manna Today 7 October 2019
I shall not carry my MARITAL DELAY letter! I shall not carry my own DEMOTION LETTER and I shall not carry my spiritual/physical death warrant! But I decree that before the last day of this year, a LETTER OF VERY, VERY GOOD NEWS will locate you in Jesus name. pray seriously now!
PRAYER POINTS: Take any song of victory as led.
Pray about today’s word as led now.
Repent from how you have carried your own letter of DEMOTION OR DELAY in the past!
Repent from any SECRET SIN that can be used against you by satan, the ACCUSER OF THE BRETHREN! I walk in purity in Jesus name.
Repent from whatever you know can be used to ACCUSE you by man and demons.
A LETTER OF VERY SWEET AND GOOD NEWS shall locate me before the last day of this year in Jesus name!
I refuse to carry my anti-BREAKTHROUGH letter! I release forgiveness to the following people(mention names).
I shall not carry my DEATH WARRANT! I shall not carry my MARITAL DELAY letter! I shall not carry my DEMOTION LETTER and I shall not carry my spiritual/physical death.
We are very grateful to the Manna we are fed on daily. Keep on with the postings. God bless you. Amen.
I’m really blessed. More anointing sir and God bless you more.