Daily Manna Worldwide Devotional 9th April 2024

What do you believe? Jesus did not just say, “all things are possible.” He said, “ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE UNTO HIM WHO BELIEVES” – Mark 9: 23. Did you get that? All things are only possible to anybody WHO BELIEVES! Your faith is the force that determines how far you go in life and how much you accomplish with whatever has been given to you. The pages of the Bible and of history are full of stories of how great men and women of old accomplished the impossible. I love what Oral Roberts said about faith” “IF YOU CAN SEE THE INVISIBLE, YOU CAN DO THE IMPOSSIBLE.” Faith begins with seeing the invisible.FAITHTAKESYOUR EYES OFFWHAT CURRENTLY ISAND FIXES IT ON WHAT CAN BE. If you want your faith to carry you through the journey of life, you have to learn the secret of keeping your gaze fixed on the invisible. Somebody said that, FAITH IS THE HAND THAT REACHES OUT TO RECEIVE WHAT GOD HAS TO OFFER! Never let the challenging situations of life steal your faith. To you it may seem impossible, but to God, it’s just a “piece of bread” – A LIGHT AFFLICTION! Keep today’s Basic Scripture Vs. 18 in your mind continually. No matter how tough the challenge or the impossibility is, it is a light affliction. Catch this: God has not lost His competence or strength. Impossibilities are the things He specialises in working out for His children.
You can do the impossible – IF YOU BELIEVE!So, if the possible is the only thing God can do, then He shouldn’t be called “ALMIGHTY.” But thank God, He is the God of the possible, and the impossible! That is why you must hold on and hold out! If You Did Not Get Your Prophetic Psalm After Sowing In January, Kindly Resend To: orderodm@gmail.com Or Text/whatsapp +234-805-624-1771; 0814-404-4226
PRAYER POINTS:Ta ke Song 3: Higher ground…
- Pray in your own words as you are inspired by the Word.
- Father, strengthen my hand of faith. Help me to receive and
enjoy all that You have to offer me. I believe! I trust You! - Pray this prayer seriously: God of all possibility, turn my
impossibilities around (Pray it for 3 days and 3 nights). - Pray seriously about today! CANCEL A GANG-UP
AGAINST YOU! - Pray about today and any other issue(s) as led