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DAY 1 ODM 21 Day Fasting Prayers 2022 WAR AGAINST HAMAN-17

We continue from WAR AGAINST HAMAN-17 Introduction PAGE 

DAY 1 ODM 21 Day Fasting Prayers 2022 WAR AGAINST HAMAN-17

THE 21-DAY WORLDWIDE FASTING BEGINS January 8th-28th. GET YOUR “WAR AGAINST HAMAN – 17” BOOKLET NOW! It contains all the 21-day fasting prayer points! Get your copy now! Get for others!


ODM prayer fasting
ODM prayer fasting

TODAY! Proverbs 28:13: He that covereth his Sins shall not prosper, but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall obtain mercy.’’ Sin can arrest your divine surprise. The Lord wants me to let you know that the Number One key to stop sin from arresting your God-given divine surprise, is your Total repentance from your sins and not going back to them. God is a God Of mercy; when genuine repentance is shown and you uncover your sins to Him, His mercy card shows up immediately and your divine surprise testimony shall come into your hands. The world shall no more see your Backwardness, stagnation and shame, for JERHOVAH the impartial God, Shall cause the world to hear of your divine surprise testimony. That was the case of Jonah, despite his gross disobedience, when he confessed his sins in the belly of the fish and showed genuine repentance God’s MERCY CARD located him even in the lowest depths of the- sea. When your accuser the devil uses that filthy garment of sin to accuse you before the Lord, and arrest your divine surprise, show genuine repentance and be ready also to take off that filthy garment of sin as was the case of Joshua the high priest in Zechariah 3:1-4: Then he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the Angel of the Lord, and Satan standing at his right hand to oppose him. Now Joshua was clothed with filthy garments, and was standing before the Angel. Then He answered and spoke to those who stood before Him, saying, Take away the filthy garments from him and to him He said, See, I have removed your iniquity from you, and I will clothe you with rich robes. He Lord shall surprise you with His RICH ROBE OF DIVINE SURPRISE. Did He not show His MERCY CARD to ELIJAH when he decided to run away from Jezebel? When the enemy shows his RED CARD to condemn you before the Referee of life (GOD) to arrest your divine surprise testimony package,


YOUR DIVINE SURPRISE THE SHOW UP IMMEDIATELY to defend you. YOUR DIVINE SURPRISE SHALL GET TO YOUR ADDRESS See Ephesians 6:12: “For we are not fighting against flesh and blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world and against evil spirit in heavenly places.’’ We are fighting against the Enemy, the Father of LIES, the GREAT DECEIVER of MANKIND Satan uses sin to arrest your divine surprise and to strip your RAINBOW (DIVINE SURPRISE) of its entire color. DAY 1 ODM 21 Day Fasting Prayers 2022 WAR AGAINST HAMAN-17

The yoke of sin is like a credit card you enjoy now and pay later. Without Jesus being the Master of your life, your WEEKDAYS shall be SINDAY, MOURDAY, TEARSDAY WASTEDAY, THIRSTDAY, FIGHTDAY and SHATTERDAY! 7 DAYS WITHOUT JESUS CHRIST MAKES ONE WEAK AND ATTHE MERCY OF THE DEVIL! Oh, catch this: When sin DEFORMS, only JESUS can TRANSFORM Sin takes you through the broad way of life, where you ever wanted to go, it also Keeps you longer than you ever wanted to stay, then costs you more than you ever wanted to pay No wonder Matthew 7-13 14 screams about the narrow way and the way that leads to destruction (the broadway) which has no difficulties, anything is allowed It has no rules, no checks nor balances. It’s so spacious and easy to follow. Ponder on this: The safest road to Hell is the gradual one the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts.”

The broad way includes the unholy and ungodly lifestyles of the people of this world. It is the pathway of the worldly, the ungodly, the materialistic, and the carnally minded. Sin is the switch: that the enemy designed to arrest and put off the light of your divine surprise! Unlike the broad way, the narrow way has to be found. Seek to find it by genuinely repenting from all your sins, forgive your offenders and your divine surprise testimony shall locate your address. DAY 1 ODM 21 Day Fasting Prayers 2022 WAR AGAINST HAMAN-17

USE THIS 1 DAY FOR REPENTANCE AND RE-DEDICATION OF YOUR LIFE! Sow your DIVINE SURPRISE SEED CLICK HERE and log in to the LAST DAY online WORLD ANOINTING SERVICE of JANUARY 29TH 2022. You will not fast in vain this year. You are in for Surprises that your brain cannot fathom! Pray now!

  1. Oh! Lift up your hands and your voice and begin to worship the LORD for another year 2022, and for what He is set to do
  2. Psalm 103:1; Bless the LORD, for the privilege to be a partaker of another prayer and fasting programme of this year 2022.
  3. Psalm 136:1; I give you thanks OLORD, for the breath of life and for your faithfulness in my life over the years
  4. O God of my Divine Surprise, I shall not fast in vain this year, this prayer and fasting programme shall favour me by fire in Jesus name. DAY 1 ODM 21 Day Fasting Prayers 2022 WAR AGAINST HAMAN-17
  5. O God, You are too true to be untrue, too faithful to be unfaithful and too just to be unjust. THIS IS MY YEAR; SURPRISE SHALL BE MY NAME!
  7. Romans 6:11; O my body, be dead unto sin; I will not become my own slave this year in Jesus name.
  1. Vs.11; I command whatever is breeding sin in me to die now in Jesus name.
  2. Vs. I shall be alive unto righteousness, I shall be alive unto faith, I shall not quit in Jesus name.
  3. Vs. 12; O God, sin shall not reign in my spirit, soul and body; loose me now by fire in Jesus name.
  4. Vs. 12, Evil passion of lust, forgiveness, envy, jealousy, pride and lying etc., break now in Jesus name. Shall not quit in Jesus name
  5. 1 John 1:9, Lord, I confess these Sins now (mention them now); SHOW ME YOUR MERCY CARD O GOD!
  6. Revelation 12:11; SIN SHALL NOT ARREST MY DIVINE SURPRISE Blood of Jesus, acquit and justify me in Jesus name.
  7. Vs. 11, you powers trying to invoke my past sins against me in this fasting programme, THE BLOOD OF JESUS IS AGAINST YOU: be silenced in Jesus name. DAY 1 ODM 21 Day Fasting Prayers 2022 WAR AGAINST HAMAN-17 
  8. Hebrews 12:15; Every evil root of sin and iniquity planted in my heart in order to pollute my love for God, dry up now by fire.
  9. Vs. 15; Root of bitterness, seed of anger, I’m not your candidate this year, loose your grip over me now in Jesus name
  10. 1 Thessalonians 5:23; O God of my divine surprise, sanctify me, set me apart for a surprise in 2022 in Jesus name.
  11. Vs.23, Father, preserve my spirit, soul and body blameless before the accuser today and daily in this fasting programme.
  12. vs. 23; O God, preserve my divine surprise experience from the reach of every accusing agent this year in Jesus name.
  13. Vs. 24; Lord, You have called me into the year of my divine surprise; it is not negotiable in Jesus name.
  14. Psalm 51:1; O Lord, show me YOUR MERCY CARD, blot out my transgressions from your books and give me a new start by fire. DAY 1 ODM 21 Day Fasting Prayers 2022 WAR AGAINST HAMAN-17

22 Vs.1; Every RED CARD raised to invalidate my divine surprise and open me up to a life of shame, catch fire now.

  1. Vs. 3; SHOW ME YOUR MERCY CARD O LORD, deliver me from guilt and restore your peace within me in Jesus name.
  2. Vs.7, SIN SHALL NOT ARREST MY DIVINE SURPRISE IN 2022! Purge me and I shall be purged, cleanse me and I shall be cleansed.
  3. Vs. 8; OH LORD, SHOW ME YOUR MERCY CARD, and let me hear the drums of surprise, joy and gladness in Jesus name.
  4. Vs. 10; Lord, my heart will not become a dumping ground for sin, renew a right spirit within me in Jesus name.
  5. 27 Vs. 11, my life shall attract God’s presence this year. Holy Spirit, invade me daily with the surprise of your power in Jesus name.
  6. Galatians 2:20; O God, Calvary will not be in vain. Deliver my soul from destruction due to sin. DAY 1 ODM 21 Day Fasting Prayers 2022 WAR AGAINST HAMAN-17 
  7. Vs. 20, CALVARY WILL NOT BE IN VAIN! I repent from this secret sin mention it now), and I obtain mercy now in Jesus name.
  8. My love for God, my fire for God and my holiness shall surprise the devil this year in Jesus name.
  9. Matthew 7:13; CALVARY SHALL NOT BE IN VAIN! My lifestyle will not lead me to the broad way of destruction this 2022 in Jesus name.
  1. Vs. 13; I reject the broadway kind of life. Broad way character, broad way desires and passion, broad way habits, die, die, die and die in Jesus name.
  2. Vs. 13, O God, bring me out from the crowd of the broad way: position me for divine surprise that will shock my mockers in Jesus name.
  3. Vs. 14; CALVARY WILL NOT BE IN VAIN! I choose to walk in the narrow way which will lead me to my divine surprise avenue.
  4. Vs. 14; Father, go with me this year, help me to live the life worthy of the narrow gate. HEAVEN AT LAST shall be my watchword in Jesus name.
  5. In the name of Jesus, every sin nature in me, your ministry is over, die, die, die and die. DAY 1 ODM 21 Day Fasting Prayers 2022 WAR AGAINST HAMAN-17 

37, Ecclesiastes 10:11: “Surely the serpent will bite without enchantment…” O Lord, I will not become meat for sin this year, I reject sinful practices in Jesus name.

  1. Vs. 11; I bring the desire and passion for sin under control through the power of God’s Word at work in me in Jesus name.
  2. Vs. 11; O serpent, you will not bite this year; I crush and subdue you by the power of the Word in Jesus name.
  3. Vs. 11; THE SERPENT WILL NOT BITE this year; I will not become a Scapegoat to sin and the devil in Jesus name. DAY 1 ODM 21 Day Fasting Prayers 2022 WAR AGAINST HAMAN-17
  1. Vs. 11; THE SERPENT WILL BITE WITHOUT ENCHANTMENT! Let the fire of your righteousness burn to ashes every property of sin and darkness in my life in Jesus name.
  2. Vs. 11; O God, TAME every serpent this year, O serpent bite yourself and die; mercy is my name this year.
  3. Mark 10:47: LORD, SHOW ME YOUR MERCY CARD! This situation will not last this year, divine surprise shall hit my life by fire in Jesus name.
  4. vs. 47; LORD, SHOW ME YOUR MERCY CARDI Open my spiritual Sight, my understanding in Your Word in Jesus name.
  6. Lam. 3:22, I shall not be consumed in 2022; Lord, show me your mercy card, turn me into your showroom by fire in Jesus name.
  7. I refuse to be the showroom of Satan through sin; lord, make me the SHOWROOM into Your divine surprise by fire and thunder in Jesus name.
  8. Romans 6:14; Sin shall not have dominion over me anymore, my heart is sold out to God daily this year in Jesus name.
  9. vs. 14; o lord, sin shall not have dominion over me this year, I put on the garment of righteousness; the accuser shall be ashamed in Jesus name.
  10. Vs. 14; I shall not be under the law of sin this year, I am under grace and grace will be my meat in 2022 in Jesus name.
  11. Zechariah 3:1; Satan, get out of my right hand, you cannot resist me this year; lam irresistible, unstoppable and undefeatable in Jesus name. DAY 1 ODM 21 Day Fasting Prayers 2022 WAR AGAINST HAMAN-17 
  12. Vs. 1, O God, my right hand shall not be hijacked by the enemy; I resist you with the Blood of Jesus.
  1. Vs. 1, Right hand resisters positioned to res1st my divine surprise in Workers of iniquity, scatter, scatter and scatter now by fire.
  2. Vs.2; 1 am a brand plucked out of the fire, I am too hot for any devil.
  3. Vs.2; 1 am a brand plucked out of the fire, I shall be on fire for my God; Sin shall not quench the fire in me in Jesus name.
  4. Vs. 3, I refuse to be clothed with filthy garments, Garment of sin, catch Fire and burn in Jesus name.
  5. Vs. 4; O God, cause my iniquity to pass from me; by your mercy Declare me not guilty in Jesus name.
  6. Vs. 4; Lord, change my garment this year, Garment of sin, shame, Failure, stagnation, pride, unforgiveness etc., tear into pieces and burn By fire in Jesus name.
  7. 1 Samuel 3:11: “And the LORD said to Samuel, ‘Behold, I will do a thing in Israel, at which both the ears of everyone that heareth it shall tingle.” O Lord, You are the final authority and every other authority emanates from you. You mean what you say and you say what you mean in this year 2022, make my life, family and ministry what will TINGLE the world. Make out of me a mystery, and a wonder. Let my life and destiny shock my haters this year, Let their ears TINGLE Blow open, shatter their eardrums, shake their ears with my divine surprise visitation .Ah! Let my divine surprise make my enemies nervous and dumbfounded. The more they look, the less they will see and the less they look, the more they will see your power, mercy, goodness favors and greatness. This 2022, let my success story, my marital story, my financial story, my career etc. blow the minds of my adversaries in Jesus name!
  8. vs. 11: “And the LORD said to Samuel, ‘Behold, I WILL DO A THING in Israel…” My Father, my Father, DO A THING in my life this Year, so that the ears that will hear it will be blown away in utter shock.
  9. Vs. 11, Abba Father, DO A THING in 2022 that will make men to say that of a truth, I SERVE A LIVING GOD!
  10. Vs. 11: O God, DO A THING in my health and let every health battle in my life expire by fire in Jesus name.
  11. Vs. 11; Lord, DO A THING, prove a point, superimpose your divine surprise agenda upon my destiny in 2022 in Jesus name.
  12. Vs. 11; Lord, DO A THING, turn my life, family and ministry in his global wonder, turn me into a surprise that will shock the won year in Jesus name.

65, Genesis 17:2, O God, You surprised Abraham and multiple him exceedingly; surprise me exceedingly in 2022, multiply me roundabout by fire in Jesus name.

  1. Vs.6 O God, You changed the name of Abram to Abraham and surprised his generation, change my name this year and surprise my generation through my life in Jesus name.
  2. Eccl. 11:3 “… if the tree fall towards the south, or toward the north, in the place where the tree falleth, there it shall be.” Satan you are a liar; I AM NOT A TREE and I will not end up as such. I shall rise again to the dismay and shock of my haters in Jesus name.
  1. Vs. 3; I’M NOT A TREE, I shall rise again, and my case is different, my Chapter cannot be closed, my rising shall surprise the world in Jesus name.
  2. Vs.3; 1’M NOT A TREE! O God, disappoint those that have concluded my life and destiny; they shall fail in Jesus name.
  3. Vs 3; I AM NOT A TREE, any power or personality celebrating my downfall, enough is enough; run mad now in Jesus name.
  4. Vs. 3, you root of stagnation hunting my life, family and ministry, burn by fire now in Jesus name.

NOTE AGAIN: You can’t spell Impossible “without spelling possible.” This is another way of saying, nothing is impossible and all things are possible, no matter how impossible they seem.


NO PHYSICAL GATHERING AT TBS THIS YEAR! There is no PHYSICAL GATHERING AT TBS LAGOS this year! Follow the LOG-IN DETAILS ON PAGE 15 AND CONNECT BOTH DAILY AND ON THE LAST-DAY SERVICE-JANUARY 29TH 1PM (Nigeria time!). But there would be JULY PHYSICAL GATHERING in July 2022 at the Lagos Mountain, Ogudu-orioke, Lagos. I see a great testimony in your mouth this Year! Amen and amen! 72. Vs. 3; O God, I refuse to remain in the same place this year, I’m Moving forward ever and backward never in Jesus name.

  1. LORD, use my haters to SHOWCASE YOUR power in 2022 like You Did to Pharaoh.

PROPHETIC PSALMS (DSPS) I shall be sent, I believe there shall be a PERFORMANCE of that which was spoken and written about my destiny by my God in Jesus name. This is my year! Join the DAILY BRIEF-ON.LINE-BREAKING-OF-FAST SERVICES 8PM NIGERIA TIME DAILY! FOR LOG-IN DETAILS.


  2. Lift up the Last- day World ANOINTING ONLINE SERVICE; Loose Uncommon divine surprise manifestation!
  4. Thank the Lord for answering prayers now and for open heavens in this fasting programme!
  5. See some fasting secrets on page CLICK HERE
  6. Encourage yourself with past testimonies on page 11.


“This year 2022 shall be MY YEAR indeed. It shall be MY DIVINE DATE WITH DESTINY THIS YEAR!  I decree and declare that THIS  IS MY YEAR OF UNDENIABLE DIVINE SURPRISES! There Shall be marital surprises, academic surprises, career surprises, financial surpriseS, fruit of the womb surprises etc, which shall Cause the ears or everyone Who hears It to TINGLE – be utterly shocked, be amazed, be astonished, be blown away. Ah! They shall say Concerning me: wow! Wow! Wow! THIS CAN ONLY BE GOD, this is THE FINGER OF GOD, this is JEHOVAH SURPRISE IN ACTION! I will not trade my divine surprise With anything THIS YEAR.I reject sin in its totality, it shall not have dominion over me. O accuser, you Cannot accuse me this year. I confess and forsake any known sin now. The mercy of God is locating my sins of omission and commission.  Lord, show me Your MERCY CARD! The serpent shall not bite me without enchantment this year. I break the teeth of the serpent. O serpent eat your own flesh and die, you cannot arrest my divine surprise this year.  MY OWN IS MY OWN BECAUSE CALVARY WILL NOT BE IN VAIN!

I am a candidate of SURPRISES in 2022. SURPRISE GALORE is  MY NAME! NO CIRCUMSTANCE SHALL OVERWHELM ME, no situation shall overpower my destiny. I soar like an EAGLE above the storms of 2022. I shall enlarge to the NORTH,  South, East and west of my destiny. As I sow  My MERCY CARD  SEED (MCS) AND MY Divine Suprise Seed (DSS) CLICK HERE FOR ACCOUNT NUMBERS, and i pray the Divine surprise PROPHETC PSALMS (DSPS) I shall be sent,  The land in which I dwell shall favour me this year! My Milk And  HONEY experience shall not be contested. I bound for the topmost top. I AM A SURPRISE in 2022 in Jesus name”


Sow your DIVINE SURPRISE PROPHETIC SEED (DSPS) into any account on PAGE 44 CLICK HERE of this


(PDSPP) ” AETER YOU SOW to receive your PRAYER PSALMS to be prayed for 3 weeks:

UK/ EUROPE .:+44-7448-117-504, NIGERIA /OTHER COUNTRIES: +234-802-342-1513, +234-815262-6135.

E- mail to  :; WHATSAPP to:+2348144-044-226, +234-81-5262-6135.

80-2342-1513, +23480-2342-1513, after sowing! We shall not fail to reply by His grace. This is your year!

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