Our Daily Manna ODM Fasting Prayers 2022 WAR AGAINST HAMAN-17 DAY 2 AND DAY 3 of 21 Days Fast

SCRIPTURE BULLETS: ISAIAH 8:18; DANIEL 10: 13, PSALM 139:14; PSALM 24:7-10; JOB 1:1-12
Isaiah 8:18 says: “Behold, I and the children whom the LORD hath given Unto me are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the LORD of host who dwelleth in Mount Zion.” A sign can tell you which direction to go any time. For instance, a road sign tells you when to stop, it directs you go right or left. So every sign must be a showcase conveying a message. However, when a sign manifests in a manner that supersedes human understanding, it becomes a puzzle To Whom It May Concern, and therefore, described as a WONDER! Wonders are signs or events that catch people’s attention, leaving them in amazement and awe! likewise, when you are a wonder to your enemies, this means that your enemies can’t interpret you, they can’t understand or explain you! In this year 2022, you shall become a mystery to their coven , a bone that they cannot crack, a mathematical equation they cannot solve. You are a PUZZLE to the secret, dark market world. Permit me to give a vivid illustration of the meaning of the Dark Market. What are the PHYSICAL DARK MARKETS OF THIS WORLD? Dark markets are where people’s money, stolen bank accounts etc, are hacked, and voices are cloned for evil purposes; it is also a place where false credit cards are bought. Dark webs or markets are very busy markets where spies work! These spies often use the dark web to code, decode and encode a wanted personality, etc. Ah! I decree: Every Spy on a mission to code, decode and encode your destiny this year shall miss address and run mad in Jesus name. The physical dark web is also used to trail or interpret other countries’ secret plan against other countries. Generally, Dark Market or Dark Web provides access to both legal and illegal activities. Websites that exist in the dark web are often hidden services for security purposes, making them difficult to track because they protect private information by putting it into a form that can only be accessed by people who have permission to do so. However, Just as It is in the physical, so it is in the spiritual. The Open (WHITE) Market is where we negotiate with GOD! The spiritual open market is where every human being’s destiny is displayed and negotiated. Both Satan and God negotiate for human destinies in this spiritual “open market. For instance, the conversation generated in Job 1:7 between God and Satan depicts a scenario of a Spiritual Open Market. Satan suggested that Job would turn away from God if he should lose his wealth and health. Wow! Can you imagine that? Job did not even know that his destiny was being decided in the Spiritual Open Market, yet Satan knew that a hedge was built around him. Yes! Any pcwer gathering and disseminating information to abort your destiny in 2022 shall scatter in Jesus name. May that person who is familiar with you, supposed to be your friend or relation, but who is GATHERING INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR LIFE, FAMILY, BUSINESS, HEALTH, CAREER AND MINISTRY, TO SELL IT TO YOUR HATERS/ENEMIES; BE GIVEN A PUBLIC/EVERLASTING DISGRACE THIS YEAR IN JESUS NAME!
DAY 2 AND DAY 3 Our Daily Manna ODM 21 Day Fasting Prayers 2022 WAR AGAINST HAMAN-17
Prayer Bullets for Winners (War Against Haman-17)
Those who plan to betray you shall be EXPOSED AND ASHAMED this year! Those planning to seal you off like the brothers of Joseph, shall run MAD! See Daniel 10:13: “But the prince of the Persian kingdom resisted me twenty-one days. Then Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me because l was detained there with the king of Persia.” These dark markets try to imitate what is in the physical world. They have security agents! IMAGINE AN ANGEL BEING ARRESTED \DETAINED! That is why you must decree/pray always: “My Father, my Father; don’t allow my haters to understand me, OVERCOME ME, DETAIN OR DELAY ME! In the dark market, let their security forces RUN MAD! FATHER, burn the kingdom, mirrors and photographs of the dark market which they use in monitoring and coding my destiny! decree that anywhere my enemies are converging at midnight to discuss my destiny in the dark market, I render them null and void by fire. Oh! I prophesy: “Evil markets doing buying and selling with your life and ministry shall catch fire today and on the last-day WORLD ANOINTING SERVICE. Whatever belongs to you which they took to the dark market in order to negotiate with satanic traders, I command them to take it back now by fire! I see your divine surprise testimony coming to you right now.” Begin to decree now: Whatever belongs to me that was taken from me to the evil market, O GOD, restore back; my bank account which they exchanged to poverty, my health which they exchanged to become a candidate of sickness, the fruit of the womb to miscarriages and barrenness, fine boy to fibroid, I decree that I shall recover all in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Oh, I decree that you SHALL CONTINUE TO BE A WONDER IN THE DARK MARKET A BONE THEY CANNOT CRACK, AN EQUATION THEY CANNOT SOLVE, A PUZZLE THAT CANNOT BE INTERPRETED! AS YOU SOW YOUR”DARK MARKET DISGRACE SEED CLICK HERE AND YOUR DIVINE SURPRISE SEED click here, delay shall turn to dance and that PUIZZLE Shall turn to PRAISE! AIl your loss via the dark market shall be restored 7-FOLD in this fasting programme in Jesus name! Pray now and give out ODM copies to help others fast too!
DAY 2 AND DAY 3 Our Daily Manna ODM 21 Day Fasting Prayers 2022
- Psalm 92:1; Father, I thank You for the revelatory exposition of the dark market today.
- Vs. 1; Thank You Lord, because my life family and ministry shall disappoint and disgrace the dark market in 2022.
- Hosea 4:6:1 I shall not be a Victim of the operations and activities of the dark market this year.
- LORD, thank You for the opportunity of another fasting programme in this year 2022.
- Genesis 28 12; LORD, visit me today on this prayer altar Open my heavens and let there be uncommon encounters in Jesus name.
- O God, I connect to You, help me to create the right atmosphere for the Holy Ghost today in Jesus name.
- Daniel 10:13; You territorial powers mandated to hinder my prayers and answers today and in this fasting programme, be arrested now in Jesus name.
- I sanctify this prayer altar and the environment with the Blood of Jesus.
- 1 Thessalonians 5:23; Lord, purge and sanctify my heart. Flood my soul with Your peace as I seek Your face today in Jesus name.
- Philippians 4.6; O Lord, grant my petition and supplication today; I shall not pray in vain in Jesus name.
- Job 5: 12, O Dark World, I am not your candidate, you cannot rubbish my destiny, catch fire and burn now in Jesus name.
- Vs. 12; You demonic traders in the dark market, trading with destinies; my destiny is not for sale, die, die, die and die by fire in Jesus name. DAY 2 AND DAY 3 Our Daily Manna ODM 21 Day Fasting Prayers 2022
13 Vs. 12; O dark market making me your focus and target in 2022, be blindfolded concerning my life, family and ministry in Jesus name.
- Psalm 11:3, I command the foundation of the dark markets erected to clamp down on me in 2022; collapse and scatter now in Jesus name
- Isaiah 8:18; I AM A WONDER to the dark world, they cannot understand me this year, confusion is their name in Jesus name.
16 Vs. 18, I AM A WONDER this year; my life and ministry shall surprise the dark World and they shall be helpless and dumbfounded in Jesus name.
- Vs. 18, Agents of the dark world operating around my life, I am a wonder, dry up, dry up and dry up in Jesus name.
- Luke 21:15, My Father, my Father; I AM A BONE the dark market cannot crack in 2022; they cannot resist the wisdom of God in me Jesus name.
- O God, corrupt the wisdom of the dark market concerning my life and ministry this year, they shall fail in Jesus name.
- Every satanic intelligence deployed to make me a prey and food for the dark market, hit the ROCK and scatter in Jesus name.
- Job 22:28, I Command every demonic intelligence gathering about me in order to confiscate my divine surprise package this year, to become obsolete in Jesus name.
- Vs. 28; Evil network of the dark market meant to track down my destiny THIS January, February, March (mention the 12 months of the year now), catch fire, catch fire and scatter by fire and thunder.
- Vs. 28; Evil markets in the marine world trading with my marital destiny, get ready for a surprise this year; burn, burn, burn and burn now by fire in Jesus name. DAY 2 AND DAY 3 Our Daily Manna ODM 21 Day Fasting Prayers 2022
- Vs. 28, You dark market of marine origin holding sway to my marital ring, by fire by force in Jesus name
Prayer Bullets for Winners (War Against Haman-17)
- Numbers 14:28 You dark market of ancestral origin, you will not have the final say over my family’s destiny. you shall not prosper in Jesus
Matthew 21:12, O God, overturn and overthrow the tables of the dark market operators and cast them out of my destiny in Jesus name.
27 Vs. 12, Father, enough is enough for the dark market, they cannot end my chapter, overturn and scatter their demonic tables by fire and thunder
- Vs. 12, Demonic tables where my career, business, job, academics and future are debated and decided, what are you waiting for? Burn, burn, burn and burn by fire in Jesus name.
Vs. 12: Anyone sitting down to judge my case on the table of the dark market, collapse and die in Jesus name.
Vs. 12; Any power or personality on a mission to present my destiny, health, children, properties etc for sale in the dark market, run mad in Jesus name.
Job 1:6, O God, the spiritual open market must favour me this year; Satan, go blank concerning any information about me in Jesus name
Vs. 6; God, speak and work in my favour in the open market, change the rules for my sake in Jesus name.
Any negative decision taken against me in the dark market, be reversed by the Blood of Jesus
Every generational blessing stolen from me by the dark market, restore, restore and restore now by fire in Jesus name.
Every demonic exchange taking place in my name in the dark market, be reversed now by fire in Jesus name.
Whatever was taken from me to the dark market, I command restoration now by fire in Jesus name.
O God arise; scatter the mirrors, photographs and gadgets of the dark market, break their grip over my destiny in Jesus name,
I am an equation the dark market cannot solve, yes, they cannot unravel my destiny; I am too complicated for their comprehension this year in Jesus name.
Psalm 24:7; O gates of the dark world mounted against my divine surprise testimony, be lifted, be lifted, be lifted in Jesus name.
Vs. 7; O gates of the dark market, open, open, open and open, you cannot keep me in your domain; I belong to the King of Glory
Vs. 8; O God, You are the mighty Man in battle; tear down every satanic gate confronting my life and ministry in the dark market in Jesus name.
1 Samuel 3:11: “And the LORD said to Samuel, ‘Behold, I will do a thing in Israel, at which both the ears of everyone that heareth it shall tingle.” O Lord, You are the final authority and every other authority emanates from You. You mean what you say and you say what you mean! In this year 2022, make my life, family and ministry What will TINGLE the world. Make out of me a mystery, and a wonder Let my life and destiny shock my haters this year. Let their ears TINGLE blow open, shatter their eardrums, shake their ears with my divine surprise visitation. Ah! Let my divine surprise make my enemies nervous and dumbfounded, The more they look, the less they will see and the less they look, the more they will see your power, mercy, goodness, favour and greatness. This 2022, let my success story, my marital story, my financial story, my career etc blow the minds of my adversaries in Jesus name!
21 Day Fasting Programme 28 MY YEAR OF DIVINE SURPRISEI
- Vs. 11: “And the LORD said to Samuel, ‘Behold, I WILL DO A THING in Israel…” My Father, my Father, DO A THING in my life this year, so that the ears that will hear it will be blown away in utter shock
Vs. 11; Abba Father, DO A THING in 2022 that will make men to SAY that of a truth, I SERVE A LIVING GOD!
Vs. 11; O God, DO A THING in my health and let every health battle in my life expire by fire in Jesus name.
Vs. 11; Lord, DO A THING prove a point, superimpose Your divine surprise agenda upon my destiny in 2022 in Jesus name.
Vs. 11; Lord, DO A THING, turn my life, family and ministry into a global wonder, turn me into a surprise that will shock the world this year in Jesus name.
Genesis 17:2; O God, You surprised Abraham and multiplied him exceedingly; surprise me exceedingly in 2022, multiply me roundabout- by fire in Jesus name.
Vs. 6; O God, You changed the name of Abram to Abraham and surprised his generation; change my name this year and surprise my generation through my life in Jesus name.
Eccl. 11:3: “… If the tree fall toward the south, or toward the north, in the place where the tree falleth, there it shall be.” Satan, you are a liar; I AM NOT A TREE and I will not end up as such. I shall rise again to the dismay and shock of my haters in Jesus name.
Vs. 3; I’M NOT A TREE, I shall rise again, my case is different, my name. chapter cannot be closed, my rising shall surprise the world in Jesus
Vs. 3; I’M NOT A TREE! O God, disappoint those that have concluded my life and destiny; they shall fail in Jesus name,
Vs. 3; I AM NOT A TREE, any power or personality celebrating my downfall , enough is enough; run mad now in Jesus name.
Vs. 3; You root of stagnation hunting my life, family and ministry, burn by fire now in Jesus name,
Vs. 3; O God, I refuse to remain in the same place this year, I’m moving forward ever and backward never in Jesus name.
LORD, use my haters to SHOWCASE Your power in 2022 like You did to Pharaoh.
Prayer Bullets for Winners (War Against Haman-17)
- AS I SOW MY DARK MARKET DISGRACE SEED (DMDS) CLICK HERE TO SOW and and pray the DIVINE SURPRISE PROPHETIC PSALMS (DSPS) I shall be sent, I believe there shall be a PERFORMANCE of that which was spoken and written about my destiny by my God in Jesus name. This is my year!
59 Lint up the last-day WORLD ANOINTING ONLINE SERVICE: loose uncommon divine surprise manifestations!
Thank the Lord for answered prayers now and for open heavens in this fasting programme!
The Dark World/Market must hear this: “I am a wonder to the dark market, I am a bone they cannot crack and I am an equation they cannot solve this year! The dark market will not define or determine my economy this year. I will not be a victim of the dark market and my life and ministry will not be used for sale. I shall conquer the dark world in 2022. My life, family and ministry shall disappoint the dark market. Yes, my life shall surprise them. Ah! They shall not understand me this year, my life and destiny shall be too complicated for their comprehension. Every power sponsoring dark market operations around my life, family and ministry shall dry up by fire, their headquarters shall catch fire and their foundation shall be uprooted! MY OWN IS MY OWN BECAUSE CALVARY WILL NOT BE IN VAIN! I am a candidate of SURPRISES in 2022. SURPRISE GALORE IS MY NAME! NO CIRCUMSTANCE SHALL OVERWHELM ME, no situation shall overpower my destiny. I soar like AN EAGLE above the storms of 2022. I shall enlarge to the NORTH, SOUTH, EAST AND WEST of my destiny. AS IS OW MY DARK MARKET DISGRACE SEED (DMDS) and pray the DIVINE SURPRISE PROPHETIC PSALMS (DSPS) which shall be sent, I believe the land in which I dwell shall favour me this year. I am bound for the topmost top. I AM A SURPRISE IN 2022 in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth!”
Pray seriously now and give out Our Daily Manna copies.
LAST-DAY WORLD ANOINTING SERVICE LOG- IN DETAILS: 1P M (Lagos, Africa time) Saturday January 29th 2022. FACEBOOK LIVE: ourdailymannaworldwide INSTAGRAM: ourdailymanna_bishopchris YOUTUBE: Manna TV International
YOUR HATERS ARE SOWING SEEDS AND FASTING TOO! Don’t forget that Haman vowed to pay OVER 2 million Pounds Sterling in order to Eliminate the Jews (See Esther 3: 9)! 2. Also OVER 40 Jews started a DRY FAST (not to eat or drink) till they eliminated Paul (Acts 23: 21). THEY KNEW THE SECRETS OF POWER! BE WISE! USE THESE TWO SECRETS TOO!
(E-mail or WhatsApp preferable) Sow your DIVINE SURPRISE PROPHETIC SEED (DSPS) into any account on PAGE 44 of this booklet or page 29 of ODM and
to receive your PRAYER PSALMS to be prayed for 3 weeks:
U.K/EUROPE.: +44-7448-117-504,
NIGERIA/OTHER COUNTRIES: +234-802-342-1513, +234-815262-6135. E-MAIL to:;
WHATSAPP to: +234 8144 -044 -226, +234-81-5262-6135. +234-80-2342- 1513, after sowing! We shall not fail to reply by His grace. This is your year! 31 21 Day Fasting Programme