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Happy New Month September Prayer Points

Prayer For a Happy New Month September 2024

Prayers for Christians
Prayers for Christians

Epistle Prayer for the Month of September

To the beloved children of God,

Grace, peace, and blessings be multiplied to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ as we enter this new month of September. May this month be a time of renewal, growth, and deeper communion with our Heavenly Father.

As the seasons change and we transition into the latter part of the year, let us draw near to God with hearts full of faith and expectation. September, a month of harvest and reflection, reminds us of God’s faithfulness and the bountiful blessings He bestows upon His people. It is a time to remember that, just as the earth yields its fruit in due season, so too will the seeds of faith we have sown bear fruit in our lives.


Heavenly Father,

We come before You with gratitude in our hearts for the gift of this new month. As we step into September, we ask for Your divine guidance and wisdom to lead us in all our endeavors. May we walk in Your light, and may Your Word be a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path.

Lord, we pray that You would open the heavens over us this month. Pour out Your blessings, favor, and provision upon us, our families, our communities, and our nations. Let every seed we have sown in faith begin to yield a bountiful harvest. Teach us to be good stewards of the gifts and resources You have entrusted to us, that we may use them to glorify Your name and to serve others.

Father, we ask for Your protection and peace to surround us. Guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus, that we may remain steadfast and immovable in our faith. Deliver us from every plan of the enemy, and cover us with Your wings of refuge. May no weapon formed against us prosper, and may every tongue that rises against us in judgment be condemned.

Lord, we lift up those who are hurting, broken, or in need. May this month be a time of healing and restoration. Comfort those who mourn, provide for those in need, and bring hope to those who feel lost. Use us as vessels of Your love and grace, that we may be a light in the darkness and a beacon of hope to those around us.

As we journey through this month of September, help us to grow in our relationship with You. May our love for You and for one another increase day by day. Grant us the grace to forgive as You have forgiven us, to love as You have loved us, and to serve as You have served us.

We commit this month into Your hands, trusting that You will perfect all that concerns us. May Your kingdom come, and Your will be done in our lives, in our homes, and in our world, as it is in heaven.

In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, we pray.

SAY Amen.
Please Type Amen and Drop your Prayer Requestx

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all throughout this month and beyond.


With love and blessings,

September is often regarded as a time of transition and change, marked by the shift from summer to autumn in the Northern Hemisphere. While many cultures and religions view this period as a time of harvest, renewal, and reflection, there are also darker connotations associated with September. Various religious myths and beliefs from around the world tie this month to ominous events, prophecies, and mystical occurrences. This paper explores some of the darker religious myths about the month of September, examining how these narratives have been woven into the spiritual fabric of different cultures and belief systems.

  1. O Lord, I thank You for the grace to see the month of September 2024. As I journey through this new month, I declare that Your divine protection and guidance shall be my portion. Father, let Your light shine upon my path, and may I not walk in darkness. Grant me the wisdom to make the right decisions and the discernment to avoid every trap of the enemy. Let this month be filled with Your blessings and favor, and may every day bring forth new testimonies in my life, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
  2. Heavenly Father, I commit the month of September into Your hands. I decree and declare that this month shall be a month of divine breakthroughs and supernatural turnarounds in my life. Every power assigned to hinder my progress, I command you to be destroyed by the fire of the Holy Ghost. Lord, release Your angels to go ahead of me and make every crooked path straight. Let every mountain before me be leveled, and every valley be exalted. I shall walk in victory, power, and authority this month, in the name of Jesus. Amen.
  3. My Father, my God, I cover every day of September 2024 with the blood of Jesus. I decree that no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and every tongue that rises against me in judgment, I condemn. Lord, let Your fire consume every evil altar speaking against my destiny. This month, I declare that I shall not be a victim of any evil plot, accident, or calamity. I speak divine protection over my family, my home, my work, and everything that concerns me. Thank You, Lord, for being my shield and my fortress, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
  4. Lord, as I enter into this new month of September, I pray for divine alignment with Your purpose and plan for my life. Father, order my steps and direct my path. May I walk in the fullness of Your will and experience Your divine favor in every area of my life. Let every decision I make be guided by Your wisdom, and may I not lean on my own understanding. This month, I choose to trust in You with all my heart, knowing that You will lead me into green pastures and beside still waters, in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
  5. O God of new beginnings, as I step into this new month, I pray for a fresh anointing upon my life. Father, fill me with Your Spirit and empower me to fulfill Your divine mandate. Let every gift and talent within me be activated for Your glory. I come against every spirit of laziness, procrastination, and distraction that may try to hinder my progress. This month, I receive the grace to be diligent, focused, and committed to Your work. Let my life be a reflection of Your glory, and may I be a blessing to those around me, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
  6. Father, in this month of September, I come against every spirit of fear, doubt, and unbelief. I declare that I shall walk in faith, knowing that with You, all things are possible. Lord, help me to fix my eyes on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of my faith. Strengthen my heart and renew my mind. I decree that no negative thought or word shall take root in my heart. I choose to meditate on Your promises and declare Your Word over my life daily. This month, I shall see the manifestation of Your promises, in the name of Jesus. Amen.
  7. O Lord, arise and scatter every plan of the enemy against my life and destiny this September. I cancel every negative prophecy, curse, and evil word spoken against me. I declare that only Your counsel shall stand in my life. Father, frustrate the tokens of the liars and make their diviners mad. Let every evil gathering against me be scattered by fire. I decree that every monitoring spirit assigned to monitor my progress be blinded. Lord, surround me with Your fire and hide me under the shadow of Your wings, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
  8. My Father, my God, I pray for divine provision and financial breakthroughs this month of September. Lord, open the windows of heaven and pour out Your blessings upon me. I declare that I shall not lack any good thing this month. Father, bless the work of my hands and cause me to prosper in all that I do. I come against every spirit of poverty, lack, and financial embarrassment. I decree that I shall experience supernatural increase and abundance. Lord, make me a channel of blessing to others, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
  9. O God, arise and heal every area of my life that is broken this September. Father, I pray for emotional, physical, and spiritual healing. Let Your healing power flow through every part of my body, soul, and spirit. I come against every spirit of infirmity, sickness, and disease. I declare that by the stripes of Jesus, I am healed. Lord, restore my joy, peace, and strength. Let Your divine healing touch every area of my life that needs Your intervention, in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
  10. Heavenly Father, I pray for divine connections and relationships this month of September. Lord, bring the right people into my life and remove those who are not aligned with Your purpose for me. I pray for divine helpers, mentors, and destiny partners. Father, connect me with those who will add value to my life and destiny. Let every relationship that is not of You be cut off. I declare that this month, I shall walk with wise men and be wise, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
  11. O Lord, as I enter this month of September, I pray for divine acceleration in every area of my life. Father, empower me to recover every lost ground and make up for lost time. I decree that every delay in my life shall be turned into divine speed. Lord, let every obstacle and hindrance to my progress be removed. I declare that this month, I shall experience supernatural breakthroughs and advancement. Father, give me the grace to run with purpose and finish well, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
  12. My Father, my God, I pray for Your divine protection over my family, loved ones, and myself this September. Lord, cover us with Your wings and keep us safe from all harm and danger. I come against every spirit of accident, tragedy, and misfortune. I decree that no evil shall befall us, neither shall any plague come near our dwelling. Father, send Your angels to guard us in all our ways. I declare that we shall dwell in safety and peace throughout this month, in the name of Jesus. Amen.
  13. O God of possibilities, I pray for impossible situations in my life to turn around this month of September. Father, show Yourself strong on my behalf and make a way where there seems to be no way. I declare that every closed door in my life shall be opened by Your divine power. Lord, let every mountain of impossibility be removed and cast into the sea. I decree that this month, I shall experience Your miraculous hand in every area of my life, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
  14. Heavenly Father, I pray for divine wisdom, knowledge, and understanding this month of September. Lord, grant me the insight and foresight to navigate through this month successfully. I declare that I shall not make any foolish decisions or choices. Father, help me to walk in Your wisdom and apply Your Word in every situation. Let Your wisdom guide me in my relationships, career, finances, and spiritual life. I receive the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of You, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
  15. My Father, my God, I come against every spirit of discouragement, depression, and hopelessness this September. I declare that the joy of the Lord is my strength. Lord, fill my heart with Your joy and peace that surpasses all understanding. I decree that no situation or circumstance shall steal my joy. Father, help me to keep my eyes on Jesus and not on my problems. I declare that this month, I shall be full of joy, hope, and gratitude, in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
  16. O Lord, arise and fight for me this month of September. I come against every enemy of my soul, destiny, and progress. I declare that every spiritual battle I am facing shall end in victory. Father, let Your mighty hand of deliverance be upon me. I decree that every bondage, chain, and yoke in my life be broken by fire. Lord, set me free from every captivity and oppression. I declare that this month, I shall walk in total freedom and liberty, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
  17. Heavenly Father, I pray for divine favor and open doors this September. Lord, let Your favor surround me like a shield. I decree that wherever I go, Your favor shall speak for me. I declare that I shall find favor with God and man. Lord, open doors of opportunities, promotion, and breakthroughs for me. I come against every spirit of rejection, failure, and disappointment. I declare that this month, I shall experience unprecedented favor and open doors, in the name of Jesus. Amen.
  18. O God, arise and let every hidden enemy in my life be exposed and disgraced this September. Father, reveal every secret plot, plan, and agenda of the enemy against my life. I decree that every hidden trap set for me shall be destroyed by fire. Lord, surround me with Your fire and let every enemy that rises against me be scattered. I declare that no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and every tongue that rises against me in judgment, I condemn, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
  19. My Father, my God, I pray for divine restoration in every area of my life this month of September. Lord, restore everything that the enemy has stolen from me. I declare that my health, joy, peace, finances, and relationships shall be fully restored. Father, let there be a divine turnaround in every area of my life. I decree that this month, I shall recover all that I have lost and experience Your full restoration, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
  20. Heavenly Father, I thank You for the gift of a new month. As I step into September, I declare that Your presence shall go with me. Lord, let Your glory be seen in my life. I pray for divine strength, courage, and boldness to face every challenge this month. Father, help me to stay focused on You and not be distracted by the cares of this world. I declare that this month, I shall walk in Your purpose and fulfill my destiny, in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

These prayer points are meant to be a guide and can be modified to suit your personal needs and circumstances. May this month of September bring you closer to God and see His mighty hand at work in every area of your life.

Prayer Points for September

  1. O Lord, I thank You for the gift of a new month.
  2. Father, I cover this month of September 2024 with the blood of Jesus.
  3. O God of new beginnings, do a new thing in my life this September, in Jesus’ name.
  4. Every evil agenda for my life this month, be canceled by fire, in Jesus’ name.
  5. Divine helpers for this month of September, locate me now, in the name of Jesus.
  6. I reject every spirit of stagnation; I will move forward this month, in Jesus’ name.
  7. My Father, my God, let Your mercy speak for me throughout this month, in Jesus’ name.
  8. Every demonic power assigned to frustrate my progress this month, be destroyed by fire, in Jesus’ name.
  9. O Lord, let every closed door against my blessings be opened this September, in Jesus’ name.
  10. I decree and declare that no weapon formed against me this month shall prosper, in Jesus’ name.
  11. Blood of Jesus, speak better things into my life this September 2024, in Jesus’ name.
  12. O God, arise and scatter every gathering of darkness against my life this month, in Jesus’ name.
  13. Powers assigned to waste my efforts this month, be wasted by fire, in Jesus’ name.
  14. This September, I receive divine favor and breakthrough, in the name of Jesus.
  15. My Father, empower me to achieve all my goals this month, in Jesus’ name.
  16. O Lord, every evil trap set for me this month, let the setter fall into it, in Jesus’ name.
  17. Anointing for divine speed and acceleration, fall upon me this September, in Jesus’ name.
  18. Every evil word spoken against my life this month, be nullified by the blood of Jesus.
  19. Lord, let every unprofitable tree in my life be uprooted this month, in Jesus’ name.
  20. O God, arise and let my enemies be scattered this September, in Jesus’ name.
  21. I command every evil power delaying my testimony to expire now, in Jesus’ name.
  22. This September, I decree divine restoration of all that I have lost, in Jesus’ name.
  23. O Lord, establish me in Your divine favor and mercy this month, in Jesus’ name.
  24. I command every demonic cloud covering my destiny to scatter by fire, in Jesus’ name.
  25. Powers that want to bring me down this month, you are a liar; die by fire, in Jesus’ name.
  26. Every stronghold of darkness in my life, break by fire, in Jesus’ name.
  27. Lord, open the heavens over my life this September, in Jesus’ name.
  28. I receive divine wisdom to navigate through this month successfully, in Jesus’ name.
  29. Every embargo on my progress, break by fire, in Jesus’ name.
  30. O God of miracles, visit my life with Your wonders this month, in Jesus’ name.
  31. I cancel every satanic prediction against my life this September, in Jesus’ name.
  32. Let the fire of God consume every witchcraft power assigned against my life this month, in Jesus’ name.
  33. My Father, let Your peace that surpasses all understanding fill my heart this month, in Jesus’ name.
  34. Every arrow of failure fired against me this month, backfire now, in Jesus’ name.
  35. O Lord, plant me by the rivers of Your blessings this month, in Jesus’ name.
  36. I decree that every day of this month shall be filled with joy and testimonies, in Jesus’ name.
  37. Let every satanic altar speaking against my life this September be destroyed by fire, in Jesus’ name.
  38. O God, arise and connect me to those who will bless me this month, in Jesus’ name.
  39. I receive the grace to overcome every challenge this month, in Jesus’ name.
  40. Every chain of limitation in my life, break by fire, in Jesus’ name.
  41. Lord, let Your angels go ahead of me and make every crooked path straight this month, in Jesus’ name.
  42. Powers that want to swallow my blessings this month, you are a liar; die, in Jesus’ name.
  43. I declare that this month shall not consume me, but I shall triumph, in Jesus’ name.
  44. O Lord, open my eyes to see opportunities for advancement this month, in Jesus’ name.
  45. Every demonic storm raging against my peace, be still now, in Jesus’ name.
  46. I refuse to be a victim of any evil occurrence this month, in Jesus’ name.
  47. My Father, every evil arrow fired into my destiny, go back to your sender, in Jesus’ name.
  48. Lord, fill me with Your divine strength and courage this September, in Jesus’ name.
  49. I decree that I shall not labor in vain this month, in Jesus’ name.
  50. O God, release Your consuming fire to destroy every evil force working against me this month, in Jesus’ name.
  51. Every power assigned to steal my joy this month, be destroyed by fire, in Jesus’ name.
  52. I command every curse of barrenness in my life to break this month, in Jesus’ name.
  53. My Father, let the blood of Jesus silence every voice of accusation against me, in Jesus’ name.
  54. O Lord, I take authority over this month; it shall work in my favor, in Jesus’ name.
  55. I decree that my going out and coming in this month shall be blessed, in Jesus’ name.
  56. Every evil hand working against my progress this month, wither by fire, in Jesus’ name.
  57. Let every stronghold of the enemy in my life be pulled down this September, in Jesus’ name.
  58. O God, arise and break every chain holding me captive this month, in Jesus’ name.
  59. I declare that no evil shall befall me or my family this month, in Jesus’ name.
  60. My Father, order my steps into greatness this September, in Jesus’ name.
  61. Every spirit of confusion programmed against me this month, be scattered by fire, in Jesus’ name.
  62. O Lord, release Your anointing for favor upon my life this month, in Jesus’ name.
  63. I declare that every good thing that I lay my hands on this month shall prosper, in Jesus’ name.
  64. Every power monitoring my life for evil, be blinded by fire, in Jesus’ name.
  65. Lord, let Your glory overshadow me throughout this month, in Jesus’ name.
  66. I reject every spirit of fear and anxiety this month, in Jesus’ name.
  67. O God, arise and let every giant blocking my way to success be slain, in Jesus’ name.
  68. I decree that this month shall be my month of divine visitation, in Jesus’ name.
  69. Every power assigned to frustrate my destiny this September, be frustrated by fire, in Jesus’ name.
  70. My Father, send Your angels to protect me in all my ways this month, in Jesus’ name.
  71. I declare that every storm in my life be calm this month, in Jesus’ name.
  72. O Lord, arise and give me victory over every adversary this month, in Jesus’ name.
  73. Every evil power working against my advancement this month, be destroyed by fire, in Jesus’ name.
  74. I command every evil dream against my destiny this month to be nullified by the blood of Jesus.
  75. Lord, empower me to overcome every temptation and trial this month, in Jesus’ name.
  76. O God, open the doors of divine opportunities for me this September, in Jesus’ name.
  77. Every demonic manipulation in my life this month, be terminated by fire, in Jesus’ name.
  78. I decree that this month shall be filled with divine surprises and testimonies, in Jesus’ name.
  79. My Father, let every bitter water in my life be turned to sweetness this month, in Jesus’ name.
  80. I declare that every good seed I have sown shall yield a bountiful harvest this September, in Jesus’ name.
  81. O Lord, let every burden and yoke upon my life be destroyed by fire this month, in Jesus’ name.

More prayer points

1. Dear God, as we step into September, I pray for a fresh start, a new beginning, and a heart full of hope. Guide me towards my dreams and fill my life with purpose.
2. Lord, I pray for wisdom, knowledge, and understanding in all aspects of my life. Help me make wise decisions and navigate challenges with ease.
3. Heavenly Father, I pray for peace, love, and harmony in my relationships. Strengthen bonds, heal brokenness, and fill my heart with love.
4. Dear God, I pray for good health, wellness, and vitality. Protect me from harm, heal any sickness, and give me strength to live a healthy life.
5. Lord, I pray for prosperity, abundance, and financial breakthroughs. Provide for my needs, guide my financial decisions, and help me manage resources wisely.
6. Dear God, I pray for spiritual growth, a deeper connection with You, and a stronger faith. Help me trust in Your plans and walk in Your ways.
7. Heavenly Father, I pray for protection, safety, and security in all areas of my life. Keep me from harm, watch over me, and be my shield.
8. Lord, I pray for joy, happiness, and contentment. Fill my heart with gratitude, help me appreciate life’s blessings, and give me a spirit of joy.
9. Dear God, I pray for forgiveness, mercy, and grace. Help me let go of past hurts, forgive those who’ve wronged me, and receive Your forgiveness.
10. Lord, I pray for my family, friends, and loved ones. Bless them, protect them, and draw them closer to You.
11. Dear God, I pray for my career, work, and purpose. Guide me towards my calling, help me excel in my field, and give me a sense of fulfillment.
12. Heavenly Father, I pray for my community, nation, and world. Bring peace, justice, and unity, and help me contribute positively.
13. Lord, I pray for wisdom in my words, thoughts, and actions. Help me communicate effectively, think positively, and act with kindness.
14. Dear God, I pray for patience, perseverance, and endurance. Help me face challenges with courage, stay focused on my goals, and trust in Your timing.
15. Lord, I pray for my mental and emotional well-being. Heal any wounds, calm my mind, and give me peace that surpasses understanding.
…and 15 more!
16. Dear God, I pray for my dreams, aspirations, and desires. Help me pursue my passions, stay motivated, and achieve my goals.
17. Heavenly Father, I pray for my relationships with others. Help me build strong, healthy connections, communicate effectively, and show love and kindness.
18. Lord, I pray for my personal growth, self-improvement, and self-love. Help me become the best version of myself, cultivate self-care, and embrace my uniqueness.
19. Dear God, I pray for my finances, resources, and stewardship. Help me manage my resources wisely, give generously, and trust in Your provision.
20. Lord, I pray for my spiritual gifts, talents, and abilities. Help me discover, develop, and use them to serve others and glorify You.
21. Heavenly Father, I pray for my heart, soul, and spirit. Help me stay connected to You, cultivate a deep sense of love and devotion, and live a life that honors You.
22. Dear God, I pray for my journey, path, and direction. Guide me towards my destiny, help me navigate life’s twists and turns, and give me clarity and purpose.
23. Lord, I pray for my character, integrity, and values. Help me develop a strong sense of morality, stay true to my principles, and live a life of integrity.
24. Dear God, I pray for my influence, impact, and legacy. Help me make a positive difference, leave a lasting impact, and inspire others to follow You.
25. Heavenly Father, I pray for my heart’s desires, deepest longings, and secret hopes. Hear my prayers, answer my cries, and fulfill my heart’s desires.
26. Lord, I pray for my life’s purpose, meaning, and significance. Help me discover my why, live a life that matters, and make a difference in the world.
27. Dear God, I pray for my faith, trust, and confidence in You. Help me trust in Your goodness, rely on Your promises, and have faith in Your plans.

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20 days ago
SAY Amen." Read more »


1. Marital breakthrough
2. I ask for covenant of ease concerning the journey ahead of me.
3. Good job opportunity

Moses Chisala
Moses Chisala
20 days ago
SAY Amen." Read more »


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