Bible Reading Matthe:19:13-22 – Q5

The future of any family, nation or church depends on children. It is imperative therefore, that we train our children in the fear of the Lord (Prov.22:6) and give them quality education for their future role in the society. Jesus welcomes and blesses children emphasizing that the Kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these. The church in Africa must follow the Master’s example by loving, caring, and investing in Children Ministry. In many places children are neglected or out-rightly abused. Human trafficking affects mostly children. We must fight these evils in the society. The greatest question in life is where to spend eternity. The rich young man was asking the greatest question in life. Unfortunately, he had a wrong motive. First, his focus was on doing something good’ to achieve eternal life. Second was the Source of his security and assurance on materialism (v.22). Jesus struck right at the heart of his obsession (v.21). Eternal life cannot be obtained by obeying the commandments or by good works. Receiving Jesus Christ as Saviour and making Him Lord over our lives, because of His finished work on the cross, is the only way to eternal life.
So: How are you preparing for eternity?
Prayer: Lord, grant that nothing will stand between me and my relationship with You. I surrender to YOu. Jesus said, “Let the llttle children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.
Montserrat Church life was severely disrupted. Pray for effective rebuilding of congregations, community life, property and outreach.
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