BIBLICAL REFERENCES: 1 SAMUEL 17:8-11, 32-51; LUKE 5:1-7; PSALMS 43:5; 1 SAMUEL 30:1-19

There is one thing that is always found in those who have broken records, for example Abraham, Lincoln, Thomas Edison, Martin Luther King Jnr., etc. it is the fact that they do not allow adversity or failure to swallow them up. Famous people most often had experiences of failures, depression in life, but the difference is that they refused to let themselves be kept in this state. It is one thing to have situations of distress, and to remain in this state is quite another. No wonder William Arthur Ward wrote, “Adversity causes some men to fall and for others it pushes them to break records.” Either you beat adversity, or you let yourself be beaten by it. So, those who break records, overcome adversity and turn failure into fortune! Job 22:29 says “Come humiliation, you will pray for your recovery:…” I decree: No adversity will bring you down this year! You will break records and no demonic record, health, finance or marital record will bring you down this year in the name of Jesus! Biblically speaking, one of the all time record breakers is the popular King David. David’s first feat was his conquest and victory over Goliath, the champion of the Philistines! It was a battle for superiority, dominance and control. The victor should reign over, dominate and control the vanquished. It was a battle between the power of God and that of the gods of the Philistines. David represented God and Goliath represented the gods of the Philistines. But here’s the big surprise: God used 17-year-old David to teach the famous and formidable champion, Goliath, a good lesson. In this year 2023, God will teach every Goliath in your life a lesson they will never forget. Remember that King Saul and the whole army of Israel, including David’s brothers, hid when Goliath came to challenge them. AH! GOLIATH INSULT AND HUMILIATED EVERYONE IN ISRAEL BUT LITTLE DAVID HUMILIATED HIM WITH THE POWERFUL RESULT OF HIS SEVERED HEAD. Oh! What the PROFESSIONAL SOLDIERS in Israel could not do, David did. He broke a time record. I prophesy: You will break records this year! The testimony of “WE HAVE NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE IT”! THE RECORD BREAKER ANOINTING THAT WILL MAKE YOU BEAT RECORDS IN YOUR CAREER, YOUR JOB, YOUR BUSINESS,
In the ANOINTING WORSHIP FROM INSULT TO RESULT, the LORD will insult your insults! THE LORD will do what he did in Peter’s case! The God who took Peter from the INSULT OF FISH STEPS to the result of MULTITUDE OF FISH is still alive. The God who took Peter from FAILURE to BREAKTHROUGH is your God! Yes, Peter broke the demonic record of stagnation and I prophesy: the Lord lives, you will not be cast down this year; you will break records and PERCÉE will be your name. Sow your “I WILL BREAK RECORDS” SEED that will engulf all failure and bring all your breakthrough experiences to life during this time of fasting and beyond!
There will be IN-PRESENT AND ONLINE GATHERING of all ODM booklet users for the closing of the fasting period this year, the AYU RESULT INSULT ANOINTING SERVICE at the MOUNTAIN WORSHIP CENTER OF THE MANNA (JEHOVAH-WHO-DONE-TOO-MUCH CENTER), to ORIOKE OGUDU via OJATA, LAGOS, NIGERIA at 12 noon on Saturday, January 28, 2023, in Lagos and all Manna Mountain centers worldwide. This year is yours! THIS TESTIMONY NEVER SEEN LIKE IT WILL COME FROM YOU in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth! Pray seriously now!
1. Revelation 4:11; O Lord, I give you all the glory, honor and
power for the privilege of appearing before you today.
2. V.11; Lord, I give you thanks for what you give me to enjoy
this day.
3. Father, may Your name be glorified and exalted today; in a
special way you will make me feel your presence on this day.
4. Isaiah 60:11; Lord, open the floodgates of heaven and rain down on
me Your power and deliverance now in Jesus name.
5.V.11; O Lord, today will not be an exception; I arrest the
evil powers stationed in my neighborhood now in the
name of Jesus.
6.V.11; O, you eternal gates of my results galore, open now and let this be my 2023 results season for me
in Jesus name.
7.V.11; Every door of INSULT that is opened for me this year,
I command it to be closed now by fire in the name of Jesus.
8.V.11; Satan, listen to this: You can’t shut the doors on my
results and breakthroughs this year; they will be continually
opened in the name of Jesus.
9. Isaiah 61:1; The anointing to break records is upon me this year,
I will do amazing in the name of Jesus.
10.V.1; By the anointing of the Holy Spirit, I will not be insulted this year;
you demonic agents of insults: die, die, die
in the name of Jesus.
11.V.1; I AM A RECORD BREAKER. I will do the incredible; my
life will greatly surprise those who mock me in the name of
12.V.1; O Spirit of the Lord, do wonders this year; my life
shall attract results that shall insult my enemies in the name of Jesus.
13. Philippians 4:13; I can do anything this year, I will break records,
change the status quo by fire in the name of Jesus.
14.V.13; O God, endow me with competence by Your wisdom to
free me from the limiting factors and agents positioned against my life this year in the name of Jesus.
15.V.13; Lord, I receive supernatural strength to break records
in my career. I will shine this year in the name of Jesus.
16.V.13; What has never been done in my family as records, I
will have it this year. I will break generation records in the name
of Jesus.
17.V.13; I refuse to lose hope; I refuse to give up; my best
is yet to come. I am a record breaker in the name of Jesus.
18. Isaiah 43:19; Lord, do one new thing this year that will make
me a record breaker by fire in Jesus name.
19.V.19; O Lord, it will no longer be as it was before for the devil;
this year will be different. Do one thing new in this time
of fasting that will disgrace every lie of the devil in my life in
Jesus name.
20.V.19; O Lord, when you made your way through the desert, you
broke a record. Father, make me a record breaker. Backsliding
and shame will not be my last bus stop in the name of Jesus.
21.V.19; Lord, do a record-breaking work in my life; I
will not be blocked; there will be a way out in the desert for
me in the name of Jesus.
my God! O God, none of my problems will be unsolved in
this January, February, March, April, May… the solutions are my address.
23.V.19; there will be RIVERS IN MY DESRET this year. Out of
my failures shall come my breakthroughs in the name of Jesus.
24. 1 Samuel 17:8; No Goliath will insult me this year; O Lord,
let my insults be discredited in public by fire. 25.V.9; O God, may their PRIDE be changed into their BREAKING! O
the proud, you will see my God in action this year and your
end is imminent in the name of Jesus.
26.V.9; O God, may the foundations of any Goliath that brags against
me crumble in fire. I will not yield to any demonic threats
in the name of Jesus.
27.V.10; O Lord, this insult must cease; i declare war against
every enemy of my breakthrough, die now by fire in the name of
28.V.11; I command all satanic bullying that is intended to cause
failures in my life and ministry to disperse and
to have setbacks now in the name of Jesus.
29.V.32; My heart will not fall; I confront all opposition against
my breakthroughs. O Philistine, satanic representative, die by fire in the
name of Jesus. 30.V.36; I WILL BREAK RECORDS THIS YEAR; you
powers that insult the God that is in me, fall down and die
now in the name of Jesus.
31.V.43; Any curse that activates my experience of failure: enough
is enough; be broken by fire in the name of Jesus.
32.V.43; Any tongue that professes curses in my life and in
my ministry in order to cause me to fail: your time is at
an end; have reverses by fire in the name of Jesus.
33.V.45; You demonic powers who promote
my failures and insult my glorious destiny; I rise against
you in the name of the Lord; dry yourself now by fire.
34.V.46; O God, deliver into my hands my enemies this year and may
their plan fail. I will break records by fire 35. V.49; O Lord, I am a record breaker, O Goliath who insults
my peace and joy, I destroy you now by the anointing of the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
36.V.50; I activate the sword of God to cut down any Goliath that stands in
my way of results in the name of Jesus.
37.V.51; I AM A RECORD BREAKER; I declare the “operation
none escape” any power or personality that has sworn to
make my life miserable this year in the name of Jesus.
38. Psalms 43:5; I refuse to be flattened; yes, I will not be
beaten. Demonic agents of regression: wither with
fire in the name of Jesus.
39. 1 Samuel 30:3; My Father, my Father, my labor will not be wasted
this year; O Wasters, waste yourselves and die
in the name of Jesus.
40.V.4; I WILL NOT BE SHOT! My faith and my hope will
not be destroyed; Lord, settle the case of my enemies in the name of
41.V.4; You demonic agents of tears and sorrow, I
am not your candidate. Miss my address now in the name of
42.V.6; Divine battle strategy of any battle in this 2023,
come down upon me now by fire in the name of Jesus.
43. Luke 5:2; the insult of empty nets, empty life, empty career
, empty business: your end has come; exhale now by fire
in the name of Jesus.
44.V.2; Abba Father, my life and my ministry will not attract emptiness; O
voiders, empty yourselves and be parched with fire.
45.V.4; there will be no depression this year; I FORGE IN THE FULL
WATER of my career, business and ministry for
unstoppable results in the name of Jesus.
46. V.5, fruitless toil must cease this year. I curse the
root of failures in my life and ministry; be
dry now by fire in the name of Jesus.
47.V.5; Insignificance, emptiness and lack shall not be the
hallmarks of my work in this 2023. O God revoke this
evil tendency by fire in the name of Jesus.
48.V.5; Father, send me the Word that will change and straighten out
every difficult season of overwhelm; breakthrough is my name in
Jesus name.
49. V.6, O God of breakthroughs, give me a harvest of success that
tears the nets in my endeavors this year in Jesus name.
50.V.6; O God, turn my failures into breakthroughs; I will not labor
in vain.
51.V.6; My life, career, business and ministry will produce
RESULTS; i will have outstanding breakthroughs and i will break
records that have never been in Jesus name.
52. I overthrow and tear to pieces every record that my Father has
not written regarding my destiny in the name of Jesus.
53. Demonic records, ancestral records,
health records and marriage records, etc. I break you now by fire
in the name of Jesus.
54. Isaiah 40:26; My Father, my Father, this insult will not stand against
Your power this year (mention this area of insult now
and command it to be revoked by fire).
(Mentionne les et relâche des résultats exceptionnels qui insulteront
les résultats, les réponses et de merveilleux témoignages instantanés
rassemblement EN PRESENTIEL et EN LIGNE pour tous les utilisateurs
de ce livret ODM cette année. Pour la clôture, il y aura le MONDIAL
Samedi 28 Janvier 2023 à midi; quelque chose de grand est sur le
point de se produire! (Viens avec du sable et fais la liste de ce que
tu ne veux plus voir en ce 2023! Nous allons déchirer cela). - Prie au sujet du MONDIAL CULTE D’ONCTION DE MIDI maintenant.
O Seigneur, les résultats seront mon nom par feu. - Relâche les voyages sains et saufs et les VISA d’immigration pour
tous ceux qui viendront de tous les coins du monde. - Prie pour moi Dr Chris, pour une superbe connexion, affinité et
partenariat avec mes trois amis (Dieu le Père, le Fils et le
Saint-Esprit). - O Seigneur, je vais jeûner à nouveau; prier à nouveau et mettre en toi
ma confiance à nouveau cette année. Ma SEMENCE portera des
RESULTATS par feu. - Ecclésiastes 11:1; Seigneur, tandis que je sème ma semence de
SEMENCE DE L’INSULTE AU RESULTAT en ce programme de jeûne,
l’insulte sera frappé d’un coup de revers au sujet de ma destinée au
nom de Jésus. - V.1; Père, tandis que je sème ma semence aujourd’hui; souviens-toi
de moi en bien et mets fin à cette bataille au nom de Jésus. - V.1; Cette SEMENCE sera le cimetière de quoi que ce soit qui est
appelé insulte dans ma vie, ma famille et mon ministère au nom de
Jésus. - V.1; Mon Père, mon Père, ma SEMENCE engloutira cette situation
par feu cette année (mentionne cette situation maintenant); Je ne
sèmerai pas en vain ! Il y aura des résultats au nom de Jésus. - V.1; Les bénédictions que l’argent ne peut pas acheter: je suis ton
candidat tandis que je sème ma semence aujourd’hui/en ce programme
de jeûne au nom de Jésus. - DECLARE CECI A HAUTE VOIX MAINTENANT
Je sais que mon rédempteur vit. Il vit dans ma vie, dans ma famille, mon ministère, ma carrière et dans mes affaires. Et parce qu’il vit, je battrai des records, renversera le statut quo et briserai les protocoles cette année! Je en serai pas abattu ; je ne serai pas découragé et je rejette l’anxiété, l’apitoiement sur soi et la peur du futur ou de l’échec. Le système diabolique de labeur sans résultat passera par-dessus moi et ma vie attirera et produira des résultats incontestables au nom de Jésus. Je verrai la fin de CHAQUE INSULTE! Aucune INSULTE ne verra ma fin et que le diable le veuille ou pas, je produirai des résultats en ce 2023. Je vais semer ma SEMENCE DE L’INSULTE AUX RESULTATS et prier avec les Psaumes Prophétiques qui me seront envoyés! Et par la grâce de Dieu, je serai au
MONDIAL CULTE D’ONCTION au CENTRE D’ADORATION DE LA MONTAGNE DE LA MANNE (CENTRE JEHOVAH QUI FAIT TROP) à OGUDU ORIOKE par OJOTA, LAGOS, NIGERIA le Samedi 28 Janvier 2023 à midi. Merci Seigneur pour les prières exaucées ! Cette année est la mienne! Amen! Prie en langues selon que tu es conduit! APPORTE DU SABLE DE TA COUR, DE TON TERRAIN, DE TA BOUTIQUE, DE TON LIEU DE SERVICE, ETC. SÈME TA «SEMENCE PROPHETIQUE DE L’INSULTE AU RESULTAT 2023» (SPIR) AUJOURD’HUI ! Sème ta «SEMENCE PROPHETIQUE DE L’INSULTE AU RESULTAT 2023» (SPIR) dans l’un de nos comptes à la page 44 de ce livret ou à la page 29 de notre livret ODM, la «MANNE QUOTIDIENNE» et après que tu aies semé, envoie le message suivant: «ENVOYEZ MES PSAUMES DE PRIERE PROPHETIQUE DES INSULTES AUX RESULTATS» (PPPIR), que tu utiliseras pour prier pendant 3 semaines par SMS ou par WhatsApp à l’un des numéros suivants (de préférence les messages par whatsApp ou Email) : Londres: +44-7448-117-504, NIGERIA/AUTRES PAYS: +234-802-342-1513, +234-815262-6135. WHATSAPP au: +234 8144-044 -226, +234-81-5262-6135, +234-80-2342- 1513 ou par E-MAIL à l’adresse suivante:; Nous ne manquerons pas de vous donner un retour par Sa grâce. Cette année est ton année !
NE PERDS PAS LA PLANTATION! Les actions ont des conséquences et pour récolter la MOISSON que l’on rêve d’avoir, il faut semer des semences! C’est une LOI SPIRITUELLE ! Demande aux agriculteurs réussis et ils te diront que RIEN ne pousse dans leurs champs sans que L’ON N’EST MIS AU SOL DES GRAINES AVEC DILIGENCE ! Si prier et méditer est tout ce qu’ils font en longueur de journée, ILS PERDRONT LA PLANTATION ! En cette période de jeûne, PLANTE AVEC DILIGENCE TA « SEMENCE SACRIFICIELLE PROPHETIQUE DE L’INSULTE AU RESULTAT» SELON QUE TU ES CONDUIT. Prie ensuite avec les psaumes qui te seront envoyés! Je prophétise: TU NE PERDRAS PAS TA PLANTATION! Tes prières ne seront pas en vain et il y aura DES ÉVIDENCES! FAIS LA LISTE DES CHOSES QUE TU NE VEUX PLUS VOIR EN 2023! Nous allons la déchirer lors du MONDIAL CULTE D’ONCTION DE L’INSULTE AU RESULTAT.