Manna Devotional 20th November 2022

CLICK HERE TO READ BASIC SCRIPTURE Our Daily Manna Devotional 20 November 2022
If you have blood flowing through your veins, you are qualified to be used by God on this earth. DON’T LIMIT YOURSELF Remember what we shared in yesterday’s devotional: God Doesn’t Call The Qualified, He Qualifies The Called.
Manna Devotional 20th November 2022 – LORD, QUALIFY ME!
So, for you to be used by God, you don’t have to be great. He cannot be limited by your poor educational background. He cannot be discouraged by your financial status. He is not even bothered about the ugly things you did in the past.
Paul was the chief of sinners when God qualified him to preach the gospel around the world. David was the last child of the family and the ‘strange horn’ that had been ‘banished’ to take care of the sheep, yet, GOD QUALIFIED HIM TO SHEPHERD HIS PEOPLE ISRAEL.
Manna Devotional 20th November 2022 – LORD, QUALIFY ME!
He was in his teenage years when God qualified him to kill Goliath the giant. Abraham was old and far beyond the age of child bearing when God qualified him to become the father of many nations.
Gideon was the least person in his family, and his family was the least in his tribe (Vs. 17), yet God qualified him to lead the children of Israel out of bondage to the Midianites. Isaiah shouted, Woe is me! For I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips.’
Manna Devotional 20th November 2022 – LORD, QUALIFY ME!
But, in Isaiah 6:17 the angel of the Lord touched his mouth and took away his iniquity. He yielded himself for service, and God immediately qualified and equipped him. As 2022 ends, let your heart be encouraged today.
Resist discouragement, depression and self-pity because God sometimes qualifies us via trials!! Your Sins Are Not Big Enough To Stop God From Using You! Don’t Stop Yourself. If Your Sins Cannot Disqualify You From Being Washed By The Blood Of Jesus, They Cannot Stop God From Using You For His Glory.
Manna Devotional 20th November 2022 – LORD, QUALIFY ME!
You are qualified for that glory; step
into it and walk in it from day to day. Pray and cry out now: “LORD, HERE I AM: USE ME! QUALIFY ME! TODAY IS DAY10FTHE MONTHLY7-DAY PRAYERS which ends with the anointing service of next Sunday!
Theme: “Arrow of Suffering In The Midst Of Plenty, BackFire!” (Come with your water, anointing oil and your business or office points of contact!). Connect via FACEBOOK: ‘ourdailymannaworldwide; YOUTUBE: Manna TV International. Time: 8pm Nigeria Time.
PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 2: Draw me nearer…
- As you have been touched, pray for yourself now.
- God of Gideon: HERE I AM; USE ME! QUALIFY ME!
NO BATTLE WILL CONSUME ME! Every negativity in my past, holding me down and preventing me from stepping out into God’s call, loose your grip over me AND let me go. I receive total deliverance from the errors of yesterday, in
Jesus name (Pray it seriously).
Manna Devotional 20th November 2022 – LORD, QUALIFY ME!
- Spirit of God, teach me afresh and take away every unworthy thing in me. Let me be a man/woman of positive impact in my
generation. Pray in tongues now!