Manna Mountain 16 August 2022

CLICK HERE BASIC SCRIPTURES Manna Mountain 16 August 2022
Many young girls are being impregnated by their boyfriends in my country, but because they don’t want their families to know about their pregnancies, they meet baby sellers who hide them until they give birth.
Manna Mountain 16 August 2022 – PREGNANCIES FOR SALE! THE SIEGE IS OVER!
Their babies are then sold by these baby sellers who only give them a token of maybe 50,000 naira (about £100)!
There was a case where a police officer that pretended to be a baby buyer, took the man and the child into his private vehicle on pretext of going to pay the man, but instead drove them to a police station.
A similar experience of child eating due to a great famine (poverty) was also recorded in today’s 1st scripture (2 Kings 6:2829). What do you sell in order to get money? Some sell their quality time with God!
The fear of poverty can make you sacrifice your private fellowship with God, by rushing your prayer and Bible study times. So many ‘believers’ are now selling their consciences, while many others are now selling their bodies becauseof the siege of poverty.
Insist that your case is different. Poverty and the fear of poverty (by the rich), are two evils that must never be allowed a stay in your life, family and ministry! Was the siege of poverty over Samaria not broken? That same God is your God!
Manna Mountain 16 August 2022 – PREGNANCIES FOR SALE! THE SIEGE IS OVER!
Trust Him! Psalm 23:1 declares, “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” Job 36:11 says, “If they obey and serve Him, they shall spend their days in prosperity and their years in pleasures.” That is your portion! Philippians 4:19 says: “And my God shall liberally supply (fill to the full) your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” (Amplified Bible).
That is your portion! Kill anxiety and trust God! Note that money is a good master but a poor servant! Refuse to be chained by it. Life is not designed for struggles! It is designed for fulfillment. Things become light when you refuse to tithe your blessings! As you obey God, your provisions will come!
Manna Mountain 16 August 2022 – PREGNANCIES FOR SALE! THE SIEGE IS OVER!
Even if things get worse, you must not live for gold or you will miss God; when you miss God, you live with lack! Just believe that the Almighty that manages the whole universe cannot mismanage your little life! The siege is over! IT TAKES A YEAR TO PREPARE FOR THE JANUARY WORLD ANOINTING NIGHT .
LET GOD USE YOU! PEOPLE’S TESTIMONIES SHALL PROVOKE YOUR OWN. Sow Your World Anointing Night seed to: MANNA MIRACLE MOUNTAIN MINISTRY (JWAN) UBA ACCT NO: 1015310823 or any account on page 29 of ODM.
Manna Mountain 16 August 2022 – PREGNANCIES FOR SALE! THE SIEGE IS OVER!
PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 3: When the roll is called…
- Pray about today’s message as it has touched you.
- Declare Psalm 23 aloud and pray the 404 prayer points section today before bedtime.
Manna Mountain 16 August 2022 – PREGNANCIES FOR SALE! THE SIEGE IS OVER!
- Thank God that you are alive. Commit your business and job to God. I shall not sell my conscience, time with God or body, etc, for money! Manna Mountain 16 August 2022 – PREGNANCIES FOR SALE! THE SIEGE IS OVER!
Remind God of His Word concerning you. Declare: “You siege of poverty over the land, your power is broken now concerning my family, and ministry in Jesus name.”