Morning & Evening Devotional 1st Sunday October 1 2023

“He will give grace and glory.” — Psalms 84:11

Morning & Evening Devotional 1st Sunday October 1 2023

DCLM Manna
DCLM Manna

Title: “Grace and Glory in the Morning Light”

Scripture: Psalms 84:11 (NIV) “For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favor and honor; no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless.”


As the first rays of morning light gently touch the earth, we are reminded of the promise found in Psalms 84:11: “He will give grace and glory.” In the quiet moments of the dawn, we are presented with a fresh canvas upon which God paints His blessings.

The psalmist reminds us that our Lord is not only our guiding light but also our protector. He is the sun that warms us with grace and the shield that guards us with His glory. His favor is bestowed upon those who seek Him, and He withholds no good thing from those who walk in His ways.

As you embrace the morning of this 1st Sunday of October, may you be open to the outpouring of God’s grace and the reflection of His glory. Let the sunrise be a symbol of new beginnings, fresh opportunities, and a reminder of God’s steadfast love.

In your journey today, remember that His grace is sufficient, and His glory surrounds you. Walk in His ways, and may your life be a testament to His goodness and mercy. Each morning is a gift from God, an opportunity to experience His favor, and a chance to reflect His glory to the world.

May this day be filled with the warmth of His grace and the radiance of His glory. Amen.

Morning & Evening Devotional 1st Sunday October 1 2023

Evening Thought

Bounteous is Jehovah in his nature; to give is his delight. His gifts are beyond measure precious, and are as freely given as the light of the sun. He gives grace to his elect because he wills it, to his redeemed because of his covenant, to the called because of his promise, to believers because they seek it, to sinners because they need it. He gives grace abundantly, seasonably, constantly, readily, sovereignly; doubly enhancing the value of the boon by the manner of its bestowal. Grace in all its forms he freely renders to his people: comforting, preserving, sanctifying, directing, instructing, assisting grace, he generously pours into their souls without ceasing, and he always will do so, whatever may occur. Sickness may befall, but the Lord will give grace; poverty may happen to us, but grace will surely be afforded; death must come but grace will light a candle at the darkest hour. Reader, how blessed it is as years roll round, and the leaves begin again to fall, to enjoy such an unfading promise as this, “The Lord will give grace.”
The little conjunction “and” in this verse is a diamond rivet binding the present with the future: grace and glory always go together. God has married them, and none can divorce them. The Lord will never deny a soul glory to whom he has freely given to live upon his grace; indeed, glory is nothing more than grace in its Sabbath dress, grace in full bloom, grace like autumn fruit, mellow and perfected. How soon we may have glory none can tell! It may be before this month of October has run out we shall see the Holy City; but be the interval longer or shorter, we shall be glorified ere long. Glory, the glory of heaven, the glory of eternity, the glory of Jesus, the glory of the Father, the Lord will surely give to his chosen. Oh, rare promise of a faithful God!

Two golden links of one celestial chain:
Who owneth grace shall surely glory gain.

Morning & Evening Devotional 1st Sunday October 1 2023

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