MATTHEW 17:24-27; LUKE 5:1-7; 1 PETER 5:10
Matthew 17:27 says: “Notwithstanding, lest we should offend them, go thou to the sea, and cast an hook, and take up the fish that first cometh up, and when thou hast opened his mouth, thou shalt find a piece of money that take and give unto them for Me and thee.” Wow! Note the words: “CAST AN HOOK, AND TAKE UP THE FISH THAT FIRST COMETH UPI” Glory to God! This is what l call “THE FIRST FISH ANOINTING” “THE FISH THAT FIRST COMETH UP” not the second, third or fourth fish! Jehovah the DIVINE SURPRISE GOD, wants to baptize you with the FIRST FISH ANOINTING in this fasting programme and indeed this year. “THE FIRST
FISH ANOINTING” is the anointing that terminates fruitless efforts. It is the anointing that breaks the yoke of struggle. The FIRST FISH ANOINTING is the anointing that arrests the spirit of LABOURING IN VAIN (fishing and nothing or laboring without results). I decree: THE FIRST FISH ANOINTING will overtake you this year. That anointing will empower you against harvest attackers. It will crush delay agents and scatter demon Termites. I prophesy: whatever has crippled your labour and efforts of yester years and has made you a shadow of your true self shall come if Suffocation by the first fish anointing. Your little efforts shall produce bountiful harvest by the anointing of the Holy Ghost. THE FIRST FISH ANOINTING is the anointing for faster results, faster progress and speed Jesus said to Peter, go to the sea your career, business, ministry, area specialization, profession and skill, etc. They needed money to take care of their needs. I decree that no need shall be greater and bigger than your supply this year! NO NEED WILL EMBARRASS YOU THIS YEAR! Every need shall receive speedy supply by fire. So, Peter was sent to work and God blessed his labour “THE FIRST FISH” was the answer! I prophesy your own first fish will locate you this year! Yes! God will open your eye to your own fish. Ah! STRUGGLE MUST END THIS YEAR BY THE ANOINTING OF THE FIRST FISHI Luke 5:4-7 SAY “Now when He had left speaking, He said unto Simon, ‘Launch Out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught. And said unto Him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy Word I will let down the net.
And when they had this done, they enclosed a great multitude of fishes: and they beckoned unto their partners, which were in the other ship, that they should come and help them. And they come, and filled both the ships, so that they began to sink. Now! The “FIRST FISH ANOINTING” is the anointing that provokes a NET- BREAKING breakthrough and divine surprise success. I prophesy as I am commanded: You shall experience a net-breaking catch, promotion, opportunity, favour, prosperity and success story by the finger of “JEHOVAH OVER SURPRISE.” Remember that Peter had toiled all night and caught noting. He was arranging his nets to go home that morning after several attempts all night long. That mean PETER GAVE UPI He never expected a surprise, but it came anyway. Peter did not realize that JEHOVAH OVERDO, JEHOVAH SUPER DO, the God of Suddenly, was on duty. He can turn bad situations to good, He can make a way where there is no way. The God that specializes in doing the unexpected, the impossibility specialist, the One that has done a census of all the fishes in the ocean, and called them one by one to enter Peter’ s net. The One whose bank account is in the belly of the fish, that same God is your God! Oh! Never give up on your God and on yourself no matter the matter this year because your divine surprise will come unannounced. DON’T MEND YOUR NETS THIS YEAR, THERE IS A SURPRISE ON THE WAY! The catch was so great that the boats began to sink. Wow! That will be your story this year! Even as you sow your FIRST FISH ANOINTING” SEED and pray the prayer PSALMS that will be sent to you for 3 weeks, the God of Peter will show up for you. Your DIVINE SURPRISE will not only shock you, it will shock those around you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth! Amen and amen pray seriously now
- 2 Corinthians 9:8; Abba Father, I thank you for your sufficient grace that is at work in me in this fasting programme.
- Vs. 8, Thank You Lord, for making your grace abound towards me this year and beyond.
- Vs. 8; Lord, by your power, I shall have sufficiency in all things this year in Jesus name.
- Vs. 8; in this year 2022, I shall abound unto every good work in lite and ministry in Jesus name.
- Vs. 8; Lord, I shall abound and not be bound, I shall increase and ne be decreased, I shall enlarge and not be subdued in Jesus name.
- Holy Ghost, I welcome you today, invade my spirit, soul and body and pray through me by fire in Jesus name.
- I silence the voice of negativity, fear and doubt now, loose me and by fire in Jesus name
- O God, use my life to showcase your divine surprise. Make me the firstfruit of your grace and power in Jesus name
- Ephesians 3:20; By the ableness of God, l am a partaker of the “ FIRST FISH ANOINTING this January, February, March, April..(Mention the 12 months of the year now). PRAYER FOR DAY 13 AND DAY 14 ODM 21 DAYS FAST 2022
10 Vs. 20; By the FIRST FISHANOINTING1shall do exceedingly abundantly, above my expectations in 2022; average is not my portion in Jesus name
11 Vs. 20; Jehovah the God of the FIRST FISH, will do more than I ask or imagine in the fasting programme and indeed this year
12 Vs. 20.0 God, let the ANOINTING OF THE FIRST FISH, provoke divine surprise in my endeavors that will make my haters exclaim, THIS IS NOT TRUE in Jesus name.
13 VS. 20; I INVOKE THE POWER OF THEFIRST FISH ANOINTING, to scatter any plan meant to rubbish my efforts in 2022 in Jesus name.
14 Vs. 20; Satan hear this: there is a POWER at work in me this year and that power shall bulldoze every atacker of my Success and career advancement this year in Jesus name. PRAYER FOR DAY 13 AND DAY 14 ODM 21 DAYS FAST 2022
15 Luke 52; O Lord, THISIS MY YEAR, I refuse to wash my nets this Year. I will not give up no matter how last year or yesteryears have bect1 am in tor surprises this year in Jesus name.
- Vs. 2; O God those waiting to see me WASH MY NETS in frustration shall wait in vain this year in Jesus name.
17 Vs. 2; you powers that make men to WASH their business, career ministry and marital NETS, enough is enough loose me and dry up now by fire.
- Vs. 4; My Father, my Father, 1 am LAUNCHING OUT by fire this year O Lord, deliver my life, family and ministry from SHALLOW WATERS in Jesus name
- Vs. 4; SHALLOW WATERS business, ministry. Career, job, academics and relationships, NEVER AGAIN, catch fire in Jesus name.
- Vs. 4; By fire by force, THIS YEAR, I must locate “THE DEEP” O deep, locate the work of my hands now by fire in Jesus name
- vs. 4. There is a “DEEP for my ministry, career, and business in 2022: I LAUNCH into it now in Jesus name.
- Vs. 5; …Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing:” 1declare war now against fruitless labour, loose your grip over my labour and die in Jesus name.
23 Vs. 5; You spirit of toiling and taking nothing. I am not your candidate be arrested and paralyzed now by fire in Jesus name. PRAYER FOR DAY 13 AND DAY 14 ODM 21 DAYS FAST 2022
- Vs. 5; You spirit of fishing and catching nothing, efforts without results am not your candidate dry up dry up and dry up by fire.
25 Vs. 5; Struggling without evidence, enough is enough, be crushed by the FIRST FISHANOINTING in Jesus name.
26 Vs. 5:1; shall not labour for “NOTHING you powers manufacturing
NOTHINGNESS and VOID in my life die, die, die and die in Jesus Name.
27 Vs. 6, In the name of Jesus, my nets shall catch a great multitude of fish this year. Little efforts shall produce great results in Jesus name.
28 Vs. 6:0 God, BREAK MY NET THIS YEARI Give me OVERDOSE and OVERLOAD breakthroughs in Jesus name.
- Vs. 7; LORD, give me a DIVINE SURPRISE PACKAGEthat is bigger than me and my family until we cry, “IT IS ENOUGH”in Jesus name.
- Vs. By the first fish anointing, my life and ministry shall attract a bountiful harvest that will affect those around me for good in 2022 in Jesus name.
- Matthew 7-27:”…go thou to the sea, and cast a hook…”This 2022, I reject laziness and procrastination due to past failures. I will go to the sea this year, and there shall be harvest in Jesus name.
32.Vs.27; Satan you are a liar, I am going back to sea – my work, job, career and business struggle is over, the FIRST FISH ANOINTING is working for me by fire in Jesus name.
33 Vs. 27; O Lord, as I CAST MY HOOK-toil, work, labour and invest again this year, O God, SURPRISE ME with my own miracle fish Jesus name.
34 Vs.27; O you my fish, what are you waiting for? Locate MY HOOK- this January, February, March, April, May etc, NO MORE fruitless toil I Jesus name.
35 Vs. 27;“…and take up the fish that first cometh up…” God of the “FIRST FISH ANOINTING”, provoke sudden surprise, sudden answers, sudden progress, sudden success and sudden promotion for me and my household by fire in Jesus name.
36 VS. 27; My Father, my Father, this is my year of the “FIRST FISH:”I reject the second, third, fourth, and fifth fish etc, and I Curse unproductive labor now in Jesus name.
37 By the “ANOINTING OF THE FIRST FISH,”I break the cycle of repeated fruitless labour now by fire and thunder.
38 Powers of THOU SHALL NOT EXCEL, working with marine powers to sabotage my efforts in 2022, run mad now in Jesus name.
39 Vs. 27;”…thou shalt find a piece of money…” O my money, wherever you are, North, South, East and West, I loose you now to locate my address in Jesus name.
- Vs. 27; This year, money shall meet money in my hands; financial lack is cursed by fire in Jesus name.
41 Vs. 27; The first fish anointing is working for me this year. Every financial embarrassment waiting to rubbish my prayer and fasting and turn me into a laughing stock, scatter by fire in Jesus name.
42 Any fish holding my money and divine surprise financial explosion, NEVER AGAIN; vomit it, vomit it and vomit it now in Jesus name.
- Pray in TONGUES now as led!
44Thank the LORD for answered prayers
45.1 Samuel 3:11: “And the LORD said to Samuel, Behold, I will do a thing In Israel, at which both the ears of everyone that heareth it shall tingle.” O Lord, You are the final authority and every other authority emanates from you. You mean what you say and you say what will TINGLE the world. Make out of me a mystery, and a wonder. Let my life and destiny shock my haters this year. Let their ears TINGLE
blow Open, shatter their eardrums, shake their ears with my divine surprise visitation. Ah! Let my divine surprise make my enemies nervous and dumbfounded. The more they look, the less they will see and he less they look, the more they will see Your power, mercy, goodness favour and greatness. This 2022, let my success story, my marital story, my financial story, my career etc blow the minds of my adversaries in Jesus name.
- vs. 11: “And the LORD said to Samuel, Behold, I WILL DO A THING in Israel…” MY Father my Father, DO A THING in my life this year, so that the ears that will hear it will be blow away in utter shock.
- vs. 11: Abba Father, DO A THING in 2022 that will make men to shock SAY that of a truth, I SERVE A LIVING GOD
- Vs. 11, O God, DO A THING in my heath and let every health battle in my life expire by ire in Jesus name
49 VS 1t: Lord, DO A THING prove a point, surprise agenda upon my destiny in 2022 in Jesus name.
50 Vs. 11 Lord, D0 A THING turn my a global wonder, turn me into a surprise that will shock the world this year In Jesus name. PRAYER FOR DAY 13 AND DAY 14 ODM 21 DAYS FAST 2022
- Genesis 17:2 O God, You surprised Abraham and multiplied him exceedingly; surprise me exceedingly in 2022, multiply me roundabout by fire in Jesus name.
- Vs. 6 O God you changed the name of Abram to Abraham and surprised his generation; changed my name this year and surprise my generation through my life in Jesus name.
- Eccl. 11:3: the tree fall toward the south, or toward the north, in the place where the tree falleth, there it shall be.” Satan you are a liar; I AM NOT A TREE and I will not end up as such. I shall rise again to the dismay and shock my haters in Jesus name.
- Vs.3: I’m NOT A TREE, I shall rise again, my case is different, my chapter cannot be closed, my rising shall surprise the world in Jesus name.
- Vs. 3.I AM NOT A TREE! O God, disappoint those that have concluded my life and destiny; they shall fail in Jesus name.
- Vs.3 I AM NOT A TREE; any power or personality celebrating my downfall, enough is enough; run mad now in Jesus name.
- Vs.3; You root of stagnation hunting my life, family and ministry, burn by fire now in Jesus name.
58 Vs. 3; O God, I refuse to remain in the same place this year, I’m moving forward ever and backward never in Jesus name.
- LORD, use my haters to SHOWCASE your power in 2022 like you did to Pharaoh.
- Even as I sow my “FIRST FISH ANOINTING” SEED and pray the prayer PSALMS that will be sent to me for 3 weeks, the God of Peter will show up for me.
- As I sow my FIRST FISH SEED (FSS) by faith and pray for 3 weeks the FIRST FISH PROPHETIC PSALMS (FFPP) that will be sent to me, I shall indeed know that the “FIRST FISH ANOINTING is the anointing that provokes a NET-BREAKING breakthrough and divine surprise success. This is my year!
63 Lift up the last-day WORLD ANOINTING ONLINE SERVICE loose uncommon divine surprise manifestations!
- Thank the Lord for answered prayers now and for open heaven since this fasting programme!
“In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the “FIRST FISH” ANOINTING is working for me this year, fruitless labour the spirit of fishing and catching nothing is arrested today by fire. The spirit of laboring from January to December with nothing to show for it is destroyed from my destiny. Every agreement between struggle and nothingness concerning the work of my hands is broken by fire and thunder. I command the “FIRST FISH ANOINTING” to enter into me now and turn me into a Divine Surprise Wonder. JEHOVAH THE SURPRISER will take me to the DEEP this year. He will take my life, family, ministry, business and career etc, from SHALLOW WATERS. MY HOOK shall not miss its target this year. MY FISH IS LOCATING MY HANDS these 12 months of the year. I shall receive a basket full of divine surprises I cannot carry (NET BREAKING) Ah! ASI sow my “FIRST FISHANOINTING” and the pray the 3-week PRAYER PSALMS that will be sent, I SHALL JUMP OVER EVERY SPIRITUAL HOLE CAUSING
FRUITLESS LABOUR, DELAYED OR “SLIPPERY BREAKTHROUGHSI My business, ministry and career shall FLOURISH with the FIRST FISH ANOINTING in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth! Amen and amen! Still
Give out ODM copies to enable souls connect to the WORLD ANOINTING ONLINE SERVICE you will be rewarded’ AMEN!