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A prayer conference set to revolutionize the world through the demonstration of the power and mercies of God by Pastor Jerry Eze

Location: George R. Brown Convention Center

1001 Avenida De Las Americas Houston, TX 77010 United States

About this event: 5 hours 30 minutes

Join Us for the NSPPD AMERICA PRAYER CONFERENCE 2024 with Pastor Jerry Eze! 🌟

You are invited to an Electrifying event that will ignite your faith and unleash the power of prayer within you. Prepare to be captivated by an extraordinary spiritual experience like never before at the NSPPD USA Prayer Conference!.

🌟 Event: NSPPD AMERICA Prayer Conference 2024

📅 Date: 27th July 2024
⏰ Check-in Starts at 10:00 AM

📍 Location:George R. Brown Convention Center:1001 Avenida De Las Americas, Houston, TX, 77010

Join believers from all walks of life as we gather to witness the manifestation of Gods power at the event where “What God Cannot Do Does Not Exist”. Prepare to be transformed through worship and fervent prayer sessions enriched by anointed pastors and seasoned prayer warriors who will guide us in powerful intercessions.

Open your heart to the presence of God, receive life-changing revelations, and gain the strength to overcome every obstacle in your path. Join us for this in-person event, where prayer and worship unite, as we seek the Lord’s face and intercede for our nation. Together, we believe our prayers will unleash God’s mighty movement and spark a spiritual awakening.

Don’t miss this life-altering event! Register now for this FREE event. Limited spots available.

#NSPPDPrayerConference #UnleashThePowerOfPrayer

Powerful Prayer Points focused on NSPPD AMERICA PRAYER CONFERENCE

  1. Heavenly Father, we thank You for the NSPPD family in America, united in faith and devotion to You.
  2. Lord, we lift up every member of NSPPD in America, asking for Your divine protection and covering over their lives and families.
  3. Father, we pray for a fresh outpouring of Your Holy Spirit upon NSPPD American members, empowering them to pray with fervency and faith.
  4. Lord, we ask for a spirit of unity and love to prevail among NSPPD American members, binding them together in Christ.
  5. God, we pray for a hunger and thirst for Your presence among NSPPD American members, drawing them into deeper intimacy with You.
  6. Father, we declare that NSPPD American members are filled with boldness and courage to stand firm in their faith, even in the face of opposition.
  7. Lord, we pray for divine wisdom and discernment to guide NSPPD American members in every decision and action they take.
  8. God, we ask for divine favor and open doors of opportunity for NSPPD American members, both in their personal lives and ministries.
  9. Father, we pray for healing and restoration in every area of need among NSPPD American members, whether physical, emotional, or spiritual.
  10. Lord, we declare breakthroughs in finances, careers, and relationships for NSPPD American members, as they trust in Your provision and guidance.
  11. God, we pray for revival and spiritual awakening to sweep across America through the prayers and declarations of NSPPD members.
  12. Father, we ask for an anointing of evangelism and outreach upon NSPPD American members, that they may boldly proclaim the gospel to those around them.
  13. Lord, we pray for the strengthening of marriages and families among NSPPD American members, that they may be beacons of light and love in their communities.
  14. God, we lift up the leaders and pastors of NSPPD American members, asking for Your wisdom and guidance as they shepherd Your people.
  15. Father, we pray for divine appointments and divine connections for NSPPD American members, that they may be strategically positioned to fulfill Your purposes.
  16. Lord, we ask for a spirit of intercession to rise up among NSPPD American members, that they may stand in the gap for their nation and communities.
  17. God, we pray for the breaking of every stronghold and chain of bondage in the lives of NSPPD American members, setting them free to walk in victory.
  18. Father, we declare that NSPPD American members are instruments of righteousness, bringing glory to Your name in all they do.
  19. Lord, we pray for an increase in faith and expectancy among NSPPD American members, that they may believe for the impossible and see Your miracles manifest.
  20. God, we ask for a release of Your supernatural provision and abundance upon NSPPD American members, that they may be generous givers and channels of blessing.
  21. Father, we pray for a spirit of humility and teachability among NSPPD American members, that they may be continually transformed by Your word and Spirit.
  22. Lord, we declare that NSPPD American members are overcomers by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony.
  23. God, we ask for divine protection and covering over the minds and hearts of NSPPD American members, guarding them from the attacks of the enemy.
  24. Father, we pray for an anointing of creativity and innovation upon NSPPD American members, that they may be agents of change and transformation in their spheres of influence.
  25. Lord, we lift up the youth and young adults among NSPPD American members, asking for Your guidance and direction as they navigate the challenges of this generation.
  26. God, we pray for a spirit of unity and cooperation among NSPPD American members, that they may work together as one body, each member fulfilling their unique role.
  27. Father, we ask for divine favor and open doors of opportunity for NSPPD American members in their workplaces, schools, and communities.
  28. Lord, we pray for the raising up of leaders and influencers among NSPPD American members, that they may be salt and light in every sphere of society.
  29. God, we declare that NSPPD American members are blessed to be a blessing, sharing Your love and grace with those around them.
  30. Father, we ask for a spirit of revival and renewal to sweep across America through the prayers and declarations of NSPPD American members.
  31. Lord, we pray for a spirit of perseverance and endurance to be imparted to NSPPD American members, that they may run the race set before them with endurance.
  32. God, we ask for a spirit of generosity and sacrificial giving among NSPPD American members, that they may sow into Your kingdom and reap a harvest of blessings.
  33. Father, we pray for an anointing of creativity and innovation upon NSPPD American members, that they may be vessels of Your glory in every area of their lives.
  34. Lord, we ask for a release of Your healing power upon NSPPD American members, bringing wholeness and restoration to their bodies, minds, and spirits.
  35. God, we declare that NSPPD American members are salt and light in their communities, shining Your love and truth to those around them.
  36. Father, we lift up the leaders and pastors of NSPPD American members, asking for Your wisdom and guidance as they lead Your people.
  37. Lord, we pray for divine connections and divine appointments for NSPPD American members, that they may be strategically positioned to fulfill Your purposes.
  38. God, we ask for a spirit of boldness and courage to rise up among NSPPD American members, that they may proclaim Your word with conviction and authority.
  39. Father, we pray for the strengthening of marriages and families among NSPPD American members, that they may be beacons of light and love in their communities.
  40. Lord, we ask for a spirit of unity and cooperation to prevail among NSPPD American members, that they may work together as one body, each member fulfilling their unique role.
  41. God, we pray for divine favor and open doors of opportunity for NSPPD American members in their workplaces, schools, and communities.
  42. Father, we ask for a release of Your supernatural provision and abundance upon NSPPD American members, that they may be generous givers and channels of blessing.
  43. Lord, we declare that NSPPD American members are empowered by Your Spirit to walk in victory and overcome every obstacle.
  44. God, we pray for divine wisdom and discernment to guide NSPPD American members in every decision and action they take.
  45. Father, we ask for a spirit of unity and love to prevail among NSPPD American members, binding them together in Christ.
  46. Lord, we pray for a hunger and thirst for Your presence among NSPPD American members, drawing them into deeper intimacy with You.
  47. God, we declare that NSPPD American members are filled with boldness and courage to stand firm in their faith, even in the face of opposition.
  48. Father, we ask for divine favor and open doors of opportunity for NSPPD American members, both in their personal lives and ministries.
  49. Lord, we pray for healing and restoration in every area of need among NSPPD American members, whether physical, emotional, or spiritual.
  50. God, we declare breakthroughs in finances, careers, and relationships for NSPPD American members, as they trust in Your provision and guidance.
  51. Father, we pray for revival and spiritual awakening to sweep across America through the prayers and declarations of NSPPD members.
  52. Lord, we ask for an anointing of evangelism and outreach upon NSPPD American members, that they may boldly proclaim the gospel to those around them.
  53. God, we pray for the strengthening of marriages and families among NSPPD American members, that they may be beacons of light and love in their communities.
  54. Father, we lift up the leaders and pastors of NSPPD American members, asking for Your wisdom and guidance as they shepherd Your people.
  55. Lord, we pray for divine appointments and divine connections for NSPPD American members, that they may be strategically positioned to fulfill Your purposes.
  56. God, we ask for a spirit of intercession to rise up among NSPPD American members, that they may stand in the gap for their nation and communities.
  57. Father, we pray for the breaking of every stronghold and chain of bondage in the lives of NSPPD American members, setting them free to walk in victory.
  58. Lord, we declare that NSPPD American members are instruments of righteousness, bringing glory to Your name in all they do.
  59. God, we ask for an increase in faith and expectancy among NSPPD American members, that they may believe for the impossible and see Your miracles manifest.
  60. Father, we pray for a release of Your supernatural provision and abundance upon NSPPD American members, that they may be generous givers and channels of blessing.
  61. Lord, we lift up the youth and young adults among NSPPD American members, asking for Your guidance and direction as they navigate the challenges of this generation.
  62. God, we pray for a spirit of unity and cooperation among NSPPD American members, that they may work together as one body, each member fulfilling their unique role.
  63. Father, we ask for divine favor and open doors of opportunity for NSPPD American members in their workplaces, schools, and communities.
  64. Lord, we pray for the raising up of leaders and influencers among NSPPD American members, that they may be salt and light in every sphere of society.
  65. God, we declare that NSPPD American members are blessed to be a blessing, sharing Your love and grace with those around them.
  66. Father, we pray for a spirit of revival and renewal to sweep across America through the prayers and declarations of NSPPD American members.
  67. Lord, we ask for a spirit of perseverance and endurance to press on in faith, as NSPPD American members run the race set before them with endurance.
  68. God, we ask for a spirit of generosity and sacrificial giving among NSPPD American members, that they may sow into Your kingdom and reap a harvest of blessings.
  69. Father, we pray for an anointing of creativity and innovation upon NSPPD American members, that they may be vessels of Your glory in every area of their lives.
  70. Lord, we ask for a release of Your healing power upon NSPPD American members, bringing wholeness and restoration to their bodies, minds, and spirits.
  71. God, we declare that NSPPD American members are salt and light in their communities, shining Your love and truth to those around them.
  72. Father, we lift up the leaders and pastors of NSPPD American members, asking for Your wisdom and guidance as they lead Your people.
  73. Lord, we pray for divine connections and divine appointments for NSPPD American members, that they may be strategically positioned to fulfill Your purposes.
  74. God, we ask for a spirit of boldness and courage to rise up among NSPPD American members, that they may proclaim Your word with conviction and authority.
  75. Father, we pray for the strengthening of marriages and families among NSPPD American members, that they may be beacons of light and love in their communities.
  76. Lord, we ask for a spirit of unity and cooperation to prevail among NSPPD American members, that they may work together as one body, each member fulfilling their unique role.
  77. God, we pray for divine favor and open doors of opportunity for NSPPD American members in their workplaces, schools, and communities.
  78. Father, we ask for a release of Your supernatural provision and abundance upon NSPPD American members, that they may be generous givers and channels of blessing.
  79. Lord, we declare that NSPPD American members are empowered by Your Spirit to walk in victory and overcome every obstacle.
  80. God, we pray for divine wisdom and discernment to guide NSPPD American members in every decision and action they take.

May these prayers ignite a deeper hunger and expectancy for God’s presence among NSPPD American members, and may they experience His power and glory in mighty ways. Amen.

NSPPD format:

  1. Opening Prayer: Begin by inviting the presence of God to inhabit the conference venue and each participant’s heart. Pray for a spirit of unity, reverence, and expectancy to permeate the atmosphere.
  2. National Healing: Pray for healing and reconciliation across America, addressing racial tensions, political divisions, and social injustices. Ask God to bring healing to the land and unity among its people.
  3. Leadership and Governance: Lift up national and local leaders, praying for wisdom, integrity, and Godly counsel in decision-making. Ask for divine guidance in addressing the challenges facing the nation.
  4. Family and Community: Pray for strong families and vibrant communities across America. Ask God to restore broken relationships, strengthen marriages, and empower parents to raise children in the fear of the Lord.
  5. Education and Youth: Intercede for the education system and the youth of America. Pray for quality education, safe learning environments, and opportunities for personal growth and development.
  6. Economy and Employment: Lift up the economy of America, praying for job creation, financial stability, and prosperity for all citizens. Ask God to provide for those in need and to bless the labor of their hands.
  7. Health and Wellness: Pray for the health and well-being of the nation, especially in light of current health challenges. Ask God for healing, protection, and divine intervention in combating sickness and disease.
  8. Revival and Spiritual Awakening: Cry out for revival and spiritual awakening across America. Pray for hearts to turn to God in repentance, for churches to be filled with the Holy Spirit, and for a mighty outpouring of God’s presence and power.
  9. Mission and Evangelism: Intercede for missions and evangelism efforts throughout America. Pray for boldness, clarity, and effectiveness in sharing the gospel, and for hearts to be receptive to the message of salvation.
  10. Unity in the Body of Christ: Pray for unity and collaboration among churches and ministries across America. Ask God to break down walls of division and to unite believers in love and purpose.
  11. Protection and Safety: Lift up America’s military personnel, law enforcement officers, and first responders. Pray for their protection, courage, and wisdom as they serve and protect the nation.
  12. Faith and Freedom: Pray for the preservation of religious freedom and the right to worship freely in America. Ask God to strengthen the faith of believers and to empower them to be bold witnesses for Christ.
  13. Comfort for the Afflicted: Intercede for those who are suffering, marginalized, or oppressed in America. Pray for comfort, justice, and hope to be extended to the vulnerable and marginalized communities.
  14. Gratitude and Thanksgiving: Offer thanksgiving to God for His faithfulness, mercy, and grace toward America. Lift up praises for answered prayers, blessings received, and victories won.
  15. Closing Prayer: Conclude the prayer conference by committing the nation, its leaders, and its people into God’s hands. Pray for His continued guidance, protection, and provision over America.

May these prayer points serve as a guide as you intercede for America during the prayer conference. May God hear and answer the prayers of His people, and may His will be done in the nation. Amen.

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