ODM 14th March 2018 by Bishop Dr. Chris Kwakpovwe

ODM 14th March 2018 by Bishop Dr. Chris Kwakpovwe



There was a young man called Edwin, whom the Lord called at the age of 21, to preach the gospel to his village people! Just like told Jeremiah (jer. 1:5), He promise to back him up! Like Joshua, he was encouraged to be courageous! Despite such wonderful promises, there were NO TANGIBLE RESULTS for the first few years except ONE convert who became his interpreter! He was DISAPPOINTED! Our Daily Manna Yesterday

ODM 14th March 2018 by Bishop Dr. Chris Kwakpovwe


ODM 14th March 2018 by Bishop Dr. Chris Kwakpovwe

You must also remember the amazing story of the new retired Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke! He discovers his HEALING AND MIRACLES gift on the day a GUEST SPEAKER he invited to a crusade, failed to show up. He was disappointed! Reinhard had to preach an EMERGENCY SERMON, Half of wish was full of APOLOGIES and EXPLANATION S on why the big man he had invited had not showed up! But as he was speaking, the Holy Ghost showed up! And for the first time, great healings, signs and wonders took place in his ministry. That was how he became a great, worldwide evangelist. ODM 14th March 2018 by Bishop Dr. Chris Kwakpovwe

Our Daily Manna Prayer Points March 2018

Wow! I am led to prophesy now: ‘when men failed to show up this year, God will show up in a big way for you in Jesus name! Amen! Hear this: God can allow man/circumstances to disappoint you this year because he has higher appointment for you! Yes, He will not allow any man, woman or event to take your glory for your tomorrow because you are his battle Axe –Jer 51:20!ODM 14th March 2018 by Bishop Dr. Chris Kwakpovwe

There is also a great lesson on PATINCE here: sometimes your EVIDENCE or DECORATION (results) takes time to show up! But never give up on your Father God! “The I call Him: omniscient calendar,” That is because his calendar is not and cannot be your calendar! He knows ALL THINGS and he declares the end from the beginning –Isaiah 46:9-10.

ODM 14th March 2018 by Bishop Dr. Chris Kwakpovwe

Back to our lead story: The villagers did everything to stop Edwin, but they could not! Then one day, the Lord by the Holy Spirit, instructed him to go to the forest near the village around 1.30am. That was the beginning of the breakthrough of his life because THERE, he was shown the occultic meetings/people contending with his ministry! Oh! As I write today’s devotional in this commercial airplane, you must pray on the delays/disappointments of your life! Whether the devils like it or not, you will arrive at your promise land by fire BECAUSE YOU ARE A BATTLE AXE in God’s hands!

Oh! Don’t miss the ANNUAL BATTLE AXE INTERNATIONAL MINISTERS’ TRAINING CONFERENCE 2018 FOR SECRETS OF MINISTRY AND POWER! Date: March 23rd -25th! Start planning to attend now! 6pm Friday! Saturday 8am, 12pm and 6pm (3 session) ! 25th is Importation service, 8am!

PRAYER POINTS: Take song 3: Because he lives……
Pray about today’s word generally as led now.
Lord I AM YOUR BATTLE AXE! Turn every disappointment to my appointment. Use me to depopulate hell! Turn me into a sign and wonder1! Our Daily Manna March 2018
Give out the next edition of ODM copy a –day testimony!


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