ODM By Dr Chris Kwakpovwe April 5th 2020
One of the most inspirational but confusing scriptures in the Bible is Vs. 8 of today’s 1st scripture: “though He were Son, He learned obedience from the things which He suffered.” How can He that is called the ANCIENT OF DAYS learn obedience? Is He not the ALPHA and OMEGA? Is He not the one called “the faithful witness,” “the firstborn from the dead,” and “the prince of the kings of the earth?” (Rev 1:5). How can the WISEST MASTER BRAIN in the universe/beyond learn again? Ah! He is called the MANIFEST WISDOM of GOD! He is the PRO and VC of the university of life! He is the HIDDEN MANNA, still being explored by the best brains (professors) of the earth Rev 2:7! How can the Professor of professors, the Captain of our salvation, the Dayspring from on High and He who is described as the FAITHFUL SCRIBE ever learn anything? PLEASE Study ODM Daily For Champions 4 April 2020 – “BE THE BEST ANYWHERE AND EVERYWHERE!” – CLICK HERE

ODM By Dr Chris Kwakpovwe April 5th 2020
But the Bible says: He learned obedience from the things which He suffered.” So, though He was PERFECT, HE HAD TO LEARN how to obey because HE HAD NEVER BEEN A LIAR, OR DISOBEYED or been unfaithful! NO! These things or character traits were not in HIS GENE/DNA. It is CONTRARY or STRANGE TO HIS BEING! It is like saying that I have to learn to be a WOMAN because it is not in my blood or DNA to be feminine or to been a woman! Wow! Your God had to learn how to suffer because He had NEVER SUFFERED! He had to learn how to OBEY because He is the ONE to be obeyed! Did the storms not obey Him? The whales of the seas OBEYED HIM! Ask Jonah! The Red Sea OBEYED Him! Ask Moses!
The 5 stones of DAVID OBEYED HIM as He directed them to Goliath’s head! Wow! Did the DONKEY of Balaam not obey Him? He makes animals to speak! Wow! Even the stars and the moon hear His voice and they run to hide when their season is over! That is why He is the king of the night and the ruler of the day! Why do you think Daniel had lions as his protocol officers in his supposed night of death? That’s because even THE LIONS OBEY HIM! Yet such a “Man” and such a God (the GOD-MAN) had to learn how to OBEY for the first time!
Sunday Worship Service 05/04/2020 LIVE – THEME: SECRETS OF ESCAPING SHAME!! – CLICK HERE
Yes! He had to start a new school of obedience because He can never sin and can never lie (2nd scripture)! Trust this God!
The battles and pain you encounter are to produce a better you! Never give up! Hold on and hold out! Pray now! ODM By Dr Chris Kwakpovwe April 5th 2020 – HE HAD TO START A NEW SCHOOL!
52 PROPHETIC MANTLES-IN-ACTION! One special mantle for each Sunday. 52 WEEKS A YEAR! The Lord gave me a
Command to release 52 Mantles this year (every week) to be prayed on the ALTAR Of the MANNA MOUNTAIN LAGOS.
Testimonies are rolling in! Don’t miss any! This is your year!
PRAYER POINTS: Take any song/hymn of worship as led now… CLICK HERE
1. Thank the LORD for today’s word and pray as led now.
2. Thank you LORD for Your forced HUMILITY for my sake! ODM By Dr Chris Kwakpovwe April 5th 2020 – HE HAD TO START A NEW SCHOOL!
- You learnt HOW TO OBEY-all for my sake! Thank you LORD! Pray seriously here “Prayer Points for April -June 2020“
- You were passed through a school of obedience for my sake! Lord, help me not to give up in the battles of life! Help me to learn the lesson for any battle I am allowed to pass through in Jesus name.
- Lord, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE for You to LIE or FAIL! I put my trust in You. I decree that I shall NEVER QUIT in Jesus name.
- Pray in Tongues seriously as led now. CLICK HERE TO – LIVESTREAM Sunday Worship Service 05/04/2020
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